>Boomers ruined classic muscle
>Gen-Xers ruined Jap imports
Is this true?
>Boomers ruined classic muscle
>Gen-Xers ruined Jap imports
Is this true?
>Gen Y and Z ruined the automotive industry in general, they would rather play on their phone and take public transportation.
Gen Y and Z are on this board driving used sportscars.
Gen Z can't even drive
Gen Y are too non-white to afford anything.
>implying Gen Y/Z can afford cars
In declining numbers.
Gen Z changeover happens mid-90s, people born in 2000 aren't underageb& now.
Gen Z can't even drive cars yet, give them a couple more years before you start blaming them
actually it happened in the mid 2000s
Shitty engineering and half assed designed work ruined classic muscle.
You mean sitting in miata threads and sucking each other off, then yeah
Gen Z at the earliest starts at 1995
Supposedly it's if you can remember 9/11 or not.
What will millennials ruin?
Oh wait...
it even says mid 2000s
the official date is 1982 to 2004, but I think that's too broad.
Die already, old fart
No. millennials were definitely born after the early-'90s. If the internet and cell phones were commonplace by the time you were school age, then you're a millennial.
A good test is how vividly a person can remember what they were doing on 9/11.
> Boomers had a passion for automobiles
> Gen-Xers had a passion for Japanese Automobiles
> Gen Zers will have a passion for sleeping in automobiles
Korean cars.
after them it will be Chinese imports.
Sleeping in automobiles is being illegalized in a lot of places so you're forced to pay rent
>posting from a phone
millennial detected.
millenials are 1980 - 1998 (An 18 year cohort group) . You can fudge the numbers around a bit for the start/end dates, but thats generally whats agreed to.
>mid 1990s
Damn, i just had a thought that if Cars in the future are Solar+battery powered, you could literally live in the automated car just driving you around the country while you sleep
Honestly I just go by the US government. To them generations are 18 years each, and they first started with the baby boomers
1946-1964: baby boomers
1964-1982: gen xers
1982-2000: millenials
2000-2018: whatever the next generation is
>Korean cars.
And nothing of value will be lost. Unironically.
I'd say 9:59 am on September 11 is the cutoff. So anyone born before is a millennial and anyone born after is a gen z
Doesn't matter, its not a matter of can't, its they "won't". In 20 more years, car meets will be for only the smallest of hobbyists. Self driving cars will have taken over.
Actually design goals were different back then. Alot of people didnt have paved roads in america so rigid suspension wasnt an option also technology hadn't progressed far enough yet to allow for the maximum potential of the car an example is bias ply tires. They were shit and radials where new at the time and were quite expensive
>spend 50+ thousand on sports car
>drive it 20 under the speed limit
Every time.
I was born in 1995 and I think people my age teeter on the edge between millennial and Gen Z. There's a lot of D A N K meme faggots but also a lot of hipster soys and SJWhales. Maybe it depends on the age of the parents.
please stuff a coffin
No, you're just too poor to afford a classic car.
>muh classic
You're not wrong. Those libtards keep trying to kill cars especially because they're too triggered to get their license
That's the only reason they're expensive.
Cars are a chore, it's only logical.
I would say the latter half of Gen Y would apply to this. When I got my license at 16, it was 2001, no smartphones and not every teen had a cell phone. You still drove to meet up with your friends and go places. I get the impression some people younger than me simply don't give a shit about getting a car and license, they are more concerned about connectivity to their phone and online social status. Cars used to be a judgement for social status. Maybe that will change in my lifetime, the more cars become automated and as public transit expands (like light rail). Many young people rock e-bikes now during non-winter months.
>Browsers of this site ruined the internet
I dunno, I drive Uber and I’m always driving these high school kids who can’t wait to drive, talk about car, what they want, how they wanna drive manual but they’re folks only have autos, etc. I think that young people who don’t care about driving probably live in urban areas with plenty of access to public transport but in my city you need a car or you’re fucked.
>in my city you need a car or you’re fucked.
Where is that?
>Gen Y are too non-white to afford anything.
Dacia Duster is still perfect
No, Gen Y/Z or whatever the gen after the Millenials is, don't have the money to buy a car, just like Millenials.
They have to make do with some old beater nobody wanted anymore. And this is while they still live with their parents, because houses are also too expensive for most.
Also 1995, my parents are boomers so my upbringing was a lot more similar to Gen Y than Z
I didn't have internet til I was 11 for example
gen Z arent old enough to drive
Gen Z started '95-'00, so they are old enough to drive.
Gen-Z are millennials.
Gen-Y is just the group between X and millennials. Really nothing special about them other than being older than millennials.
Gen X are the gen before Millennials
Wrong. Gen-Y is the one before millennials.
It goes: X first, then Y, and then millennials.
I was born in 98 and i'm trying to unruin my jap import.
pic related. those fucking rims make me nauseous.
>people from '98 can go on Veeky Forums now
>people from '98 are still stupid enough to reply to generationbait threads
I like it the rims, but there is too much space between the rim and the brake rotor. Get a BBK or just swap out the rims to something where you can't see the ground through the spokes.
t. fellow Z30 owner.
At least he can speak without >green text.
>>people from '98 can go on Veeky Forums now
People born in 2000 can go on Veeky Forums now.
>they don't use greentext either
wow, I really hoped I wouldn't have been alive for this.
It goes Boomer - Gen X - Millennial - Gen Z
Explain how the fuck you can go from X to Z without a Y in the middle? Literally makes no sense.
It's X, Y, millennials. Z = millennials if you must continue the alphabet motif.
na. the car attracts to many idiots plus those low profiles make the ride a little to rough. I'm planning to go down a size and make the whole car 1. Stand out less 2. More comfortable
>gen y ruining every import
then gen z is already ruining cheap rwd econo boxes
People born after the new millennium can post on Veeky Forums now
2000 is still old millennium.
>generation cucked
prove me wrong
Cars are becoming too expensive for young people.
I have a car, but it's a cuteish small displacement-let one because that's what I can afford.
>200 was 1818 years ago
i feel old
Hopefully you are right user. Gen Z will be the savior or the death of the West
Generation Y is what Millennials are.
I remember before "Millennial" was used as a term, 80s and early 90s babies were coined as Gen Y. I'm in Gen Y, I much prefer that term over being called a millennial. Gen Z doesn't have a name yet but might as well be "Millennial 2 - Electric Boogaloo".
Fuck man you are retarded. Boomers were Gen W and millenials were Gen Y. Gen X got the name to stick because it was a catchy media name.
GenX- Born 1967, Engineer by trade, Enthusiast by choice
I go to shows all over the US and the percent of GenX'rs that are into ricers is
Why does everything have to be "ruined". If you like something just fucking like it, don't be influenced by a bunch of keyboard wielding neckbeards who tell you if something is or isn't cool.
>complains about neckbeards
>literal neckbeards in his anons pix
t. state of Veeky Forums
The veilside rx7 is cheating if you're gonna post ruined cars
>Generation Y is what Millennials are.
Nope. Gen Y can remember life before the internet, the Clinton adminstration, 9/11, OJ trials, etc. Millennials never deployed for the invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq, they don't know what Napster, limewire, or Kazaa were, 9/11 was fuzzy at best for them, and kids with cell phones was commonplace.
>citation needed
Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the generational demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
Good user, stock wheels are always the best wheels
>demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
Stop believing this bullshit.
A 15yo today does not have a whole lot in common with a 35yo to have both of them be placed in the same demographic. The age separation is large enough to have one be the parent of the other. In other words: two different generations.
Boomer spotted
Blows my mind seeing people post who were born after 9/11
Holy fuck you're retarded fucking google what the nickname for Gen Y is you mouthbreather.
>A 15yo today
Born 2003 (Gen Z)
>not similar to 35yo today
Born 1983 (Beginning of Gen Y, aka Millennials)
>runing cheap rwd econo boxes
Where are these rwd econoboxes? I've been looking for them for years.
Toyota Starlet user, rare as shit and I've been looking for one for ages to swap a 4age or a 13b into it
Yeah, I know people my age whose parents are still in their 40s and others whose are damn near ready for the retirement home. I bet that has a fair bit to do with it
>cheap econobox
doesn't a cheap econobox have to be in decent supply to qualify? Maybe that was a cheap econobox back in the day, but it sure as shit isn't anymore. The era of the econobox is over because we've inflated their value so much due to their low cost, that their cost has outgrown their worth and original intent.
All hail the crossover revolution, because this totally won't follow the same direction as the SUV revolution from the early 2000s, right gays?
Pretty much true
>Gen Y
>Gen Z
It is pathetic they just resorted to an unoriginal sequential naming convention for generations now.
The X in Gen X actually had a connotation.
most people use millennials instead of gen Y
2003 is early-2000s, silly. That's still a millennial according to you.
>I decide that post 2000 is still Gen Y despite the majority consensus stating otherwise
The generational gap from Y become Z is more realistically between years 1995-2000, but there is still debate due to the fact that Gen Z hasn't reached adulthood and demographics are still difficult to place
>according to you
really? I said that? I think you've got the wrong guy. I'd argue that Gen Z has a soft beginning in 95 and starts undoubtedly in 2001 after 9/11
even a cursory glance at Gen Z's wikipedia page would explain why you're wrong, please fellate a cactus.
Aboslutely true.
>really? I said that?
Yes, in this post: >demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
2003 is still early-2000s. Or did you want to argue that point as well?
Either way, the point was that you need to stop drinking whatever Kool-Aid that tells you that a parent and child are the same generation.
I'll do the cursory glance at wikipedia for you because you can't do said simple task. Mentioned under Date and age range definition, the following years are mentioned as being Gen Z
after 2000
starting 1997
starting 1993
after 1996
after 2000
after 9/11/2001
In only one opinion is Gen Z occurring after your said year, the majority in government and industry consider mid to late 90s to be the changeover point. You have no leg to stand on, your entire point is based on some other user saying that there is debate on the starting years. You are wholly incorrect.
>In only one opinion is Gen Z occurring after your said year
I never mentioned what year "Z" started, dummy.
> the majority in government and industry consider mid to late 90s to be the changeover point.
Actually they all seem rather evenly dispersed. Most of them list mid- and late-'90s. But of those that did, half of them list mid and the other half lists late. Split into three groups, there really is no concensus between mid-90s, late-90s, and post-2000. As such, you really can't determine where the cut-off is with the information given.
Sorry, but your "Wikipedia says so" point crumbles when your sources cannot agree and, in some cases, contradict itself.
>arguing that 2003 is still Gen Y
>agrees that the majority of sources agree that 2003 is not gen Y
>because there's no concrete year, you can't disprove me
>said year is beyond the range of all but one source
>>arguing that 2003 is still Gen Y
Holy shit, dude. I was arguing AGAINST that this whole time. See
>gen X
>japanese car imports
the average Gen X'er is someone who was a teenager in the mid-70s to mid-80s
if they ever had a stereotypical type of car it would be things like the Foxbody or 3rd Gen Camaro in the US or the Golf GTI / Escort XR3 plus 350cc japanese 2-stroke bikes in Europe
I'll just say this here. The 2006/2007 school year was the death of Millennial; kid culture and the start of Gen Z kid culture.
That's when you get Hannah Montana, Disney Channel's billion sitcoms, the Wii and PS3, widespread broadband, final death of AOL, Fred figglehorn, widespread laptops, explosion of online gaming, Cartoon Network making live action shit, Chowder and Flapjack, and all sorts of other things.
Pic related breaks it down.