>drive a hot hatch while another hot hatch is behind me
>tailgates me while I'm going 15 over the limit
>is clearly pushing me into street racing him
>continue to not break the law more than I already am
>he passes me at full throttle while giving me the finger
This happened to me for the second time today. Does refusing to do a pull make you a pussy? Do you guys ever get nervous when your competition has something to prove?
Drive a hot hatch while another hot hatch is behind me
I just blow a kiss in their direction and watch them spaghetti
It's like a dog trying to get another dog to play with them.
I know that feel. I don't race anybody, leave that shit for sims and the track. Also drag racing is fag racing.
Though I recently did a pull to cut off some fuck in a mustang that was going way too fast in a merge lane, just to embarrass them. Dropped down to the speed limit as soon as the merge lane ended.
Become shingo.
>Does refusing to do a pull make you a pussy?
To your tailgater, yes. But why do you care?
>Do I get nervous about competition?
Nah, I ain't a faggot.
I don't do 15 over in my "hot hatch", it's to obnoxious to not get pulled over and it attracts "hey bro wanna do a pull" faggots like your tailgater.
That said, I will wring out the gears if I have an open road in a non-residential area. That's what I bought it for.
Kind of a bitch move, dude just wanted to play a little. That said I get it. Sometimes I just don't feel like being a speedy speed boy.
He probably wanted to know if you were dtf
I feel stupid referencing a defensive driving class, but they taught a small rule that I think is actually really useful and applies to more than just cars;
>Will it matter in 5 seconds from now?
>Will it matter 5 minutes from now?
>Will it matter 5 days from now?
>Will it matter 5 weeks from now?
>Will it matter 5 years from now?
In the heat of the moment, it feels more important than anything to ~uphold your honor~, but when you think about it, do you really remember the people that mildly annoyed you while driving 5 days ago?
That guy sure won't remember you 5 days from now, so is the potential of a speeding ticket or even suspension worth it? Nah. Let em have their pissy fit and go on with their day. You don't matter to them, so don't let them matter to you.
get a bumper sticker that says "tail-gaters have tiny cocks"
try driving a gc8 wrx lol
>at stoplight
>car isn't crazy loud but you can hear it nicely when accelerating
>kid in crossover/sedan/shitbox floors it like he lives his life a quarter mile at a time
mental disorders are rampant. ignore them.
If it’s through the twisties then I’ll play otherwise that faggot can fuck off
These desu
i never exceed 10mph over, and when some fag starts tailgating me ill start to go 5mph under. if he tries to pass me ill speed back up to 10mph over
You're a pussy if you cave to peer pressure. Don't fucking race someone if you don't want to, he's a little bitch for getting pissy about it.
Are you that faggot from Texas who though he’d get cucked if someone with NY plates merged in front of him?
>Does refusing to do a pull make you a pussy?
No. Don't let them bait you. It's not worth getting a ticket, your car impounded, or worse.
There's a specific etiquette that needs to be followed for impromptu street racing that that other guy clearly doesn't understand.
Solid argument
>white McLaren 720s on my ass revving at me in moderate traffic on a 3 lane road
>speed up to maybe 20 over but it was like he was glued to my bumper (I have almost 500hp)
>as soon as he gets an opening he blows by me and through a light that had just turned red at probably 110 mph
>other mustang driver sees what happens pull up to me at a light and says that McLaren just walked me like a dog but at least you tried
i've heard of police trying this sort of thing, baiting people to get more fines
i sincerely hope some road raging idiot blows your brains out for acting so petty you small dicked loser
found the tailg8r.. calm down ya tard.. mommy take away your ps4 again?
I race people sometimes when they’re willing, that guys sounds like a fag. People who get mad when you don’t do launches are stupid.
nope. i let people merge. but when theres no one behind me and some cunt tries to pass me then get in front of me, fuck them. if you need to get in my lane, slow down and get behind me, not speed up, get in front of me, only to start slowing down for your turn making me have to slow down too.
7 inches. suck it
I love doing this. Especially on single lane roads. Can’t do shit about it. Suck it normies
>he passes me at full throttle while giving me the finger
Were you in the left lane or something? If not, dude's just an asshole.
guarantee you this is what happened. johnny numbnuts is over in the fast lane listening to his olivia newton john playlist with his hands at 10 and 2 going about 5mph under the speed limit and clogging up traffic. meanwhile there's a shitload of cars lined up behind him trying to get past the fucking road block he and the 80 yr old jap lady in the next lane have set up.
>drive a non-faggot hatch (z)
>blitz past you slow losers everytime
>corners included
>tailgating me while Im going 15mph over the speed limit
can you tards not read?
You haven't explained which lane you were in.
>going 15mph over
it literally doesn't matter. anyone who goes more than 15mph over when traffics so congested you can't just pass on the right (lol fuck rules anyway amirite) clearly is compensating for tiny genitalia
They have a dog chasing another dog mentality like said. So what you do is pull a /K/ and have a friend roll down the rear window and show the tailgater an AK. So one day you to can quote the great warrior poet Ice Cube and say, "If the day does not require an AK, it is good."
Been watching Generation Kill the last few days.
I have a bright red with black racing straps car thats loud af even if I'm doing like 5 over I have cops flip u turns or pull out quick from center medians
If you need to brandish an AK, then the day required an AK.
>Does refusing to do a pull make you a pussy?
Maybe it makes you feel like a pussy because you're clearly insecure.
>Do you guys ever get nervous when your competition has something to prove?
Not really. I see it as pathetic on their part if they are so desperate to get my attention
Wew you really got us good you fucking moron, next time you find yourself hanging out in the left lane do everyone a favor and swerve off the shoulder
next time you find yourself going more than 15mph over the speed limit when theres traffic on the road please drive straight into a pole
>guarantee you this is what happened. johnny numbnuts is over in the fast lane listening to his olivia newton john playlist with his hands at 10 and 2 going about 5mph under the speed limit and clogging up traffic. meanwhile there's a shitload of cars lined up behind him trying to get past the fucking road block he and the 80 yr old jap lady in the next lane have set up.
this entire scenario. it wouldn't be so funny if I couldn't imagine an actual Veeky Forums poster doing something like that
>thinking about something that reeeeaally made me upset recently
>read your post
Yes, yes, yes, yes, no. Fuck you.
The few times people have done this to me, I dunno if they wanted to race, or if they were just being massive cunts, but I was able to just put the pedal down and get a good distance away because it's usually people in shitty little cars for some reason, and left it at that.
I remember every street race I do
good post.
Conversely, 90% (number I pulled out of thin air) of car/motorbike advertising says the all of these matter, for "muh memories"
>drive v6 catfish
>every single sn95 wants to race as if they make more power than my v6
>laff when they break the tires loose off the line and curb the fuck out of their ride