League of Legends general - /lolg/

Star Guardians soon...

OT: eyosongive.us

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still the best SG

i wish i was a girl

i wish my friends played dota instead of this


I wish I could violate a Star Guardian (female)

I love Camille

where the cute female (male) posters at

xth for Syndra

Is the new champion good? What should I expect? I haven't played for the last several weeks. What are common bans now?

>game becomes ARAM all mid, gogo team fights
nice game lolbabs


reminder that Quinn x Lucian is CANON

>there are people ITT whose favorite skin line is star guardian


But why? I only play like 3 heroes max in league. Infact in league why would you even want to unlock every hero? most of them do the same thing

So how was your day lolg? How's your league going?

>Wake up
>Invasion not enabled yet


I only play champs with Star Guardian skins so it will be nice to have some more variety

xth for breast metal waifu

>SG Ahri cosplay already
I like to think that good cosplayers are wizards are something

>Urgot rework accomplished nothing

i woke up again, so its pretty awful

But Lucian was with Senna so it's more Quinn cucked his dead wife and then B L E A C H E D Lucian.

Get ready to ban them.

If it's so good, why don't you play Dota then?

New items empowered items that are shit
Ban Zac

lucian has a wife
and even if it was lucian is a respectable man, aka not a nigger
so thats alright

i'm at home rn

I'm playing draft and banning Ahri every game cause Jinx is still the best SG

>that pillar
Was he just handing him the penta on a silver plate?

His winrate is higher now and i actually find him fun to play now. Only downside is newgot can no longer cheese people to death like oldgot.

Working out stuff for a move for a job I got

>League stuff
Azir miniwork looks to be taking option 1 the one I didn't want as much as option 2 but his E has a new interesting effect:

>Offensive Azir E - Now scales with AP, generates a soldier on hitting an enemy champ (tentative mechanic, but testing well), shield duration lower.

My biggest fear is they make him closer to Ekko instead. And then people build him tank, get him gutted because he does obscene amounts of damage because base stats yadda yadda....that song and dance. But if all goes well the Shurima Shuffle looks to be the primary element for his gameplay and maybe he'll be lunging himself at the enemy more as an offensive measure rather than a defensive one.

>Implying I play anything but blind pick
Nice try

Hey at least at home you can have the privacy to be a qt girl right

Id just cant take this game seriously anymore
I constantly need to remind people to buy defense items
Need to ping out every single fucking gank
need to tell them that perhaps its not a good idea to push on after their entire team is respawning

and even then its a 50% chance that they actually listen and make the correct move or decide to do retarded shit like overstaying and dying

I know how to build, I check my minimap, Im not feeding, then why do i stil lget these people in my matches?

>EU LOL Pros think DotA is superior
Of course they do, they're braindamaged thirdworlders, those are the only people that play DotA.

MF dindu nuffin, but anyone with a built in flash/bailout or dot ult can fuck right off.

I dont know what he did, but Im glad he did it. Ez penta for me.

As an azir main myself, Im sad to see him get changed. I like him as a weak early hypercarry that he is now. At least they'll keep the shurima shuffle.


>Implying he resist the booty


post op.gg

rito actually lets you put benis in your name


ez jung what is this spicy new meme

You don't "play" dota, you compete in dota. Against your self, against the enemy, against your teammates.
"playing" is for casual games, like league. Well I mean you guys can not play your game because even in a video game you try to enjoy for escapism, if you dont adhere to the rules quantified by riotTM you will get banned.

Literally the cuckolds of gaming, bravo league. Bravo.

his hair in this pic lookds like a bunch of turds

>2.5x the players
>3x the tournaments
>almost 1/3rd the prize pool

>having alot of thirdworlders pay for TI Compendiums means the game is better
It means Valve didnt give a fuck about DotA and knew it was a dead game so they made you sad fucks pay for the prize pool.

>Jinx got jealous of Lux


Source? please?

You have to be mentally challenged to want to support Valve i any way.

yes lets give tencent (china) more money instead of a hard working american company

Is it that time of the week when the insecure dota cuck decides to spam our thread because for some reason he gets irrationally angry at people enjoying another game?

>M-muh Kickstarter prize pools
It only affects pro players. Your game is more boring and has 10% of lol's playerbase, sorry bud

Maybe go to twitch and contribute with a view, they need it

What if they ban Jinx?

Don't do Blind Picks.

should I care that the company is american? I am not american my dude

>10% of lol's playerbase
you don't actually believe this do you

>hard working american company

Blind pick and ARAM are literally the only fun modes in the game. I can't imagine the kind of retard who actually enjoys draft pick or ranked.


how about not giving either of them money?

the difference is it doesn't take literal months to unlock characters in dota if you decide to not give anyone money

Is it because you like to win matches against newcomers?

The monthly active player numbers a year ago were 100 million for lol and 13 million for dota

>half a million players on average over the last month
>peaked at 1.3 million players
>compared to 100 million monthly players
Sorry, its 0.5% of LoL's player base

yeah boy I sure love going up against blitz/lux/ranged mage cancer shit every game

>Still no porn of them all bullying Esreal

Uhh lolfags???

I like playing games with people who like playing games, not mongloids who like to pretend they're playing esports and autistically care about shit like what rank they are. Nobody, and I mean nobody has ever gotten pussy from being high rank in League of Legends so why the fuck would you give a shit about it.

But you're playing a shit game and the time you spend playing it is time you hate.

>make 2 friends from this thread
>one only spams jinx which I personally think is to put it lightly wacko but i cant hate, at least they cs well and land crazy ass PogChamp cross-map ult kills

>one i spend a few hours helping get back into league after a while, get to feel good playing morde and showing him what morde does to drag

>i will get skins and champs for this but mainly I get two nonautistic people to play with when i get bored of spamming yi and fizz in yolo queue
Feels fucking good man.

keyword here is "unique" players

riot, for obvious reasons does not state unique, and includes smurfs, and does not state what "active" entails.

Why are you shilling riot for free exactly?


>you don't actually believe this do you
1.2kk, Your all time peak, which you don't achieve since a looong time ago is 10% of lol's active playerbase in a single month from last year

In reality, it's less than 10% considering your current players

Dota used to be fun, but chinks cant deal with best character so icefrog has to delete fun

Bless you user

>unique players
>riot, for obvious reasons does not state unique, and includes smurfs, and does not state what "active" entails.
And? Are you saying there are 99 million smurfs or people who arent "active"? Because thats the only way DotA is going to come close to League

1.3 million players ALL TIME PEAK

Your game is fucking trash, why are you shilling valve for free exactly?

m8 just put 1.2m
no one says 'thousand thousand'


>It’s hard to put 100 million monthly players in context for a game like this. The next closest MOBA, DOTA 2, has 13 million monthly players,

don't let it sting too much, return to your irrelevant shithole before this gets even more embarassing

Dota is the better game to watch. LoL is the better game to play. Dota feels like I'm moving my character through sludge, the autistic need to keep mechanics from WarCraft 3. a game that came out in 2002, really stifles it in a lot of ways

At least LoL feels responsive and the games are quick and fun

>Nobody, and I mean nobody has ever gotten pussy from being high rank in League of Legends

>Despite releasing that figure alongside this story going live, Beck and Merrill claim to hate discussing numbers, which they say is why the company hasn’t provided any for the last two years.

It's because the numbers are skewed in their favor

Why would any, "billion dollar company" hate giving out information to their potential investors? Because they will be caught in a lie, because eventually they will want more numbers, more accurate numbers and more narrowed numbers such as (Current unbanned level 30 accounts, current players actually playing ranked, accounts that play daily)

I don't know who you're trying to fool but league is stagnating and I would bet money that the amount of people that continue to still play this shit daily is far below 100 million

>more nigger trigger nerfs
why riot

is this some epic set up to you posting the awake version? the payout isnt gonna be worth all the autistic posts you made

Korea does it so clearly it'll work the same in what I can only assume is low silver. Have fun!

>tfw league babies try dota

two months ago my main was turned into a midlaner in the blink of an eye and the world stood by and watched

>abuse lucian bot in depths of plat with support duo
>pbe nerfs to mid lucian
m-my freelo

>gets clear playercount data shoved on his face
>go into a rant of what ifs
come back anytime user

>far below 100 million
And still at least 50x more than your shit game

solo lane Lucian is cancer

Q + BLAM BLAM = 25% of your HP and he runs off before minions retaliate

its just a bit too oppressive at the moment and since hitting Lucians range even more would make it basically impossible to range bot Riot will just nerf his power

Damn she's so flat.

i mean i enjoyed both games, i took a long ass break from league but once they deleted techies i couldnt stand playing dota anymore even if i liked the game more regardless of how much i like the characters more

but league has riven so it will always win

>play faceless void
nice game dotards

Theres a reason why they don't do these anymore - because the game is dying.

>hurr durr [game journalist] hi were riot games we have ESTIMATED over 100m players monthly

>we have the technology to give you the exact number of le upvotes but we won't give you an exact player count

Game is dying, face it.

>mfw Leaguebabs falseflag dotababs for (you)'s because they're pathetic, bored and don't have any better ways to spend their time

go do something productive.

>Game is dying, face it.
i wish i was dying

Jokes on you sperg, I don't even have the awake version.

>1.3 million playing at the same time
>in 2011
>dota2 couldnt top that in 6 years

>2500 hours in dota
>Reached 4k and uninstalled
literally no reason to play the game after you get 4k and have something to brag about. In lol its at least possible to reach the top with training. Good luck getting 6-7k if you havent played since dota allstars

get ready for the season 2 of this shit who is gonna ruin everything