ITT: Games that are historically accurate/realistic
You first, OP.
i dunno, out of all of the ones ive played i would say hearts of iron 4 (assuming youre a major power) is quite close to the mark whilst not being too limitng
battlefield 1 and Assassins Creed (made by a multicultural team)
So much so that gameplay suffers.
The game is a relatively basic set of rules and about 45 scenarios detailing various wars from Marius vs Sulla all the way to a hypothetical rebellion raised by Belisarius at the end of the Italian campaign.
The designers notes admit that most of them aren't balanced at all, and just has someone curb-stomp someone else; only about a fifth of them are actually more or less even.
>Either of those things
The AI is so ridiculously poor it will often do shit like Germany declaring war on the Soviet Union without even conquering Poland first
Japan will do crazy shit like sending hundreds of thousands of troops to Europe and their troop convoys can't be stopped or destroyed.
All the actual strategy is gone because you can just draw a line across the map, set your units on it, go get coffee, and the war will be won for you when you get back.
I've conquered the whole Soviet Union in just a few years as Poland, using only infantry and cavalry.
The game is easy as shit even on veteran difficulty.
7 inf battalions + 2 art + recon and engineer can wreck anything
It's the worst hearts of Iron game yet
They've even removed the late-war starts so you're forced to start in either 1936 or 1939
Once the actual war starts it quickly devolves into a clusterfuck of bordergore and thousands of units all cramming the map and turning it into a slideshow in terms of FPS
I could go on
It's fucking garbage
EU IV is good as well, i can recommend you Imperium Universalis mod, the best Paradox mod after Black Ice.
>a historically accurate/realistic game
pick one
Here's what you need to do to have the perfect experience:
The only good paradox game is Victoria II with HPM
>he hasn't played EU2/For the Glory with AGCEEP mod
Having tons of slightly railroady historical events with set options for Alt history is so fun.
> Liquoria II
Ck2 is the best game I've played as far history goes
Many characters even have a button by their names that links you to their Wikipedia page.
Also the gameplay is relatively realistic in regards to wartime (blitzkrieg will get you nowhere unlike tw games)
This, CK2 is awesome
t. changeowner pro
Can't tell if excellent bait or an actual 12 yo
Anything by Gary Grigsby. I wish he'd make a Vietnam War game instead of just WWII
the biggest con of this game is the non-existent naval combat.
Too easy to blob out of control and the Pope is too impotent to be truly historical.
That being said, the game is a riot. West Slavic portrait pack when?
CK2+ makes the game even better
>Gary Grigsby
dayum dat's some quality old-school hardcore war-gaming right there dawg
all me
HIP Mod with CK2 is the best combo
Pic related. The diplomatic system is shit (non existent really) but it's really good at simulating trench warfare and the balancing. Winning as the Central Powers is ridiculously hard. You can't really game the system, the situation is usually going to develop similarly to real life: Schlieffen plan always fails and Germany has to concentrate on knocking Russia out first, Romania gets owned no matter what you do etc. The only part of the game that's problematic is the Caucasus. Russia usually wouldn't set up a frontline there so it's easy to invade it with the Ottomans all the way to Tsaritsin.
>that subject
>that picture
Based Erdogan
Turks are based
Turks are based
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
Post pops
What a useless post.
Ah, so you're just a shitposter.
hmm OP have you looked at uninstall.exe
That's true to history, though.
Jebeni klokani.