/aog/ Attorney Online General

Verin ruins cases edition
>What is Attorney Online?
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DGS2 trailer youtube.com/watch?v=U6oclCrPyNo
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First for this thread has gone downhill

>he actually made the case a bit more entertaining

>creepy hope memes and "lel bad luck"
>Basically stalking hajime
>Hopeman wearing panties
Shut the fuck up and stop defending that degenerate

Nice try Verin

>creepy hope memes
Don't you have a blog post to write about the objectification of women?

can't be as bad as the discord

No, but i have pages upon pages of shit i can say about that shitter and how the circlejerk protects their "fragile little Verin"

Frozen is a part of Verin's defense force.
Let everyone know.

Leave Verin alone bully bro instead

Bro protects that little shit too, fuck him.

Good now bully Anongrill

No, all of our problems stem from that shitter, Verin.
If he left, AO would be happier for it, and AOV would flourish,

AOV wouldn't flourish friend, Anongrill is as big a problem as Verin

No she is not, she is a beautiful goddess.
Verin forced argo out.
Forced a shitty witch hunting rule
And generally is hated by absolutely everyone.

It's hard to take you seriously when you refer to Anongrill of all people as a goddess. Let us test your wit then. Do you believe Namu should be removed?

Stop trying to change the subject off of Verin.
This thread is about how horrible he is, and that is the line in the sand i draw.
Namu defends that fuck too.
Remove Verin or delete AOV, those are the only two options.

I like the latter option.

>thread about witchhunting one player
>not about AA discussion or the like

If you hate it so much, either strengthen your shitty rules that let me do these things, or remove Verin.
I'm never going to stop until he is gone.
Last night was too far.

Neither will happen user. The chances of fixing our rules or Verin leaving are both equal to the chances of ridding us of Rhoda for good. Which, as shown by his reappearance, has been brought down to no chance at all.

>your shitty rules
>implying I run jack shit

Then enjoy me bringing him up and all of his fault every chance i get, until everybody hates him completely and without recourse. Then he will simply be ran out by the players.
Like i did to names before him, we will be rid of this plague.

But Names is still here :^)

Yeah I'm sure that worked out with hat and Rhoda
Who let me remind you are still here

Names is in hiding so deep that it does not matter anymore.
Hat is so hated by the community that they poorly disguise themselves as ibuki and shitpost in CT's to avoid being ousted.
Rhoda is a piece of shit tranny who puppets people for their own amusement, but you never see them case anymore.
Verin is worse than all of them.

I'll admit that Verin has many, many quirks but I can't see them being worse than Rhoda of all people. I'm sensing a good bit of bias here.

is that what you call being an irredeemable shitter?
Come on now, it is far more than retarded fucking quirks.

I can insult him till the cows come home, as can you. Though being salty over one retard will not change a thing. I just want to know how Verin is worse than some tranny fuck who solicited dick pics, used them to blackmail people, and who I'm pretty sure was the worst mod in AOV history.

He's worse because he is so well liked, regardless of being a piece of shit. He has people so wrapped around his bullshit sob stories, they think all he is, is retarded. Not a manipulative piece of shit that he is.
He ran Argo off for god's sake.

I can't see how he's well-liked as you say. Minus people on the >discord, he's not particularly popular in the client, hell, one might call him infamous there. As for the Argo incident. I've heard several stories about the scenario, but the main thing I'm getting is that Argo simply hated AOV. I'm not sure if Verin really caused him to quit, or if it was his hatred of the client that caused it. Are you certain Verin is to blame for this?

>Last night was too far
>The case ended in slight memes but everyone said they had fun overall
What are you smoking, I'd like some.

Hard to see that when I see him call Verin retarded to his face during arguments, it seems like he's barely tolerated on there.

Serious question to the people who voted off Hazama: Why? I don't remember any Hazama memes crashing cases (although that could just be me). In fact, most of the Hazama's I've seen have actually been pretty fun.


A fair amount of cases I saw him in, he was usually the worst part. Played either by tryhard players as an unbearable prosecutor, or as a giant shitposter. His removal still won't change much, but that is likely part of the reasoning for others too.

Bad rep as a shitpost character for looking like adachi, and the content creation circlejerk hating him because he didn't come from them

Are you certain Verin is to blame for this?
Yes, i will punch anyone in the throat who disagrees. Verin is the reason argo left and deleted the CC server.
Verin harmed the same community he claims to love.

Argo did say that there was very little keeping him on AO, and Verin argued that if he wasn't enjoying himself he should just go. He may have been on his way out already, but the process was greatly expedited

>Trying to start a case in A1
>Random Moe signs up in the doc and starts shitposting
>Doc suddenly gets bombed within a few minutes

This isn't an AAI guys, why the shit is the incompetent mod team not able to make a simple fucking deduction?

Verin made him leave, enough said.
I have, can, and will continue to crash cases he builds and is in, just to blame it on him and further hurt his already tenuous reputation on this server.

Hey buddy, if you're trying to pull off a plan to manipulate the masses, it's a bad idea to reveal that plan to said masses you're trying to trick

As if Verin isn't ruining his own reputation enough himself

what the fuck did names do

Clearly not, since someone feels like they need to manufacture disasters for him to expedite the process

If shitposting is a sign you're a docbomber, we need to ban everyone.

>Why doesn't the mod team accuse this person of docbombing with no evidence besides speculation

I'm glad they don't listen to retards like you.

>Doc has been fine for the entire time it was building
>Doc suddenly gets bombed once the one person that's new and isn't at all invested in the doc appears

I'm sorry, I can't tell if you're mentally disabled or you're just building up a shoddy excuse that basically gives immunity to doc bombers

>What is idling in a doc until someone people will kneejerk blame shows up then bombing it

I can tell you're retarded or the doc bomber trying to false flag.

>Signed on to wit 2
>Not invested in the case

So am I to take it that doc bombing is basically unbannable?

You literally can't prove someone is a doc bomber unless they admit it.

You heard it, everyone. Time to bomb docs until the mods decide to grow some balls and do something about it.

>Do something about something that's impossible to deal with.

Then it keeps happening. Tough shit, but you said it yourself: nothing can be done about it.

Or people can not be dickheads that ruin everyone else's fun for no reason.

>Completely misses the point of having a mod team
Think a little bit.

>Blaming the mods for something they can't prevent.

I'm convinced you're the docbomber having a giggle, so here's one last (You), shitposter-kun.

Will Mia ever escape the curse?

Remember: There is no Mia curse if nobody plays as Mia

Bullying Mias is my fetish, so I'll never stop.


>Area 7: Lounge (users: 17)

Why is it so fun to bully Mia?

>Remove Verin
As likely as removing anongrill rhoda fclss or hat.

argo was a mental case desu. He randomly hated the shit out of this place.

Just ban ALL of them.

Cute distressed emote + big tits + mindbreaking a confident woman fetish + revealing outfit

This place is worse than the Discord.

Are you sure about that?


Nope, just a dead thread.

Hope it stays dead, this was just groady.

What killed the general?

Its forced existence from the banished /v/ threads prominently, followed closely by the discord existing and having all notable conversation take place there, with the final nail in the coffin being the client features making some of the thread's tasks unnecessary

Hurricane case when?
