Intellectual red flags threads

Intellectual red flags threads
>Follows religion for political reasons
>Uses terms like immoral, degenerate, evil
>Partakes in identity politics
>Believes in objective morality

>firmly adheres to a political ideology

>he doesn't watch anime

>watches Chinese cartoons for little girls

>Moral relativist
>doesn't accept forms

Modern philosophers are nothing but Sophist.

This to be honest

>doesn't follow religion for political reasons
Why not though?

>Distregards the concept of evil
>Spergs out when someone mentions morality
desu this

Because it literally amounts to feels>reals

>brings up quantum physics when the discussion topic has nothing to do with it
>"thought leadership, innovation, blank as a Service, Internet of Things"
>I read an article in HBR
>I watched a TED talk about...

>Places modern ideologies and isms onto time periods which have nothing to do with them (i.e Nationalism, Racism)
>Quotes a religious text as "evidence" for an argument
>Use of the word "cuck"
>People who politicise points in history
>"Did x DESERVE y???"
>People placing morality on historical events like "good" and "bad"

If you do this shit, you're a fool.

>thinks & Humanities is a good idea
>says "you don't get it" without explaining why
>doesn't site his sources
>post smug anime face


I agree with you on the terms degenerate and evil, but not so much about immoral. Do human rights abuses have any meaning to you?

>Not believing in objective morality
>Jesus would vote for my party/follow my ideology!

>thinks marxism means equality
>thinks capitalism isnt a jewish plot

>has opinions about political ideologies
>believes in moral standards
>uses a political label or none
>votes for a certain political party
>is disinterested in politics
>disagrees with people on the internet
>likes any form of entertainment
>has personal problems

>Not understanding that religion forms an important institutional foundation for civilization

As Nietzsche points it doesn't matter if a belief is a lie, what matters is the result.

>posts anime


>Modern philosophers are nothing but Sophist.
More like the exact opposite, which is actually far worse.

>posts on Veeky Forums