>plan april saturday meet
>plan upcoming mid cal meet
>dont forget coolant
great turnout yesterday lads
>plan april saturday meet
>plan upcoming mid cal meet
>dont forget coolant
great turnout yesterday lads
Some of you S/o/cal guys are alright. DO show up tomorrow. May CHP forget how I'm about to drive...
I can't believe Slav ISF actually came up to NorCal for a fucking meet. I thought he was going to chicken out like some bitch but the madman stuck to his word.
Looking forward to him coming up again. I thought he was going to be some sort of fag judging by the way he posts but was a cool dude
when's the next meet that's not for vampires?
also are Meats dead?
gotta watch those carbs my fatties
>the same route all over again not even in a month's time
Fuck off
You missed out when we did it almost every week for 2 months
Set one up if you want a meet. Give people 2 weeks notice and they'll come out. If not, the next day time meet will be the possibly disastrous beach meet in May.
The Chabot entrance to Redwood Road is closed but you can still get in from Oakland. From what I have heard, it is empty since nobody wants to drive to a dead end. Google says it's about a 20 min stretch of road which means you guys are going to do it in half that so the whole meet might just be 20 minutes. Are there any other roads of there that could help fill it out? Pinehurst road has a good looking part but it takes you through two populated areas, one of them being the rich area and you know the cops are going to be there immediately to serve their masters
ramen touge is a monthly meetup on the third/fourth thursday of the month, if you want to do something else make a meet
good news. Redwood road reopens on the 31st.
It's short and might be full of people and park rangers so someone will have to scout it out first but this has the potential to be a great route for a mini-
meet. This should also satisfy some of you who are upset that norcal meets are in the south bay.
>N/o/rCal abandons the WRX with a fucked radiator hose
>Nobody goes back to help except for the S/o/Cal guy with the GTI
You guys are pathetic.
I was thinking of going to one of these meets eventually. Is Fresno considered N/o/rcal or S/o/cal? [spoiler]I promise I won't steal your radio to sell for meth[/spoiler]
He should have had a radio to let us know imo
>Approach the only stop sign on HW9
>Keep on going instead of turning onto Skyline
He was soycal
neither norcal nor socal wants you 2bh famalama
there may be a meet near sequoia later this year
Fresno is Mid/CentCal. We will be planning some future meets further south to take advantage of the fun roads there and for more Socal encounters as well.
Corolla driver here. I can give you the full story on what happened and why I told the WRX guy to stay with the GTI guy (including how GTI guy wouldn't have found WRX guy had I not doubled back and turned at the right spot), if you promise to stop being vagstipated :^)
was it the silver wrx with the thot
No it was the handsome weeb.
but the handsome weeb drove an MR2
No the handsome weeb drove the silver mustang
>silver mustang
you're color blind, it was red
You're both wrong. The handsome weeb was the balding asian daddy-bod in the acura
I can smell this picture
That thing was kinda weird. It had a bump in the chest area but had a raspy voice.
gawd I had such a bad smile for the cam there.;_;
On the contrary, my silver Subbie has been saved and fixed! Everything functions normally! Thanks to GTI owner (and Corolla Owner) for helping a fellow br/o/.
I Will be coming for the April meet and will bring a set of tools and extra supplies for any potential mishaps!! (Will also buy a radio)
what was wrong with it?
maybe just bring a better car
ran out of vape juice
Host got torn open while driving hard. I crashed the night with one of the socal boys and we got another hose from AutoZone in the morning. We installed it and we were all good!
That route looks inefficient. Let's just take 280.
What thing?
not that convincing but I would still smash her from behind
>stopoff point
>someone takes a lot longer than expected
>fuckhead would have kept us out till daybreak
I, for one, agree with leaving people behind if they don’t maintain their car.
No, we should definitely take all 20 cars and block off the road instead of sending a 2-car scouting party and wait >30min in the cold for them to come back. It's the only way to let normies know we own the touge.
Or do what we did and keep going. Not our responsibility if someone doesn’t maintain their cars or drives like a retard and crashes.
we were waiting at the catchup point and had no idea anything went wrong till they all caught up
I wish those stupid motherfuckers didn't head south towards Scotts Valley. I was genuinely afraid they may have crashed and died since we heard nothing from them until someone from the soycal discord posted in the thread that wrx overheated and a few of us just happened to get reception up there and checked the thread.
Most of us had no idea (except the people who were directly in front or behind) since we didn't have a good radio setup. And we did send people back from the mid point.
Do bear in mind that I did have my radio and while it worked, even the 5W baofengs have their limit.
Tbh I do appreciate folks waiting but that whole scene was very rare and unlucky. Thats been like the only meet I've ever forgotten my phone at home, and if I did turn like I signalled to the other two might not have seen/noticed (remember its a Corolla). We would have been out of contact with them waiting at Alices for longer.
Are y-yall gonna spank me for forgetting my p-phone? OwO
and it was a s13 not a mustang
any of you losers run over protesters?
I went to the protest. Way more cute girls and less autism than an Veeky Forums meetup. Umad?
did you bang any gun grabbers
did they grab your gun
I have a girlfriend, I wasn't there to get laid. I'm just saying.
Was anybody at Radwood today? Suppressed my autism enough to talk to Mike Musto, and heard Fatt Marah was around but didn't see him
>I have a girlfriend
fuck off faggot.
>letting a shitty noob driver slow the whole group down
Git gud or stay home.
Hey guys can I bring my mom's Smartcar? I don't think the buses run that late.
559 bro! last year some dude said he was making a central cal meet but he pussed out. i would love to go to a meet near fresno
Any word on if those 2 girls are coming to the next meet? I restarted my penis pump routine and I'm feeling results already
If you can’t keep up or have a car that might break down, don’t bother coming. Nobody wants to keep stopping and waiting for some slow ass nigger.
to clarify, no hondas, no toyota, no nippon shit
join #norcalwat on rizon, the same server #Veeky Forums is hosted on.
This. Only American cars. Those chads in the mustangs had the right idea. Especially the asian daddy.
I had my eyes on the mr2 twink more desu.
>joins #norcalwat
>No users
Wtf... No one is ever on. Am I doing this wrong?
IRC is dead. Leave it in the 90s where it belongs.
That leaves us with 2 ponies and a charger. We need some qt 4cyls to flex on.
We tell the normies to use IRC to get them to fuck off. U get an invite to the sekrit club when u show up to a meet, and stay til the end.
i did went but no 1 invited me. wtf boi
same here. let's make our own secret club and we'll be bffs forever
You have to stay til the very end u turd.
i eated pie
it was ok
If u ate pie, anyone who wanted a invite to the club got one. You should've asled
haha you ate my cumpie
lil azn in the subaru with me will come if I go
Oh she'll come alright. I'll make sure of that, boyo.
ayy yo girl gives great head btw.
Hey fuckers the negroids @Ben Dover Racing want to come shitpost
>n/o/rcal fags actually scoring
Everyone knows you guys are homos
Daily Reminder that weebcuck s2k crashed
How did it happen?
He was coming up in the pro-stock circuit. Last race of the season, he was coming into the final turn when a driver named Kenny Linder tapped his bumper and put him into the wall at a hundred and twenty miles an hour. I watched my friend burn to death. I can still remember him screaming. The people who were there said my friend died long before the tanks blew. They said it was me that was screaming.
itasha s2k has been dead for a year man... let dead men lay to rest
Fuck off with these Thursday meets. Some.of.us aren't NEETs.
Then don’t come wagie
then wait for someone to make a weekend meet. which probably wont happen
why are norcal meets exclusively during the week?
Neets, collegebois living with parents
So we're not constantly rescheduling for normie wagecucks who aren't even going to come because their girlfriend/boss doesn't want to let them go
because we're too retarded to come up with good weekend meet plans
Just stick to the time table and you'll be fine wagie.
cuz we slay mad pussy on the weekends
They aren't we just haven't planned a weekend thing in a few months,which is about how long you've been on Veeky Forums
The meet before last was literally a weekend meet you retard
>be weekend meet
>wagecuck in clean miata shows up
>it's an automatic
>"back in the day I had a 911. I had to get something safe the wife could drive. You know what they say: Happy wife, happy life"
Probably lifted mid corner. Doesn’t help that it was wet out.
No and kys
Opposite actually, just pushed the throttle a bit too far for what my tires could handle.
guys, I think I'm in love with RSX girl. Just thinking about her makes my kokoro go doki doki.
The way she drives,her style, her grace, it's driving me crazy.
For the past week, I've been laying awake, tossing and turning as I fantasize about finding the G-spot in her VTEC.
All week I've been driving around chasing down RSX's and pretending I'm chasing her like in a mongolian betrothal ceremony.
I couldn't hear her name over the spergs yelling about shabbat but I'll never forget her scent, her beauty, or her small feet
How do I deal with these feelings? I've never been in love before