/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

fix my boy edition

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[Currently being updated with Blood Orchid changes]

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Operation Blood Orchid (Hong Kong) is out now.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators are being released together with HK and SK operators.

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Anyone has a screenshot where Bandit is randomly there in T pose, and there's nothing covering his full body?

I need it for a special autism project

>have automatic ban system for TKs
>troll meta is not to TK but to purposely get TKed to get someone banned
>support says there isn't any way to appeal temp bans, even ones that are a week long, when shown video evidence of no fault on the """offender"""
>common knowledge this is the trolling meta
>not only do nothing about it, literally make a system that you "can't" do anything about
>people spend money on time locked items like boosters
>can't be unbanned, won't be refunded
How is this allowed? Seriously, if you don't want to remove friendly fire because "it's part of the game's DNA" and you're too lazy to manage your own system, why the fuck have a system that actively fucks over your customers who don't do shit?

Should Ubisoft be held accountable for the actions of the cunts who play their game? No. But they should be held accountable for the systems they fucking make.

>slav kys

>teammate picks Ying
what can she do that other operators can't do better

How about you just don't teamkill dickhead?

>Look mommy look I posted it again
>Everyone will surely agree with me now

salty tking cunt
lrn2aim shitter

could i interest you in a ride?

i know this was one of you faggots and you should be ashamed for how retarded you are

Blind your teammates.

shouldn't you be on russiachan or something?

>get lucky and make the best fps in the world by accident
>break it

ubisoft isn't used to making multiplayer only games

all their other shit is singleplayer games with multiplayer tacked on

>Stay alive
>Carry the team to win the round
>Die early because of a mistake
>Team dies immediately

Carrying is stressful.

They had cool multiplayer modes before
they were just undercooked

Yes, they're here to stay Seasonal headgears from previous season haven't been removed.

Must explain why all their games have the same NAT issues. Wasn't there an infographic explaining that Siege's netcode software is something Ubisoft bought pre-2010 and has hardly improved it?

Are the Blood Orchid uniforms here to stay or are they gone once the operation's over?

Frost is so cool!!!

Don't delete posts for no good reason. Look at the mess you've caused.

I love me some traps

Huh, Summer Break items for Ash are gone. I wonder if they're removed on purpose.
Kinda a shame, that hat was the best one so far besides (((gold star))) for the inside joke.

>get shot up from behind a wall
>12 hp
>run into gu mine
>can't pull it out because they are right around the corner

I want a sleeping bag made out of IQ's used socks!

Did all the other seasonal headgears disappear?

>Look at the mess you've caused.

I went from not using Frost since the Sniper-90 nerf to acing with were once or twice since the update.
I love these fucking uniforms

I've never cared too look, as I find most headgears to be color clashing and ugly.

So go look you lazy fuck

>this iq footfag again


Why? I already got my answer.

Fucking ubi jewing me out of more renown

>ubi removes fun maps faggots think are shit from ranked to appease esl
>keeps hostage and secure area

As long as yacht is gone I'm happy

What is the logic behind this asshole-fingering pose

>Removes unbalanced, unoptimized shit maps, possibly to rebalance and optimize them then release them
>Keeps optional game modes in; game modes that keep the game more fresh than the generic CS defuse knock-off

is the new map not in ranked?

>instead of trying to fix the maps they just remove them from rotation
>make it easier for people to run out and kill you

Saluting his ass
I prefer the gold outfit for her. Just black is kinda bland. She could use more cosmetics

IQ elite skin when?

It is


Nice samefag. Your waifu is shit and waifufags on this general need to die.

After we get the one we already saw for Jager and Thatcher. So like 6 months at the earliest

If you cant win on those maps youre garbage, plain and simple.

I'm not a fan of the gold either, but the frost one is my one exception

>develop 2 new defensive operators with the sole purpose of making iq non obsolete
this fucking game man. and yet ops like tachanka and blitz continue to get dumped by the wayside

>tach will never get fuze's lmg

Blitz isn't too bad, he's at least playable and fun to do so.
Tachanka, as much as I'd want him to be, not so much.

new meme team extreme is
ultimate cheese incoming

>round starts
>walk forward
>turn and aim at camera
>pull trigger
>retard runs right in front of the gun at that moment
>2 rounds later
>throw grenade into a room that no one is in, say you're throwing the grenade in in voice and ping it
>guy runs right onto it

>being 6

>illiterate retard
>can't aim

>tfw the group starts to think you're a foot fetishist because you main jackal

wh*te boii mad as fuck lmao

I'm fucking pissed about this. Why IQ of the three? She has grenades, okay guns and is a speed 3. Those qualities alone makes her capable in combat. On the flip side; Blitz's shield has comically short range compared to stun grenades and Tachanka needs to be entirely reworked to ever be useful.

So jackals abikity is actually good now right

because of faggots like

this got me thinking
if a team could actually work together, lesion and ela could completely win the game working with cav
>stand by concussion mine
>luison everyone
>step on gu mine

Would this make Tachanka a viable pick?
>new gadget similar to rook
>sets down a case, teammates can retrieve high capacity magazines for their primary weapon
>mags get 25-50% increase
>doesn't give extra ammo
>gets an acog
I don't know how this would affect shotguns.

it wouldn't surprise me if that's true. whenever i play i get flashbacks to all the things i didn't like when i played xbox 360 shooters with my bros. like seriously it feels exactly like playing cod 4.

How do people feel about Jackal being a better version of Buck now that his shotgun got a huge destructibility buff?

>scrap his current gadget entirely and give him a new one
what the fuck

>Improve character
>By changing his entire role and idea
You deserve to be gassed

maybe if secondary weapons were included

I'm not that degenerate IQ is just my most used operator so if it's good it might be the only Elite skin I get. I would have gotten Rook's but I don't like how it looks.


>ela, jager and bandit with even more bullets
wow user, what a shitty idea

Theres literally nothing wrong with you you posted you raging autist


Well sorry I jump to conclusions user

>that feel when you rob some spawn rushing lv 225 of his ace using blitz with only 7hp.

>"every choice is a tough one"
>hibana = ash + thermite in one
>better in every conceivable way except on the few maps with a garage

faggot thats no choice at all

Shit, I wanted the game now. I have 20 bucks on the card, I can either buy the shitty starter for 20 bucks or I can buy it from a key site. What's some safe one? I don't trust G2A.

What if tachanka's gun was portable and could on be used if you could get on a spot besides the floor where you could deploy a bipod for it?

>better in every conceivable way
But that's wrong you fucking retard. Especially now that Hibana is practically useless with Bandit around.

>everyone had to pick him
>Introducing Hibana, all of a sudden the player could perform the task with a choice

It's fine. I also want waifufags to be gassed so I can post about my favourite op without being called a waifufag myself.

Hadnt noticed it, but i did notice valks tore up a lot more wood. Seems like a destructability rewrok in general. Im gald they revamped his gadget tho, he's actually good now.

Gee am I happy that the new patch reset all of my completed situations, loadouts and settings

What a piece of shit game

What do the defender pick rates look like?

You've been playing too much red orc 2

>I cant believe I have to spend 20 seconds at the start of a round to reapply my loadout. Literally worse than the holocaust

>3 speed
>better guns + pocket smg
>same gadgets
>does the same task but safer (doesnt take damage from a bandit trick)

thermite is also useless with bandit around, thats irrelevant dumbass

Is there a better feeling in the world than bullying shitters with a twitch drone?

This from Y2S2 Lan finals.

>too much red orchestra
There is no such thing

But the situations are reset, its not good for my autism

exploding people through the floor with pulse

But that's too instant, listening to people HURKKK until you run out of shots is much better.

They can't even spell Caveira right, how can you expect anyone to take this seriously.

How many hours do I need to unlock an operator in the starter edition?


Good. I want them to stay away from my boy so Ubisoft doesn't fuck him over with balance changes.

>all 3 speeds or broken weapons/must pick gadgets.

The FAQ for the starter edition says 15.
It's not worth it user, take it from someone who got that when it was first available. At least that first couple of weeks they had some ops at a steep renown discount, but i don't think they do that now, it's hell.

If his turret would just work like this, he would be fixed


>Bully a Mira into a corner
>Darting between her legs, zapping her and scanning her
>She frantically tried to destroy my drone, not bothering to look around her for my team
>Takes so long she ends up last man standing
>Panic runs outside and gets domed by teammates in 2 different directions

It's so fun.

Just save up. Honestly. The starter edition is not worth it at all

>typos invalidate the factual information provided


Honestly, same. I love playing Rook. Feels good to get that +40 in the first 10 seconds of a round, or when a teammate with armor clutches with