License Plate Thread

Your license plate can be up to 7 characters or less, including spaces.
It cannot contain something that the DMV will think is profane.
It cannot contain punctuation.

What do you do?

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not give a fuck and keep the original one,only attention fags get custom plates

FA6 607


keep the money I saved by using DMV issued plates.

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This is the only vehicle plate I'd consider paying extra for.

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Motorcycle plates coming through!

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Star Wars

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I can have 5 letters andmust have a digit at the end, what's the funniest thing I could do with this?
I thought about GTFOM8

And the last one

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Classics plate cause 1992 model

And: Greasy

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4CH-ORG on an autism charity plate

AYLM0 ayy lmao
2FAS7 too fast
UHTM3 u hate me
FSTA5 fast as
FEST4 fiesta
MSTB8 masturbate

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It's like you can't read. Pity.

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