Did German voters in 1932 know that electing the Nazis would lead to mass repression and the abolition of democracy in Germany?
Did German voters in 1932 know that electing the Nazis would lead to mass repression and the abolition of democracy in...
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The Nazis were never shy about their intentions in this regard, so I assume so
well i mean not a lot of them actually voted for them, they lied about their numbers. Those who did probably fell into their propaganda traps and the scapegoating
43.9% is not a lot?
Did Germans know that the Nazis wanted to kill or imprison all communists and Jews and gays?
Maybe, just maybe, they actually thought the Nazis would be helpful? Or else they wouldn't have voted for them? Just a fucking thought?
man look at those aesthetics
4 bland as fuck, just words
1 weird arrows
3 some kind of communist poster design
meanwhile no 2
I would assume that the German population didn't give a fuck even if they did know due to how shit the German economy was
maybe im wrong but i thought that they had been known to lie about the number of supporters? like for instance Hitlers number in the part was 542 (or something) and they had added on an extra 5 meaning he was actually the 42nd member
Why didn't the communists and SDP work together to stop the Nazis?
Yeah they did do this at the beginning. But official election returns were legit, at least before they got into power. The 43.9% number is from March 1933, two months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, so it's not totally above board, the Nazis used a lot of intimidation in that election. The highest they got in a truly free election was 37.3% in July 1932, and in the last free election in November 1932 they went down to 33.1%.
Because stalin was a retard. He basically put hitler in power by sabotaging the weimar republic and by forcing communists to confront socialists. Communists and socialists had more than enough votes to form a government.
I was unaware, thank you for informing me
Because they hated each other and had been fighting since 1919. That and this was during the "Third Period" of Comintern when the orders from Moscow was to adopt a stance of uncompromising opposition to capitalist society and not make any alliances and even to focus attacks on the social democrats (who were called "social fascists")
I think the legislative election was fair and free
Was the Popular Front a direct response to the Nazi victory? The 30s was generally marked by communist-liberal collaboration to stop fascism. Just look at Spain.
No, the Nazis took over in 1933 but the Popular Front didn't start until more than a year later. It was a response to Dolfuss takeover in Austria and most of all the 6 February demonstrations in France
Le kill yourself.
What were the first two periods?
>sabatoging the Weimar Republic
Why do you mean?
>surrounding the election hall with violent brown shirt thugs to intimidate the opposition
>fair and free
I recommend reading the 19th chapter of Russia and the West Under Lenin and Stalin.
The Nazis were elected
The first period was right after the Revolution, when they tried to promote international revolution. The second period was more moderate, the period of the New Economic Policy and "socialism in one country"
They were voting to make Germany great again.
Except for the part where they locked up or kept known Commies from voting.
Right, completely free. Communism is the opposite of freedom, so locking up commies = max freedom.
They didnt want democracy. Their entire history til 1919 was monarchies/autocratic rule. Democracy was a new thing forced upon them. Not necessarily a good thing.
If they knew they wouldn't have cared.
Germans have a natural servile instinct.
No, they didn't imagined the nazis will taking their autism too hard.
Even the German Empire had a parliament, moron
In 1932 democracy was already gone, thanks to BrĂ¼ning who ruled thanks by executive decree.
Nazis were beginning to decline in popularity by the 30s. Germans voting for them probably liked certain policies and aesthetics over other details, as is the case in democracies today.
A lot of people saw the Reichstag elections as the beginning of the end for Hitler, nobody really anticipated that the conservatives would be so dumb as to try and make a coalition with the Nazis and appoint Hitler chancellor.
>Das dindu nuffin german
Because they were right and most Germans knew it.
B-but they promised to make Germany great again! How could it have all gone so wrong?!
Only 30%
And history proved them wrong about the whole "German superiority" thing
Its not like the Nazis were being sneaky cunts about their intentions, they put it all out there and the people liked what they saw.
Quality determines superiority, not quantity user. Likewise the Americans who decided the war's outcome, such as Eisenhower were predominantly of German stock.
If anything WW2 is a study of how immigration can bleach a people of their ties to their brothers.
NumEros times in his speeches Hitler openly stated his hatred for democracy, and in no uncertain terms. He made no attempt to hide the fact he would get rid of it ASAP
>Likewise the Americans who decided the war's outcome, such as Eisenhower were predominantly of German stock.
That's a funny opinion, Stalin was Georgian and Zhukov was Russian and had more impact than Eisenhower did.
Not a Nazi, just curious... can you show me any speech or statement where the Nazis say they plan to abolish democracy?
>The Americans who decided the war's outcome
You perception of the word 'democracy' is a post-WW2 construct. German citizens before 1933 didn't "have democracy", and neither did American citizens or Soviet citizens for that matter.
>can't refute other points
>le Russians could have won without a second front being opened up thanks to the Americans (sorry British but you didn't have the ability to solo it) meme
Fucking tankies.
The Nazis were not electe
It's not freedom if you just pick and choose what political views are acceptable and what are not.
Look at what democracy is doing the West its destroying it.
French voters voted in Napoleon III full knowing his was a Bonaparte. If we like our dictators, we want them back.
Here you go, Joseph Goebbels, 1926:
They didn't care. Democracy hasn't been in Weimar since 1929. Hindenburgs use of article 48 and his chancellors constant disbanding of the reichstag and refusal to step down even after votes is the opposite of democracy
Hitler was open about eliminating all the other German parties even in 1932, he bragged about how it was one of his main goals.
NSDAP lost seats in Novemeber en.wikipedia.org
>NSDAP lost seats in Novemeber
Losing seats does not necessarily = losing popularity
they lost 4.18% of their votes but gained 10% in march 1933
>Losing seats does not necessarily = losing popularity
It was proportional representation system, so losing seats literally meant they got less votes: 33.1% vs. 37.3% in July. If you want raw vote totals, they got 13,745,680 in July, but only 11,737,395 in November
The 1933 election was notoriously unfair for a number of reasons.
Since January, the Nazis held three minister posts; Reichschancellor, Federal Minister of the Interior and Prussian Minister of the Interior.
The Prussian Minister of the Interior held power of the Prussian Police. Prussia was at that time the largest state in Germany, with more than half of it's population, thus the Nazis gained control over the Prussian state police in the run up to the March election. Social democratic and Communist party members(The other two big parties) were harassed, arrested and denied any possibility to campaign for the election. This harassment was not done by the police, but by the SA. The police, however, were ordered not to inferfere with this hooliganism.
Furthermore, the Reichstag Fire happened in november, a few weeks prior to the election. The communists lost many votes there but more importantly; The Communist and Social democratic parties were allowed to run, despite many of their members having already been arrested prior to the election. After the election, ALL communist and Social democratic reichstag seat holders were arrested; A total of 201 out of 647. As you can imagine, this suddenly left the Nazis, with their 288 seats (up 92 since the previous election) with an almost absolute majority.
AND they were supported by the big business and Conservative parties.
Most suspected it, yes. That's why the NSDAP didn't get more than 44%.
>hurr what is at least 50%
Sorry, what the fuck is up with my math;
Expelling the SPD and C left them with absolute majority.
Nazis weren't elected, they were appointed.
>AND they were supported by the big business and Conservative parties.
can you elaborate on this?
>I am an American who doesn't understand there can be more than two viable political parties
go eat a burger
Not a burger.
just a retard, then
there were more than two parties running
Alfred Hugenberg was a, if not the, leading business figure in the German reich in the first few decades of the 20th century. He was a leader of the German National People's party, a nationalistic and conservative group. He was likewise anti-republican, like Hitler, and wanted to get rid of the very popular social democrats and the very dangerous communists (these two parties did NOT cooperate with each other, however, despite both being labelled as marxists by Hitler and Hugenberg).
Conservative sentinment in Germany at that time was widespread and almost uniformly anti-democratic and pro-monarchist, i.e. favouring a restoration of the Wilhelmian Reich.
In general, Hitler accepted whatever help he could from influential people and through Hugenberg he gained a lot of contacts amongst wealthy businessmen. But not all supported the nazis. However once in power, Hitler did strike deals with Krupp and Thyssen, to name a few, which heavily favoured their business at the expense of the workers (rallying all workers into one, nazi-controlled union for instance and generally promoted employer's rights over worker's rights).
Police officer and a Brownshirt
Probably, but the ones who voted NSDAP didn't care. A fake democracy is always good as long as you're part of the "majority".
A Jewish Nazi!?
confirmed for shit taste
>German Imperial Diet
Soviet forces had already begun pushing the Germans back before Italy or Normandy had begun. Without some way for the Axis to reliably strike at Siberian and Ural industry, the Soviet war machine would just keep picking up steam as it pushed through German territory.
>not knowing how the voting system in the reich worked
Yes but they thought democracy was shit and weak.
But.. you need to understand that in this period that wasn't the heretical idea it would be to say now, they had the shitty Wiemar republic democracy which did nothing but fail them, other democracies were failing too, if not for WW2 i imagine many other nations going to fascism too.
It's not a lot, CSU has topped This number for decades in Bacaria and is only dwingling recently.
40% is pathetic if You Take The fact into account that Gommies, Leftists and Centrists were literally beaten to death trying to vote by paramilitary troups. If You werent voting NSDAP You would be killed on The way back, or killed when your neighbour rats You out after hitler won.
1 and 2 are actually very similar it is just the object that they glorify that is different
>If You werent voting NSDAP You would be killed on The way back, or killed when your neighbour rats You out after hitler won.
that is such bullshit, they beat people up and some were killed but it wasnt this genocide you describe
even the fascist squads in italy werent as bad as you write here and they were way worse than nsdap
Nowhere did I say that, fag
Fact is a lot of People were hospitalized, some were killed
It is also confirmed that later on communists and even social democrats were put into concentration camps.
You cant argue with those, but we Can argue about nunbers. I agree that Italy had it worse and obviously The incidents during election times didnt come Close to The numbers of The actual genocide, we're talking xx.000 injured at best in entire Germany.
Fear was the More important factor, but that fear came from The SA.