Can a m1025a1 be armored? I've found a nice one, but I need to know before buying. I could also buy a m1045a2, but should I? Do the A2 variants ride much rougher? How rough and are there other downsides?
HMMVW Thread
Probably a better question for >>/k/
Nah, I've tried in the past but they're fags. Veeky Forums is much better for any type of automotive questions, and that includes HMMWVs.
Why the fuck do you want one of those
>goes anywhere, does anything
>much stronger than cheap plastic gookboxes that will fold in half after hitting a mailbox
>looks cool
>has no maintenance issues if you know who to buy from
>can be armored
>has a turret
>can mount a 50 cal on the roof
How can you drive them on the road? They don't have vin's and aren't legal on public roads
>has no maintenance issues if you know who to buy from
>goes anywhere, does anything
>much stronger than cheap plastic gookboxes that will fold in half after hitting a mailbox
If only you knew how wrong you were.
Theyre actual pieces of shit
yeah, they can be registered just fine
>has no maintenance issues if you know who to buy from
Ask any Army maintenance engineer and he tells you to get a Toyota instead
As I implied, I'm not getting this through a government liquidation site. I already know all the issues that can go wrong and they've been mitigated:
>Duramax swap
>CTIS removed
>keyed ignition
>etc ...
Should I get an A2 though or an A1?
armored against what?
What are you implying, kiddo?
Well certainly not RPGs. Small arms fire sure, but then it becomes geriatric
Personally I'm thinking .308, and maybe .308 AP.
It will add a few thousand lbs up to right around the A1's GVWR. I'm not sure if it was designed to handle armor long term though like the A2.
So to reiterate, here's the predicament:
>costs $6000 less than the 1045A2
>12 years older
>10-15 mph slower top speed since it has a 3-speed trans
>can drive to pick it up (won't have to spend $1500-$2000 on shipping)
>the opposite of what's listed above
>less frame flex due to a reinforced frame
>may be rougher riding overall
Which do I choose, Veeky Forums?
The cheaper one since it's going to be a mall crawler. The powertrain is garbage no matter what version you get, save the money for a turbo or engine swap
>proven combat record
>can go anywhere
>actually reliable
>easy & cheap to maintain
>better mileage
your just gonna look stupid driving a big ass humwee to walmart and back
and why do u need armor? are you larping a war veteran or whats the deal here?
The Humvee was never meant to be armored. It was meant to be a logistical truck behind the front lines. It wasn't meant for occupation operations, it was designed for invading Russia.
Armoring the Humvee was a stop gap until real replacements were made. The armor made it perform worse in every way. And still had no safety from explosives. Basically the armor was a way for AM General to make some more money and to shut up the media that kept asking why everything isn't bulletproof.
The ride quality is terrible no matter what you get, they're 80's off road trucks designed for 17-25 year olds. Any armor or weight you put on it just makes it worse.
>larping a war veteran
You say this like it's a bad thing.
Plus it's good if I ever come across a group of angry Tyrones.
stop making this thread larping nigger
>go to catalog CTRL+F "HMMWV"
>0 results
>go to archive CTRL+F "HMMWV"
>0 results
I dunno user. You might have a case of severe schizophrenia.
nah I've seen similar threads 2 or 3 times over the last week or so, too
Just get a Dacia Duster you fucking idiot
it is ad bad thing if you've never served
larpers are insufferable faggots
real operators drive toyotas anyways
actual bad arses drive around in light 4x4 utes
>thinks his hummer won't be a flogged to shit piece of shit
oh i am laffin
>Real operator
>Non-blacked out face
They use Toyotas because that's all they have around. Everyone loves the humvee
anybody who had to work on these SOBs will tell you they're fucking maintenance nightmares
Humvees are trash. If you want armor, buy a 1 ton pickup and hillbilly armor it.
The HMMVW and H1 have absolutely nothing to do with any GM platform. You are thinking of the H2, which is a Tahoe with a bodykit.
i am an ex armyfag mechanic.
the only true statements you listed were the bottom 3.
You are correct.
I fucked up here.
>he doesn't operate from a dushka bike
>petronas bane
>makes correct writeup
>nobody gives a fuck
heres a (You) my guy sorry about that. mraps and matvs were even dumber
>80's trucks
>never meant to be armored
The A2 variants I'm considering are from the late 2000's. They are also designed for armor.
If you think some structural reenforcement, stiffer springs, and a 180hp engine suddenly makes the Humvee "designed" for armor then you're dumber than the Marines that drive them.
The Humvee is aluminum bodied with a fiberglass hood. It is beyond saving for a protection vehicle while maintaining it's off road ability.
I'm not bashing you for wanting a Humvee, I'm looking at them myself but if you want one for it's off road ability forget about the armor. All it takes is one 50 bmg to the engine.
Good alternative if you want a properly armored vehicle:
>i'm a LARPing neckbeard
>muh warrior fantasies
Pretty sure even the most ignorant ghetto crackheads will still laugh at your LARPing.
light armor at best, wasn't designed for it. Reliability is pretty bad desu.
these guys are just being ironic though, right?
I want to get one and put some kind of big block in it and cover it in improvised armor.
This is my inspiration
hey don't make fun, I'm trying my hardest to incite the Race War by posting frogs on /pol/
day of the rope, fag
No, americans only wave their flag when they feel like they're being noble and worthy of their founding fathers.
Okay at this point you're either attempting satire or below any human standard.
What I dont understand is why, if you are going to armour it yourself, would you pick the worst, albeit most iconic, platform from which to create this dream armoured vehicle of yours?
Youre obviously someone who is incapable of rationally taking in information if youve not decided against buying a humvee after reading these replies.
OP you literally have ex military guys telling you its a shit car. Just dont.
>weapon system worth more than that shithouse toyota its mounted on
this is what you need. however, in general any consumer armored vehicle is going to have fuck all for engine protection. one gunshot and your radiator is going to spring a leak, and you'll be marooned while the unwashed masses are going to start prying away at your doors with a crowbar and throwing rocks at your plated glass.
anyway, a modern diesel truck with an armored cabin and gas tank is your best bet
If the army drives them from one base to another, they must be legal.
the govt is immune to laws
Even cop cars have plates, the government literally taxes itself
Imagine being this retarded.
This. Even Motor T knows it.
Basically every part of the cfr that covers transportation has exemptions for military units while training.
Military equipment ever out in public is treated like a matter of national security. If a cop dared to pull anything over he'd be reamed.
The Humvees are not street legal. Many are not Keyed, just a lever to start. No licence plate frame or light, some don't have turn signals. Surplus Humvees come with a bill of sale. It's theoretically possible to make them street legal. It seems some states are more open to it than others. If they do decide to title it, you would have to get a state inspection and meet requirements like the turn signals, the license plate lights, keyed ignition and such.
>has no maintenance issues if you know who to buy from
Even the US army has started using toyotas