Jolly Co-op edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
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WF news:
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules:
DPS calculator and weapon build planner:
DPS calculator and build planner No.2:
Top guns:
Frames and Modding:
Tierqueer Filters:
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Did they stealth change him
Wonder what that second hint meant during Prime Time...
I want Ivara to sit on my face!
tell me more...
I want Trinity to poop on me!
thanks doc
How does /wfg/ feel about this tierlist:
I don't give a shit about tierlists, not once, not never. No way.
i feel like you have severe autism
>zarr riven with tons of projectile flight speed
>barrage is so fucking inaccurate that it doesn't matter
damn that thing has some spread. The whole screen just gets filled with projectiles.
>that mission where you feel like you're under-performing and get frustrated about it
>but at the end of the mission you find out you did more than 60% of damage along with completing the objective
>most pub missions
>finally decide to actively do sorties
>get a sculpture but not bothered because it's the first one i've done in a long time
>hop on today
>get another sculpture
>shut game off & play assassin's creed 4 for a couple hours instead
Why are sortie rewards so shitty now? Even the good ones aren't very interesting. Nehza might not be tippy top tier or anything but getting a frame for doing sorties was cool
There are a bunch of probles with it, but it is decent. there is a lot t1 that should be t2 and vica versa.
>sobek not in top tier
>lenz not in launchers even though Miter and Opticor are
>doesn't have brakk lmao
>Zenurik BENEATH MADURAI in focus tiers
meh. Half decent opinions/ratings but some misguided things.
buy plat
It's not mine. Its Reddit's official one.
I am aware, it has been bouncing around for a while.
what the fuck man you just got unlucky 2 times in a row and ragequit like a baby
ass creed must fit well with your personality
>watching people get mad over bad RNG from 20 minutes of missions
Sorties sure are fun
>shut game off after getting shitty reward from the only thing I really have left to do until PoE to play something else
>whoa calm down man ragequit lel
It just killed my mood to run a fissure or two after is all
Is the game running notably smoother for anyone else since that last patch? I would almost always get fps drops when a hoard of infested get ragdoll'd, but not anymore.
Eyyy something I can sell.
If anyone wants a tonbo or an obex riven for free hit me up, IGN is Jaicin
>forgot my picture
Guess I've got a brain damage!
Got any tips on what NOT to do when playing Frost? Also can you cancel Snow Globes if you misplace them?
I don't really like the frame but the least i can do is not getting in the way.
Hit 1 on your globe from outside of them to remove them. Get Chilling Globe mod when you can so your snowglobes do extra CC.
>only use his bubble on static defenses
>hitting the globe with your 1 will pop it
>if you're going to actually play him past leveling for MR make a Duration range build with his 3 and the augment and have fun
when you recast inside your bubble the new cast moves to your current position and stacks health with the old one.
Better off playing Limbo to do the latter though.
whats it look like maxxed?
Never cast globe close to each other but if some idiot cast it right next to yours just pop your globe.
You can't choose who you play with in pub but at least you aren't blocking your teammates bullet.
do you even read patch notes
I think Volt might be my favorite warframe ever.
Going fast never gets old
>he can't multiply by 9
Sweet, thanks, i'll probably keep him around for certain mission types when i'm done with leveling for MR.
It's 30% for each stat but people won't see beyond "nikana"
When against infested only ever use his globe to clear an area quickly. Otherwise get Ice Wave Impedance instead
honestly just play the avalanche build
most pubs play the globe build poorly and adding more globes to their mess doesn't do anything so just keep everything frozen around you
meta doesnt matter if all you play is rhino
Okay here I go.
Application for Warbros
MR: 14 (Pic Related)
Screenshot: Pic Related
Link: IGN: Hurgle-McDurgle
Poem: I wish Ivara would sit on my face
While Saryn gives me a boobjob at a fast pace
Sorties are a fucking chore
I rather make Valkyr scream like a whore
Fields of Eidolon better be good
Or I swear Steve is going to be dog food
A tasty cheese would be Mozzarella
But my favorite H-Anime is Boku no Nezha
God that poem bit's embarrassing
>6 seconds
Basically after this new meme shotgun came out the list is not even changing.
Tigris Prime 100% status.
>Okay Tier
Hek w/augment, Vaykor Hek
>Medium Tier
Strun, Sobek
New Shotgun and Boar Prime
Honestly the new Shotgun is so fun to use but the Fire rate and the trash damage that can't kill things fast enough after level 80 makes it so bad.
rhino is a good meta
Hi /wfg/ my name is not important, what's important is what I'm about to do.
I'm an artfag and I want ideas for WF fanart, I'm not really big into lewd shit, but if the idea is good enough I might consider it.
>10% mission failure rate
>3% cipher failure rate
>hasn't completed star chart
Welcome to the #1 Social Club.
>equip riven on Convectrix as a charm to make it not for convectrix
>get sweeper riven instead
RIP dreams.
do you have any past examples of your art?
need more of a seed to give ideas than just "warframe related"
I-Is that a no?
Man I can't tell if you're being legit or sarcastic with me. Am I Warbro material or just trash like all the other plebs?
Why not draw frames doing what they are good at? Excalibur slashing, Ivara prowling, Mag getting nerfed, etc
Is a Pyrana riven with 181% slash 192%multishot but -55.9% status chance (i still get more status will using it from the multishot though) good?
if you want to get on wfgs good side you can do reaction images and sprinkle them through threads. the drawfag who did the set of pic related will live on forever
>I'm not really big into lewd shit, but if the idea is good enough I might consider it.
see: Datareaper
>Am I Warbro material or just trash like all the other plebs?
I mean, it's not really a status weapon and that multi is fuckin' nice, but -SC will scare a lot of people off if you're selling regardless of its effect in practice. If you're using it for yourself, it'll be fine.
I'm not even part of warbros, I was just joshing you over the 6 seconds.
>Man I can't tell if you're being legit or sarcastic with me. Am I Warbro material or just trash like all the other plebs?
>puffy vulva
Giving away 3 (three) arca armor sets to the first 3 people who reply to this post and the OP with a picture of them petting their favorite non-sentinel companion with their favorite frame with their ign in the post
Because pointless instructions are FUN
Since I'm still MR12 and blocked for life from MR13 and my Galatine Prime, I'm going to put 4 forma into my Ignis Wraith.
What's the build to make it good?
>Hek not under BLAST TIER
Aklex prime link
Aklex prime BP
Both for sale. offers?
Could modify that into Blue-Lips McGee (Vay Hek) pretty easily.
how many rounds is today's sortie 2?
Doesn't Baro regularly sell the relic that contains the Aklex Prime BP?
Fucked by quick reply. I'm mainly a 3D artist, had some traditional art years but I've been looking into incorporating some digital painting to my portfolio (and since I've sunk around 600 hours on Warframe in the last two months I thought why the fuck not); and I'm planning modeling a skin for Mesa.
strun wraith belongs in okay tier
in my time since its release, ive seen it only on release
Who the fuck was the retard that designed the Arca Plasmor? that fucking mastery fodder weapon is so shit that takes a fucking year to deal with any enemy above lvl 80, on top of that anything above lvl 100 is unkillable with this piece of shit.
The only thing that this shotgun needs to be a bit better is some type of physical damage like fucking Puncture + Slash or at least 1 of them ebcause impact is so bad that is not even worth on a weapon.
his name is looty
I'd totally dive my tongue deep into his boipucci. No homo
The Arca Plasmor is great. I got a riven for it from today's sortie and sold it for 1.5k unrolled.
This plane
IGN: Sotona777
>Kill 65 enemies without dying or being downed
nice n easy
Arca Plasmor is fucking mastery fodder faggot, selling a Riven for a nice amount of plat doesn't mean is good retard, just that is the new toy that everyone wants to think is good.
Noice, we didn't even shit up the thread this time.
10 waves as per the norm. Hope you have a built Nidus or Mesa or something
Fuck you
>always wondered why people said equinox was good at nuking whole maps in seconds when it used to take me like 30 seconds to build up enough damage for the aoe kill on maim release
>just now realized i could use rest & rage to consistenly build up like 20k in a single zarr shot
god ive been such a fool, i see the light now
Well shit. I was a pretty big shitter when I started but is 6 seconds actually a bad average?
Eh, I can live with being both.
I'd run my tongue all over that, fullhomo
there's a shitter in warbros with 11 seconds
lol what a noob
thanks a lot, never won anything in life before, and now this, small thing but feels good to get
infested doggo man
thanks for the armor set!
no shame in admitting that
heres a sleek as thanks for the (You)
Thanks, glad I could actually read right this time
Hey /wfg/, want to help me with my tierlist? It's a work in progress, so I'll need your help.
Pic related.
are you here for only like 2 days again like near every other update?
No idea! I usually end up leaving because the people I play with get bored really quick. I'm enjoying playing by myself atm so I might e around more.
faven, we know it's you. you're not even trying to be subtle.
Is that after invite in dojo for trade?
nah i already got one for 15p then this guy messages me. I dont know what i expected out of tradechat goys
delet this picture of my husband