Truckerfag Thread - /tfg/

>Generic OP Because Who Gives A FuckEdition

>Truckerfag Discord (Foroutlaws only):

>44 Tonnes
>34 Tyres
>Don't sign that lease you fool
>CDL how do? Private driving school orcommunity xollefe
>Megas a shit, all of them
>No touch dryvanis baby mode trucking
>Super singles are tools of The Devil
>SWIFT: Best In Crash
>Automatic? Moar liek makes a man sick, amirite?

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for OP a shit

My phone keeps fucking up what I've written between the notes app and clover app.

I've been home less than 24 hours in the past 10 weeks. I'm making some money this season.

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Why are all truckers so fat?

Do they eat only fast food?
The ones with sleeper cabs have no excuse, you can carry a cooler and campstove equipment to cook real food.


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Thought you might be the Aussie bitumen hauler.

No I'm smartpignigger

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What's venting there? Natural gas? N2?

Just rando pic from Google but most likely natural gas. You vent whatever's in the trap, shove the tool in past that pipe that connects on the side and into the section of pipe that narrows down. Then you refill the trap with the side pipe and open up the pipe. Liquid works a little different.

Oh, I thought that was your photo. I used to do post pipeline construction pigging when I was a labourer at a pipeline company.

Nah. I don't take photos at jobsites. Its a super small community and it wouldn't be hard to get myself fired.

Yeah, I hear you.

This is how I always feel in these threads.

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That's a very nice bicycle helmet, dear.

Eastern Pennsylvania is really not designed for trucks with 53' trailers with the tandems all the way back.
By the way, street signs are surprisingly durable.

>reminder that busriders are not allowed to post here

>PBS members like you at this affiliate station btfo

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>recently got a blue collar job instead of retail or low level office shit
>super fulfilling and I enjoy making things
>but the smartest coworkers I have are fucking juggalos

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>PBS telethon
>Something something fair trade tote bag
>Something something just such wonderful programming
>Something something supporters like you
>Whip pan to front window of studio
>Truckerfag in filthy old sleeveless dark blue coveralls, smeared up to his elbows in grease and dirt, changing out brake and suspension components
>Slow zoom in on the mania in his eyes as he stares straight at the camera
>Rough jump cut to Are You Being Served? rerun

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any /grainhaulfags/ here? Getting ready for harvest season.

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All I eat is lunchables, lsd, and teenage pussy. I'm the Outlaw around here

>OTR driver with and LSD hookup

sup /tfg/,
i'm starting my class 1 courses next month. Ive had my 4-wheel license since i was 16, and I drive one of (pic related) in a busy city on a daily basis.

My company has class 3 and class 1 positions (tractor-trailer or straight truck), which from speaking to those drivers is a fucking breeze since you have a shitload of leeway/spare time and you're hourly anyway. It's a full-benefit unionized national company, but I feel like I might make more $ going with a bigger company, then eventually getting my own truck instead.

tl;dr shunter or long-hauler?

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starting my first haz tanker job tomorrow

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Doubles so jelly

Post mutilated cock.

You've put your hair on upside down, dear.

me on the left pulling tanker whilst van and flatbed cucks suffer on the right

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jesus get that grill some water and clearasil

More wife, less automation links.

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Who's the chubber in the back with the gunt? Post some of that fattie.

I'm interested in getting my CDL Trying to justify going to school for it though.

Trucking is for niggers, prove me wrong.

Thanks, I guess.

Who else loves the smell of diesel exhaust?

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straight exhaust is goat. dpf going through a regen while I'm trying sleep smells like someone bbqing an old boot.

Kek. So glad my ride is deleted.

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Especially DPF exhaust. So much more cleaner than the air I have to breathe.


Did you do it yourself?

Bitch eat my nuts,
I’m fat cause I like food
Not cause I don’t cook out here

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Dubs confirms

>mfw sitting at fucking Jewel-Osco in Chicago for 9 fucking hours and haven't been touched

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Go for a walk every now and then lardass

limited physical exercise
thats not exactly the same as going for a jog or bike ride or even lifting

how, literally how do you get a blue collar job

You have been visited by the annual Truckerfag shiney and chrome post. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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Go read them the riot act. I'm sure it'll work.

>fucking recaps
will have just over 8 hours tomorrow, my comfy hotel is just under 9 hours away
I really want to just take the violation and get there.

U gonna b getting all the pussy now

I just want to keep my fuel in my tanks.

Buy a Kenworth with an MX13 then. You'll keep the same diesel all the time.

Any of you truckers do YouTube livestreams of your road trips? I’d Patreon for that shit.

Yeah sure m8, you'll be thrilled to see nothing but red dirt, straight road for hours on end and roadkill roo's.

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>Implying we wouldn't be interested to see you run over the abos

hell yeah
it'd be premium comf

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Don't underestimate bored people. That ~18 hour train live stream got huge viewership.




Looks like I need to upgrade my dashcam to wifi and become a truckin twitch whore.

Is the SES foulcoon ded?

Driving and streaming is against twitch tos. They require chat interaction and you can't do that while driving legally/safely. However if you kidnap a hooker and have them read chat to you its all fine because then you aren't looking away from the road.

>They require chat interaction and you can't do that while driving legally/safely
Then why do so many truckers have handsfree eardicks?
Shit is legal.

If you got one of those setups that reads the chat out loud to you, that should work.

Just live-stream on YouTube then.

I'd live stream for y'all, but I don't have cell service in many places I go

That pudgy Asian gamer kid was twitch streaming while driving for Uber. Just have to have a text to speech program.

>buy tire boot
>find truck parked on a highway ramp
>apply boot directly to the wheel
>only remove it if they pay
>they can't call the cops because they parked illegally anyway
Why didn't I think of this sooner

I'm sure it won't be hard to find a boot to fit a 24" tire.

You can literally just Google "truck wheel boot" and there's like dozens of different kinds, doy

How much $$$?
I don't think that's legal

Neither is parking on the shoulder

Gotta park somewhere, a ticket for that is cheaper than a log violation

I feel you illegally disabling a vehicle will carry a much larger penalty than they will illegally parking.

A fine is nothing compared to having a violation on your license

I don't think you would get away with just a fine.

I could use a new dash cam anyway. Might as well get one that can stream.

Ended up in a service plaza in Connecticut a hour away from my back up hotel. Worthless northeast.

That's a great way to get shot.

>mfw going to Canada

Fuck off Primeniggers, we're full. You can crash on Baffin Island if you want.

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Hey I'm just bringing in some cereal and leaving, don't mind me

Good thing is, I finally get to spend all this Canadian money I exchanged in training 3 years ago, got a whole bag of tooneys and looneys and a 10 dollar bill

>Bag of loonies and twonies and a ten dollar bill
Might as well buy some real estate considering the exchange rate.

>>CDL how do? Private driving school orcommunity xollefe

>tfw fell for community college meme
>tfw no mega will take you because they prefer to train in-house
>tfw no one else will take you because no experience
>tfw still a busrider

at least now im a busrider with a cdl

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Sorry to hear it. Sorry to see you almost had dub quints too.

you also took my quints

i give up

Kek. I didn't notice until you pointed it out.

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Wow, gay quints

>Jealousy rears its ugly head

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Do you get drug tested being a trucker?
I take ativan for my crippling anxiety and assburgers.

How often do they drug test?

Prehire, post incident and at random.

Be gone, junkie. Just get off the drugs and harden up, ya soft cunt.

How bad is your driving record that the megas aren't slobbering over your dick and promising you the moon just to get your ass in the seat?

This is why you shouldn't take advice from a Canadian cuck who doesn't even truck

That meme pre-dates me.

No one else perpetuates it though

>Was common OP meme long before I got here
>Gets written down every time I don't do the OP
>One cherry picked, non verifiable example against the idea
>mfw your opinion

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