Going to be dumping some pictures, for old time's sake

going to be dumping some pictures, for old time's sake.

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Not even funny. Don't bother posting more.

Just because you don't get the jokes, doesn't mean they weren't funny at the time.

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What ever happened to this car I wonder?

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i lol'd at my own post.

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the Veeky Forums stream of 200mph was the highlight of this board.

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the captchas are killing me. I might bail.

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Needs a fifth pedal for the hi-beams.

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why would spend like $20k to do this. It would be slow as fuck having to pull those giant tires around. Is this a movie prop car?

you know exactly as much as I do.

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>Fujiwara Moonshine Delivery

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wow. someone else posted a picture.

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M3 vs 5.0 threads were fun.

I don't have any pictures of the saga of moffman's porche taillight extravaganza.

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the 5.0/m3 threads were always just shit spewing.

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Thats why they were fun.
Someone post that dude with that fat girl who was retaining water.

i think it's just me and you friendo.

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lurking, but nothing to contribute with

i don't have the retaining water one but I do have others

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Fuck, I had a lot of older Veeky Forums screenshots and shit but i built a new pc a few years ago and replaced my storage.

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All show, no go with no rear diff. lol.
Ricers always going to be dumb.

This is a classic

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why isnt this pic posted more often? it's fucking gold

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i really wish i had been coming to this board when i first found Veeky Forums


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Haha, I used to be friends with Gehraz before he disappeared. I remember that odd ass Aerodynamic guy also didn't he have some gay ass pink wheels and nudes that leaked?

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t. treequinox

For old times sake I got some old Veeky Forums

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did this nigger really die?

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>Didn't post the pink wheels and apex seals folder
>Thought nobody would Care
>Went to bed
>Layed down
>Thread takes off
You motherfuckers.

A lot of us guys from that era are in the Facebook groups, but the groups that had shit posters all died slowly
AP, syty, crx guy, hakuna, and a few others I'm still friends with.

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>being this new
Fuck off with your shitty 305 chevy truck faggot

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Did 5.7 firebird run from the cops?

I remember Hakuna. Not the others though. I used to do a Livestream channel and stream Veeky Forums related movies and the Wangan Midnight series. I never tripfagged but used to impersonate turtletron to piss him off constantly.

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Great pic posting there.

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Yeah I got that one

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>16 posters
I wanna go back

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>has BP on the license place
Fucking kek

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atleast post the correct version

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of course it was a twongi

hakuna as in hakunamiata?

Why does Big Willow look like a prostate massager?

Rotfl, that piece of trash stands no chance against the M-power

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figure I'll ask, anyone got the greentext stories of Tales from the Dealership?

Dealer salesman user had great stories.

the fuck is going on here.

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