Well, its over.
Post your favorite Veeky Forums memories.
Well, its over.
Post your favorite Veeky Forums memories.
He tried to warn us
Kinda sucks, but how bad it will really be will depend on peoples reactions. I plan to head back to Veeky Forums, and hope to see some of you anons there again.
Veeky Forums's crowd isn't the appropriate crowd for anything.
moot was right.
How did he post from the future?
The thread was about Veeky Forums, not Veeky Forums. You're going to have to go to cripplechan Veeky Forums
Moot didn't make any money off of Veeky Forums, it was mostly a money sink, except for it landing him a nice cushy Google job at the age of 27, prior to which he was not meaningfully employed. And in order for him to do that, he had to give up managing Veeky Forums.
He handed it off to Hiroyuki, because Hiroyuki said he could change Veeky Forums's business model to generate profits to keep Veeky Forums running, and to attempt to limit the shitfest over the inheritance of Veeky Forums by giving it to someone who should be uniquely qualified.
But you can see how that turned out.
Wait, why? Veeky Forums is going to lose some boards?
oh... well screw that. 3+Veeky Forums is where i'd go. Fuck cripplechan.
He's talking about Veeky Forums in general. He's trying to scare you into turning off adblock and donating and buying passes.
This board is fine for the most part when you retards don't take obvious bait and derail threads with "BACK TO /pol/" and arguments with trolls. And don't trust Hiroyuki.
I have none because this shithole is /pol2/ with nothing unique going for it
wtf i hate hiroyuki now
How does le wheel chair man pay for his chan?
So he actually hated /pol/ and it's really a containment board...?
everyone knows /pol/ is a containment board except for the people on /pol/.
Pretty much this, but you couldn't really expect a decent board about history on Veeky Forums dude. There are some half decent alternatives to it. ( history wise)
It crashes often. Obviously it's not supposed to handle big userbase like in here.
Veeky Forums hasn't been a roaring success anyway. There are way too many Americans on this board who think it's just another /pol/.
le wheel chair manbaby is no longer affiliated with the site
the site is now owned and operated by the same guy who owns 2chan
But we looked away.
It did not have to be this way.
Link to the original post?
Good. Let /hist/ return to Veeky Forums
>make limited revenue
>start throwing up malicious ads that redirect you to malware sites
>somehow this is going to make you more money
Does the stupid Nip not know what adblock is?
Why are you leftypol SJWs so upset that Veeky Forums isn't a leftist hugbox?
>anybody who doesn't want to listen to tinfoil reactionary nonsense is a filthy leftist kike pawn!
You're why.
I think the board is fine.
I think unlike politics it actually takes a lot of prior knowledge to comment on this board, or at least so far it has
Give this board another year and it might have gone /pol/tard but it might now
getting tired of this money grabbing nip jew
When will moot return to save us?
>anyone who doesn't listen to my progressive bullshit is a Nazi
This is why
It hasn't turned out that badly. The Veeky Forums user base is highly sensitive to /pol/faggotry.
I thought it would be worse too initially.
>trusting the lying japanese Jew trying to make extra cash.
The thing many users turn off specifically so this site will generate a few cents off them?
I quite like Veeky Forums. It's swell, isn't it?
The board is fine, just delete obvious /int/ threads.
I'm a moderate who is probably voting Trump. But hey, just keep screaming that I'm a lefty liberal shill just because I don't want to listen to your childish bullshit. I never once brought up nazis, but I suppose that's your ridiculous millenial victim complex in play.
/pol/ was and always will be /r9k/ and /b/ for the autists who think they're too good for /r9k/ and /b/.
My point was that people will start turning it on when malicious ads come up, dipshit.
huh, so it didn't turn out as bad as people were expecting
>everyone's dumb but me!
>/pol/ was and always will be /r9k/ and /b/ for the autists who think they're too good for /r9k/ and /b/.
Pretty much this
>/pol/ is everyone
You delusional fags are hilarious.
>but multiple hentai porn boards are fine
Why did anyone take this retard seriously again?
I thought you were referring to the new ads running right now which are mildly annoying, but can only be called malicious as a point of exaggeration.
Why is the SJW same fagging?
There are currently redirecting malicious ads for phones, forced me to get adblock on mine. I have yet to encounter any on my PC but people say there have been some for a while.
I'm fine with ads. I am not fine with.
>21 year old makes $30000 per month! Click to find out how!
>5 easy ways to cheat slot machines!
>Mama June lost 200 pounds and is looking fine!
They are insulting. I hope to god these don't turn out to be based on my browsing history. I'll look like a dick
I guess I've been lucky so far
Posted from IPhone
>what is /pol/ harbor
The ">H >R >E" memes were pretty funny...
5/10, would experience this board again
he was completely right
I would feel like I lost a best friend, but a best friend who has been holding me back all my life. Veeky Forums is like the lame kid from an abusive family who keeps you in some small flyover town because you're too comfortable with one another to ever venture out into the world.
>same fagging
You have to go back
>a purely European concept
Top lel
While it might have been codified very differently around the world, the feudal relationship existed in Japan, China, Eurasia almost entirely, Africa, even in Mesoamerica
Only purely nomadic Amerindian tribes may have not follow the structure, and it's pretty hard to say, since you burgers genocided them.