How long can you drive a car with no breaks?

How long can you drive a car with no breaks?

Sorry if this is a stupid question

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Until you need a break.

With no breaks? Until it breaks.

until you die

Depends on how many stimulants I had with me and whether or not we included pissing in a bottle.

>car breaks down
>get sleepy and need break
>need breaks to stop car

I approve of this bait. Please continue.

I once drove a car with no throwout bearing from Post Falls, ID to Everett, WA.

Kinda felt like driving with no brakes, because i couldn't stop completely, and had to float gears.

Did 16 hours drives without too much sleep beforehand on multiple occasions.
Obviously I took an handful of short breaks to eat and stretch, but never more than 10 minutes.
It feels pretty miserable and you start lacking attention / reflexes / concentration past something like 12 and 14 hours, it becomes very dangerous, especially (but not only) at nightime.

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12 hours easy

You still in Everett?

the only answer

Forever, obviously.

It's ez, just shift into reverse and floor it until you stop.

I refuse to pee into a bottle so that usually limits me. My car also has a small gas tank. 5 hours or so.

Longest drive ever was from Portland to Phoenix only stopping for gas. In a moving truck with a 58.5 gallon tank. Took about 30-35 hours, the road was literally swimming and I was hallucinating the noise of the truck's engine by the time I got where I needed to go.

Came back in town on leave from army years ago and hung out with an old friend, he was in a bad place. He picked me up and was using his parking brake as a brake. Seemed to be working ok we just rode around the neighborhood at slow speeds.

I did Key West, FL to St Louis, MO (approx 1400 miles) solo only stopping for gas

>How long can you drive a car with no breaks?
About 3 hours max in the old small car because the legroom was not WIDE. So my legs are basically shoved close together with the knees a max of 10 inches apart. The inability to shift around caused leg fatigue.

My new midsize sedan has a lot of legroom that is quite wide. So I can probably drive many many hours as the seat is comfortable and there is room to squirm around. After that first tight car, I will never again buy any car that has narrow legroom. I want a nice wide legroom area. It is stylish to have narrow legroom as that allows the console controls to bunch up closer to the driver, but small legroom space is clearly less comfortable.

>How long can you drive a car with no breaks?
My breaks are dictated by the need to pee.

Before long drives, I do not drink a lot of fluids 12 hours prior. Otherwise I will be stopping to pee every few hours. It's better to sip a little bit all the way through and that stops the need to pee for 6 hours max.

>no breaks
Probably 8 hours
>no brakes
You don't

>My breaks are dictated by the need to pee.