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Why is the new gsxr1000 so anemic

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first for best bike

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First for trevor can't turn.

that is not an anime girls learner biek

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Smells like dbt discord in here

The more I look at it, the panniers don't look so bad color matched.
The top box is definitely a sore thumb

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fight me uleh

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Post superior European bikes and subservient japscrap.

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what the hell is your shock doing all the way over there, i thought you had a sportbike

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xth for best adv

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fuck discord

i have multiple bikes.
what are you?
poor or something?
come the fuck on mate, i literally farm potatoes and can afford multiple cars and bikes, what is your excuse?

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Unironically true

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What's your excuse for having the worst chicken strips of anyone on dbt?

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>non existent chicken strips on 190 wide tyre
>worst on dbt
nice try champ

How do I build up confidence on roundabouts? I came off on one two months ago and since then I haven't been able to get the bike over as far as I need to, I've nearly went into the kerb on one near work a couple times now and if I come off there I'm probably instantly going to die considering how heavy the traffic is

Move to America. We don't have that commie shit here

This makes me want to get one of those airbag vests. I don't care how nerdy I look. I don't believe jacket back protectors or exoskeleton vests do enough.

round abouts are always covered in rubber and will always be slippery.
that is the best advice i can give you.

>buying multiple shitbikes to reinforce your poverty
gee good one

OK sounds good, can you front me the 20 grand or so I would need to get set up there and qualify for a work visa?

I know but I need to be able to navigate them safely, they dot Ireland like boils on an obese whores back

weird, they have "brembo" written on them

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Nice bike you posted there, does your girlfriend know you spent money on it instead of her child?

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>needing a work visa
Have the Mexicans taught you nothing?

my gf rides too
>and yours rides me

oh nice, you have to buy her and her child bikes before you can think about you?
meanwhile i can drop 5k onto my bike with no if buts or maybe involved.

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are you okay?

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I am honestly very drunk.

might as well drink since enduro isnt really hard and you dont need to be physically active

Surprised they haven't thrown a v4 Tuono engine into one of these yet

>mfw cant get bike license for another couple months
>mfw I'll probs only be able to afford a low cc sports bike

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Just take them chill, there's no need to speed through roundabouts, let the cagers bitch, fuckem.

Still waiting for the V4 dorso

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Hare scrambles, namely the big name sponsored ones, are arguably the hardest motorsport currently in existence. They make motogp look like kids on a gokart track, you're talking about the hardest terrain known to man and actually finishing the race and getting a participation ribbon is considered an actual achievement.

so you get a bunch of fat drunks and try to climb some rocks and you consider that hard?

I know you're trolling, but post bike.
>inb4 you say post boipucci and prove me right in being a nobike

They should just drop everything that isn't the very 2bh

guess what its me again

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post boipucci also

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MC22 is the best low displacement sportbike desu.

go at a safe and comfortable pace? they're not that big, just take your time and don't pysche yourself out. Like nigga, it's literally turning.

Sorry couldn't hear your wrong opinion over the reng dengs of the best low displacement sportbike.

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>Play Station 2 sponsor stickers on a random bike
boy racer/10

o boy

Isn't the v4* stupid autocorrect

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Did you tow him with that tractor?

>calling other people fat drunks
>low and behold he's a fatass
Ah well guess I owe you a pic

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Just ride.
I wan't confident on them either, but I have to ride on 10 each day, so now I'm not even scared when the sand is completely covering it.

ill fight you manlet

Yeah, I'm shorter than my father and the rest of my family at 5'8. In the middle of a bulk, probably why I look so shit.

Here's before starting the bulk.

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Nice, now post boipucci

lmao that nigga is 6'6 you're gonna get rekt fuckin manlet

This is a troll post


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How's the weather down there manlet?

Lady, you need to stop shittalking.

Am I retarded or is this not available in America? Is it still being produced. It's a nice looking machine, but I can't find anything about it on the Honda website.


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I cc because >america

I don't think they export it to the US. A shame really.

already saved ;)

What an absolutely garbage thread this is.

BEFORE I sign the check...

What am I in for?

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That's unfortunate, what a lovely style.


Fine with me, I'm flattered, but they weren't bike related.

Blatant lies about the power output

Whatever you say.

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Nah, nobody would pay 8.5 grand for that shit.

This. Without LAMS or A2 there really isn't a market for it

Why when the fireblade, r1, zx10r, s1000rr, etc. exist would you just say "I'll get the shittiest option."

Would you guys laugh at me if I painted my bike like this?

Attached: 1982 Honda VF750 Magna.jpg (1200x800, 126K)

Thanks for the inspiration, clearly what I need is swastikas on my boxes

No problem, my dude.

Attached: 1982 Honda VF750 Magna 4.jpg (1200x800, 141K)

a very strong middleweight, considering thats the 750

That's a 1000R you fruit cup.

if you have shitstain overspray like that guy did on the tank, yes.

Otherwise, no, do what makes you happy. What other people think is irrelevant. If it were a good paint job, I'd think it was awesome.

150 and change horsepower

you cant hide your exhaust shame from me

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What shame? That's a 2018 gsxr1000r you nobike

this is the saddest posting i've seen in a long time

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What did you expect, this place is a hole.

Anyone who has a nice bike gets shit on out of childish jealousy.


No its not you stupid fuck the person you replied to just posted a 2017 gsxr1000r and they changed bodystyle in 2016 so the 2018 should look like what he posted, also the 2018 does not come in blue. holy fuck you dense faggot neck yourself

Everytime I see this photo I think the exhaust is Photoshopped. So obnoxious.

The original person I replied to posted a gsxr1000r. Why are you all so retarded?

Literally on the shitzuki Web page.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-25-00-32-13.png (1080x1920, 412K)

At least they didn't put it under the seat so it would weigh even more and be more complex the replace
>still no underseat storage

Hell, they could have had three cats at different points in the system but it's all in the muffler on so you can remove it easily

Don't worry, /dbt/ is filled to the brim with down right retards with zero reading comprehension.

these two bikes have different exhaust, different mirrors, different tail sections, and different bodywork

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>also the 2018 does not come in blue
jfc couldn't take 4 second to fact check could you?

>same as triton blue


Ape hangers on naked?

Yay or nay?

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Because one is a '17 1000r, not a fucking 750 you turd.