Garage / Shop Thread

Where do you do most your personal aut/o/ related wrenching?

If you are a subhuman piece of trash who works on street in front of a house or in an apartment complex parking lot then do not post here.

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Rude. Not everyone can afford a garage.

Parents garage is where I do most. A good 90% of the tools are mine, and pretty much all of the chemicals, oils and lubes

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I share one with two mates.
We have a lift, compressed air, lots of tools and storage, but no central heating, an oven does the job.
>pic related, the day we moved in.

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For heavier stuff I'll go to my friend and use his dads garage.

That guy has pretty much every tool one could ever need. Not included in the photo is the other garage next to it with tons and tons of steel plates, pipes, aluminium, nylon and so on, steel cutting machine, grit blaster, industrial air compressor, and a paint room

Also not included is the room further into the garage where he has his CNC/milling machines, drills, sharpening instruments, pipe benders, 50 ton press, and a 10ft x 10ft plaque of just hand tools hanging

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Most of my work I do in my own garage.
Just a pretty average 2 maybe 2 1/2 car garage. Has enough room to park 2 cars and comfortably work on them and still extra room for storage, buddies to hang out, etc.

Likewise also have a buddy with a big shop with a couple lifts I might use for something that I really wouldn't want to do on jackstands.

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Some day I'll quit being lazy and insulate it and I want to do a gloss enamel coating on the floor with some flakes in it to make it more visually appealing and also easier to clean.

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>more toy cars than tools

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Herre fred...

What does a laser cutter do in a car workshop? Is he rich AF?

Hva ville du kjopt som forste bil i Norge? Snuser på eldre Subaruer - har bilheis og verktoy på jobb. Budsjett rundt 30k og litt over hvis det er en sweet deal.

shit dog is that vr4 yours?

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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

I have a standard size one car garage which is just barely big enough, at least my shitbox is compact. I wanted a garage for years, a townhouse is all I could afford, and two car townhomes are a "newer" built thing and none were in the location I wanted them to be in nor in my price range. I'd be much happier with a two car garage, but I'm stuck with this.

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That sounds nice, I wish I knew trustworthy people to share a shop with but none of my friends are into cars.

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Han er sånn tusenkunstner som kan fikse ALT - mekker på alt ifra modellfly til jetmotorer (på bilde tre så ser du en av jetmotorene til hoyre på bildet)

Eget mekanisk verksted, alt er nedbetalt. Sostra hans dode tidlig og han fikk halvparten av hennes, så dode mora hans ganske like etter. Han og faren starta verkstedet sammen, bygde det opp ifra grunnen. Faren tok sjolmord for en 11-12 år sia, og som enebarn så arva han alt

Laserkuttern kjopte han av en kamerat som måtte avslutte bedriften sin pga helse. Lærer seg sakte men sikkert å bruke den, med det målet å lage egne modellfly, skjære ut instrumentplater til crossbiler og egentlig alt annet en sånn kutter kan brukes til.

Hvilke krav stiller du bilen a? Tenker på om du vil ha mye plass, rask, diesel eller bensin, framkommelighet osv

Pic related; han er også veldig glad i modellfly

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How much does it cost you, total or each?

Plass til ski, goy på glatta og allreit å kjore en halvtime til jobb hver dag kanskje? Og en viss x-faktor - vurderer seriost Alfa tross alt..

Er maskiningenior - så en viss mekking er egentlig ikke så farlig for meg, så lenge ikke elektronikken failer månedtlig.

my trucks don't fit through the door

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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Alfa er ikke noe å vurdere... er en grunn til at dem taper seg veldig i verdi.

Bakhjulstrekk er ju artigst på glatta, og plass til ski osv så er det jo ikke feil med stasjonsvogn

Saab; (framhjuls, men lell)

Sistnevnte er egentlig utrolig gode biler, og med litt fiks så ville jeg tro at den der er hakket bedre enn de andre

>Some day I'll quit being lazy and insulate it
I've been saying this for nearly a decade now about my barn. One of these years. Maybe I'll put up that two post that has been sitting in the back corner forever aswell.

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Is it hard to pour a concrete pad?

>living with your mommy

Its a bit of a "difficult" situation

I work full-time and I could easily get a small apartment on my own, but there are two things currently keeping me back;
We all have a dog together, which is the most precious little thing ever. Because of a little case of seperation anxiety that was triggered when I went in for my national service she isn't too good at being alone for extended periods, and she ges noticeable upset if I'm gone for longer periods. She is however 14 in just a few days, so chances are she won't live for all too much longer even if she is healthy now

My grandparents live next door, and with my grandpa at 91 & with bad legs and no longer driving, and grandma at 86 not having a license (she is extremely fit for her age, cycling, walking, picking berries, shovels snow and gardens) means that they're becoming increasingly reliant on help for stuff. Doctors appointments, larger shopping, help with the TV, phones, the water heater, bigger snowfalls, lawnmowing and so on. I spend a lot of time at their place and just helping out or fixing stuff, and its very easy & calming for them to be able to have me at their door within a minutes notice. I know that if I was to move out and live just 10-15 minutes away they wouldn't call, not wanting to "bother" me, which is something I'd find really sad as I enjoy helping them out whenever I can

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I live in London and can't keep my car here, so store it at my parents' and work on it there, taking it for weekend blasts.

Lol excuses
Grow the fuck up manchild.
Your retarded dog needs to get over it. It's a stupid animal.
Your dumbass memaw and papaw are due for a coffin.
I bet you have no girlfriend. "Would you like to meet my dog that pisses itself because i took to long jacking off in the restroom?".
Lol little bitch be a MAN.

Are you 12?

I know you are lol
Can't leave mommy's teat bahahahaha

this isn't trolling, it's sad

After work at the shop, or on the street.
t. ASE-certified, 609-certified, and OSHA-certified technician.

I also flush coolant into the storm drain when I work on my own coolant systems.

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You in the center

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That's mightyBenz !glGDvWS83I photo album right there hohohohoho

Parent's garage, mostly. I've only recently turned 18 and have yet to finish my Associates and Welding Certs. Plan on moving out soon and hopefully finding somewhere with a larger garage.

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I'd say I'm fatter than those guys. I also drool way more, and my bicycle helmet doesn't fit as nicely


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>be ausfag
>love old sleds

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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

His name is literally the only reason he replied you fucking sperg.

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faggot ass posters
faggot ass welding hoods

got a storage unit would post but its a 20 min walk and i never thought to take any pics

im getting a 2nd gen honda fit and I believe that its small enough to fit in my garage where I can I can lift it up on jacks AND finally have side room to access the wheels do to work in that area. I have my plethora of tools n supplies on shelves and tool boxes ready at the back of my garage and i can finally work on my car in my garage, im so fucking happy. no more working out front of house on un-even street road.

I have 2 car long garage. Only 1 guys, back half full of work benches, toolboxes. Shit my wife puts out there because she thinks it's a fucking storage unit no matter how many times I tell her not to put stuff out there and throw it out. Dad's got a 2 wide, full of toolsboxes and workbench but fits 2 comfortably with plenty of workspace. Brother got a even larger 2 car but it's empty besides crap he gotta throw out. Work in 8 bay garage.

>storage unit
is it expensive?

post pics
i dont have a garage, but want to try this

American can though.

150$ a month for a 10x15 ft unit. Its pretty roomy for my car and everything fits nicely. However im restoring a project so the junk and parts piles up quick. But I would highly reccomend it just make sure to call or email the owner of the unit if you plan to work on the car alot because ive known people who get kicked out for even simple things like brake pads.

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I plan on building a shed large enough for a work bench and a motorcycle.

i think i'll keep delaying mine considering whether or not i want to be in this house longer than a couple more years. Seems like a waste at the end of the day since I don't spend a ton of time in my garage in the winter and even without insulation my diesel heater can warm it pretty well.

I work on my car at work.

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I need to find a way to fit 2 cars in here

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Is that an Ascot I see? Didn't think anyone else on here had one

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My garage before

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and after.

Basically just cleaned up and painted. Took a few days though, almost a whole week. I have a 3 car garage, 80 gallon air compressor, gas heater. It's a little cramped still but at least organized.

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It's amazing what some cleaning can do.
And how long it can take.

In here next to my dad's '40 Farmall H.

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>dat impact gun tho
Best one available. U spring for the quiet one? If not do it next time, you'll never go back

Wipe the fucking cat paw tracks off your hood you savage.

Second time ive told you this, stop copying me

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Fuck off OP. I do what I want.

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I miss my roomy 2 car garage, fuck 1 car garages.

Unless I had 2 stanced r8s nothing would fit
And even still, the door bracing is in the way

Rental garage $100 a month

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>I also flush coolant into the storm drain when I work on my own coolant systems.
And i work at the water treatment plant lmao


One of my biggest dreams in life as a 19 year old is to have a nice garage and bench setup with tools in a tool box and a fridge for beer and speakers for listening to music. I would be happy for ever with that.

Missed this, it was.
I bought it from a buddy for $1000 needing put back together. But I already had my 1g I planned to just part out the VR4 as I estimated I could of made about 4-5k from it. Another friend though bought it from me recently as he really wanted to swap his setup to it so I let it go for $1500. Still gave me some profit and at least it'll stay on the road.

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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!