Remove airbox cover

>remove airbox cover
>car now makes supreme vroom vrrom razekar noises


Attached: 1521896862472.jpg (480x567, 13K)

... and takes in hot air, straight from the engine

CDI or carb? And where is the engine?


It does feel a little slower, but it's fine because it sounds better

Where is the engine located?

in the engine bay

Oh my god, kid. Along the car, with respect to the center of the car, where, on a normal day, would I go to find the engine?

I'd look for it in the place it was located the last time I saw it.

Of course it's in the center. It would be weird if it was on the left or right side.

Then it's fine unless you have an Mr2

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>what's a transverse engine


Dunno if that's the best place to go to ask why my tranny's leaking.

the original NSX is transverse. many meme cars are dude

what's a Mister Two?

It is because of the word trans, you absolute sperg.

This thread is gold. Include me in the cap, lads.

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>this thread

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Doesn't make any bit of difference.

What the FUCK is that!?

not funny

>t. Brainlet

Has science gone too far?

>this entire thread

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one boye

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