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Lunara Edition

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>September 5th - 25th.

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>go against a literal scripting Mi Ling
>she gets MVP
>no way to report her
Simbly ebin game guys

Is Morales now super bad?

it doesn't stop lads
it just doesn't stop

for bronze its ok

Literally who?

Reminder rampant trannies lurking here do not belong in this general

acceptance of videogames as a hobby was a mistake

>do quickplay
>game gives us 3 supports
>we can't win any fight because have no damage
This is garbage. Unskilled players get a free win solely because of bad matchmaking.

Where do I report this

What am i missing here?

Daily reminder that posting ANY stats pages or complaining about ANY player or ANY hero in a "quickmatch" game will see the poster having their opinions and posts discarded.

>just start playing
>win a lot
>suddenly start losing massively
>get told it was because I was winning too much and the game raised my MMR
>instead of playing with good players all around its putting me with low level bad players against coordinated teams
What an absolute joke. I've never seen a game that actually punishes you for playing well

>game mode doesn't matter because I say so
>he plays ranked in a Blizzard game
Tryharding in the literal definition of a casual game is just sad

daily reminder that you should kill yourself

You signed up for a random ass quickmeme, enjoy the clown fiesta.

>game mode is meant for learning new players
>players should have no expectation of fair matchmaking of roles
>players will be paired with people way out of their league.

>This is literally you two.
>Consider suicide

She's like the antithesis of VG. Calm, relaxed, nice, and sweet, but much better than most players here.

>I promise guys ranked is balanced!
This is a lie for anything below diamond and you know it. That's why the game is deader than this general.

shes fat and ugly. does that mean that vg is fit and pretty?

>second pick is vaalera
>enemy team picks up guldan and kael

>someone is "like" X
>hey user does that mean they really are X in every way?

Of course not.

She looks rather skinny and ordinary actually, but she's not my type. Kind of boring to watch because there's just not enough humor or salt.

The matchmaking only tries to get the average MMR of both teams to the same amount.

you have to go back, dumb gamurgurl orbiter

Unless they remove the Diamond 3 Catapult, and have EVERYONE start from Bronze 5 every season. Then everything below Diamond 3 will always be irrelevant and considered copper league.

Real rank play doesn't begin until after Diamond, there is no consistency in the quality of your games from bronze to diamond, they are all equally bad.

I know this, because i have climbed from Silver to High Plat, just playing super soaker heroes.

I'm pretty sure most Master players would struggle like hell in low elo matches. It's a myth that you can solo carry your entire team, you can only make the odds slightly better, by playing a specific playstyle.

Sounds like someone is very sad that a girl is a better player than them.

>getting carried by beta orbiters like you
oh yea I'm so jealous

Finished placements on the second account when I was throwing on purpose and got Silver 2. I never seen a silver game before, so this experience was new to me.
So tell me, why people don't gank for each other there? I was just raping enemy solo laners as Genji and Valla five games in the row.

>I have a solution to make diamond 3 not mix a of noobs, diamond players, and masters
>Just make every rank except masters a random mix of people who don't belong there
>and do it every season

Uh huh, and what do you think the specific way to solo carry is?

>unless you hate a girl you're in love with her

You're either 12 years old and think accusing people of liking someone is like the height of insults.

Or you actually believe you can't feel neutral towards a woman without falling into a pathetic self hating obsession.

I hope you're just 12.

Surely, if these diamond and master players really were as good as they say, then they would have no trouble stomping everybody else and climb fast.

Problem with Master/Diamond players is that they rely on each other and their team comp, and the fact they are placed on a competent team to begin with. This is not the case in low elo games.

If you want to win a high chaos no strategy game, just playing any split pushing hero that can soak up all early-mid game deaths, and push keeps at the same time.

Xul, Gazlowe, Azmodan, Abathur etc.

Biggest reason stomps happen, is early/mid game deaths without the team counter soaking for those deaths, and forgetting to push and taking keeps, so you can go core late game after a team fight.

I've even had games were i just outright soloed their core, whilst the enemy team was of doing something else. There is no map awareness/attention in below diamond games.

>why do players in the bottom 20% not know how to play the game
Truly a mystery

I never said that youre in love with her you inbred. I said that youre orbiting her
>shes nice, calm, relaxes,sweet thehehe so much better than everyone here thththehee please notice me rennie

neck yourself you fucking retard

Lots of words to say that ranked is not balanced. People will be picking three assassins making all games essentially quick match.
No matter how you sugarcoat it ranked is a mess and sending people to play it for a better experience is deception and shilling.

other OP here. Sorry for not posting a thread sooner i fell asleep last night at 670 posts

could it be that everyone in this motherfucking game is now diamond or master?

>its a myth that you can carry your team
Pretty much every streamer who was gm did the "bronze to gm challenge" and made it back up to gm.

This is what one would believe by reading the opinions of "innocent" gamers.
Ranked is so cool and rad, if you are diamond that is. And don't worry if you are gold, play a lot and you will climb eventually, one out of a hundred people climb. They don't mention that the rest ninety nine remain gold.

Isn't Silver is the most populated division?

Oh right, Azmodan push. Yeah that works a fair amount of the time. You're right.

I think a fair amount of higher skill players would climb back up. A fair amount of them really do have the game skill to back up their knowledge. The problem is the quality of matches would be pretty bad for everyone.

People legitimately in bronze would be constantly matched not with just fellow bronzies but with so many people far better than them.

All ranks up to master would have the equivalent of smurfs every season.

Better players would be highly annoyed by having to carry idiots for so many games.

No. The lower rank you are the harder ot is to find matches. Everyone under silver is in the bottom 10% of players. Most people who get bronze don't even continue to play HL because there's no point. They suck so bad and the queues are so long there is no chance of them having a good time anyway so they just go to QM. Same applies to silver.

as much as i like hots its really easy. i recognize some of the people on the very top of the ladder from high mmr in other mobos but any d5 player from league of legends could hit GM here.

Not anymore. Now it's gold and plat. Silver was most populated at the last Blizzcon and its been changed since then.

its really not that hard to be falsely placed around high plat or low diamond if your account is new and you played with friends or just didnt fuck around in your QM hero leveling games. its also really easy to get carried in this game if you arent a belligerent retard.

>this argument again
Its really just as """difficult""" as the other games but in different ways. People who claim shit like "gm in hots is 2k mmr in dota" are just wrong.

>h-h-how dare he say she's better at a game than me
>he can't like or respect a girl without having a crush on her, loving her, or wanting to sleep with her, r-r-right?
>clearly he just want her to notice his anonymous post saying she's better than me it's all some pathetic attempt to get her attention, yeah, he's an orbiter
>tell him to kill himself, that'll hurt his feelings once he knows a scumbag like me hates him for no real reason

I'm not sure you've thought any of this through.

People in silver have admitted to create smurfs and are placed in diamond.

Yeah, most of them probably did this with the MMR anchor, unless they made an entirely new account and threw most of their games, then i would take their claim with a bit of salt.

I have stayed in high plat this ENTIRE season, going from Plat3 to Plat 1 (pretty pleased with that, since my climb is just slower now), but the game STILL believes that i belong in Gold-Silver, by giving me -20 to -25 personal rank adjustment points consistently.

I always looked at it this way, that DOTA was more varied and more statistical, where as HOTS require teamplay/shot calling.

What is more difficult is up to you really, but i don't think you can compare them like that.

This is a real issue, and the main reason catapulting to Diamond should be removed.

>in a F2P moba
>that has an emphasis on being casual
what did he mean by this

They need to nerf rehgar already, I don't want to feel bad every time I pick a support that isnt rehgar because he's literally always the best pick.

>play tracer for the first time outside since she came out/outside an event
>get MVP and go 15/30/2
tracer is G O A T, i understand she is rather situational but im surprised she doesn't see far more play, as an aside it got to a point where all there varian would do is try to kill me, lost them the game T B H

im not just blowing this out of my ass though, i know a good amount of people who climbed to master/GM after being d5 in league. it also feels like blizz gave you tons of attack speed and movespeed at level 1 in comparison to other games. kiting feels a lot easier in this game. it's also just really easy to climb the ladder in the sense that you get a lot of points for winning and it's not difficult to be placed in diamond or plat 1.

how much do you want to keep on projecting you retard
why are you even here you fucking imbecile. go whiteknight on reddit or in her fucking chat.

>a scumbag like me hates him for no real reason
;(((((((((( buhuuu

Sadly now people can weasel and luck their way into masters placement without having anywhere near the skill to back it up.

Placement matches are now also a problem. They send existing players in all sorts of wild directions depending on the luck of a few starting matches. Win 10 matches through luck and you can get promoted beyond your abilities. Lose 10 matches because of crazy throwing morons and you can drop from gold to bronze.

Get a load of this backpedaling cuck

Nah, placements are fine. You just need to realize that masters doesn't mean anything, like 90% of the people outside of top 100 GM suck at the game.

you seem rather upset user

Heard it all before. All bs.

Then ranked play will continue to be a clusterfuck without meaning.

And the top 100 GM aren't always those with the highest MMR, so even that doesn't mean much.

its not

>even the best players don't know how to play
t. gold

Top 100 GM reporting in. I still am baffled how bad people are.
Literally had some retard pick samuro, do 16k damage over 20 minutes. Look at his profile, GM186. Another game, team goes full retard on draft, but it's all the good grandmasters vs all the awful ones, and we win in 15 minutes without a single death.
I don't understand how there is such a massive fucking skill gap, particularly since so many heroes and roles don't even require good mechanics or skill shots.

Keep voting, lads:

Things seem to be very even right now.

If you play tanks, get garrosh. End of story.

can you prove me wrong in any way?
they seriously need to cut off placements at plat. honestly the whole league system (hidden mmr translated to LP/rank points) was created to make climbing easier in general. it really heavily favors spamming games.

Yes it's sad but true. The skill "depth" in this game is incredibly thin. I think it's a result of this game being supposedly the most casual out of its genre and having a comparatively small player base.

>Better players would be highly annoyed by having to carry idiots for so many games.
It's incredibly discouraging when you almost exclusively win with global titled heroes. There are a pile of heroes I love to play but it's damn infuriating that you can only do so much and either must try to run stuff alone and get killed or stay with all the idiots and watch as they get gawked that there "take boss while enemy team (with stealth) is all up" failed spectacularly.

If league and dota are games of inches, this game is a game of fucking nanometers because the slightest most minor insignificant misplay can cost the game at any stage. That's probably why it feels like ranked is a joke, because there isn't much difference between the kind if throwing you can do at the top or the bottom of the ladder.

>And the top 100 GM aren't always those with the highest MMR, so even that doesn't mean much.

That's why I said 90%, not 100%. There a bunch of good players that aren't in that top because they just dont like HL that much (a lot of professionals fall under this) or because they don't want to pick meta 24/7 (which you generally need to climb the GM ranks.

Note that this is not an excuse for the platinum pleb going "I'm just plat because I like playing gazlowe" - those good player are still in masters/low gm despite picking "bad" heroes because they understand the game.

probably at least gold
can't even imagine what bronze is like

is lunara any fun?

That's the point, it creates the illusion that people care about the game. But it backfired and it turned into ghost town.

>silver3 and rapidly dropping
>no end to the worthless sea of fucking retards in sight

only constant :^)

Just remember no one drops below silver on accident.

If you type a single fucking letter any of your games you deserve your loss.

>Add the most requested character to your game
>Said character actually ruins it


>shitty teammates cant drag you down for playing like a bunch of idiots
dont know why i bother with team-based anything anymore
feels like bashing my head into a fucking wall sometimes

The fact that you get so mad about it proves that you shouldn't bother

Your mind is tainted, go do something else with your time.

Very fun. Good counter to cloak fags

>it's not possible to have a positive win rate in silver because bunga team

possibly just this, you don't sound like you're having fun

>play assassin or warrior in qm
>rarely get support
>play support
>always get a second support without fail, some matches even 4 supports
Blizzard why

just play damage and follow your teammates around constantly, stop trying to split push

dont lie to him, it's really easy to get frustrated when a single player can ruin a game. even big daddy chu lost in gold a couple times. honestly i bet he just doesn't play enough matches.

Getting frustrated and being supremely assblasted buttmad anally destroyed over me bunga team are two different things.

well yeah of course you're going to lose games
that kind of comes with the territory

>honestly i bet he just doesn't play enough matches.
probably a factor

>when a single player can ruin a game
Short of extreme feeding this can't really happen.

Can we plz get rick and morty guest heroes

it happens to everyone man, some people can be huge dickheads. i just dont think that he realizes that you naturally yo-yo around a couple rank divisions for a while until you move up.

honestly in mmr like that, it's not feeding that causes a loss. with catch up xp bonus and the fact that you throw once around lv16 and the game is likely over, it's actually pretty easy to come back most of the time. the problem is when one guy on your team gets tilted and refuses to listen to anyone.

yeah it is
doing placements on smurfs I just played stuff that scaled really hard
butcher, nazeebo, raynor, etc
leads aren't pushed and games always drag on

and everybody drops games
things happen
just not every game


>Be forced to add the fan favourite to bring people back
>Game tanks harder than before
Maybe they should act an all those feeding and afk reports instead of silencing "toxic" players.

hahahhahaaha heyyy morty
hey morty
I-I-I sent us to the 'BURP* nexus morty
isn't t-t-t-t-ha- isn't that great morty??


>chromie goes afk in the first 3 minutes of the match
guess i'm done with ranked for today

probably difficult to differentiate between playing fucking poorly and actually intentionally losing

>queue qm
>allied kel dies 11 times in 14 minutes
>whatever they had Zeratul
>open up kel's profile
and people trying to learn the new hero

If we get any guest heroes they will be from destiny

>guy dies twice
ye dude stop silencing already haha

Sometimes your team is countered entirely by the enemy composition. When it happens the entire team feeds. But when some people have few deaths and others have the double or even the triple, something is wrong.

make your bets

Ive had games where we were 18 kills down and still won.

Feeding isn't even a thing. It's just when you die that is the factor not how many times.

Enjoy your horse

garrosh announcer