Literally the best interior money can buy

>Literally the best interior money can buy
Find a single flaw

Attached: Audi-A8-2018-1280-0d.jpg (1280x960, 210K)

Other urls found in this thread:

touch screens.
glossy surfaces.

Electric parking brake

Silly shifter mechanism

>fake woodgrain
>$50 laptop plastic
>tacky ass screens that probably lag and look like a 7 year old cell phone

>Find a single flaw
steering wheel
...and like dozen more at first glance

Attached: flaws.png (1280x960, 1.46M)

>two screens

>touch screens
Less restricting than outdated buttons
>glossy surfaces
It's wood with gloss finish, like on a Grand Piano

>Electric parking brake
How is that a bad thing? Unless you have a 1.0L shitbox, a manual parking break is always useless.
>Silly shifter mechanism
Only if you're too old to use it

>fake woodgrain
>$50 laptop plastic
>tacky ass screens that probably lag and look like a 7 year old cell phone
They don't lag at all.

>Two screens
For ergonomics

Nah. I'd give best interior to Lexus. A shame that its exterior design is dog SHIT.

Attached: toyota san.jpg (1288x1000, 261K)

I can literally see the display lagging and being unresponsive and generally behaving like a $50 laptop. That plastic does not look like a piano.

But that’s a toyota

>posting an audi interior that isn’t this one

Attached: 295C45B0-E1EE-42A2-9CB2-C43E1366699E.jpg (590x393, 62K)

Attached: flaw.png (1280x960, 1.46M)

Toyota owns Lexus you big dumb.

Shilling is hot and heavily with this thread.

Audis have always had bloated and cheap looking interiors. They just look childish.

And they even managed to made modern sharp and edgy interior look bloated.

Lexus has the same retarded design philosophy as Toyota

Attached: 2018-Toyota-Camry-XSE-V-6-front-three-quarter.jpg (2040x1360, 260K)

Attached: 31348C2C-F063-4F29-AB17-F1A90070CA48.jpg (2048x1360, 429K)

Yeah everyone knows that dickhead. The car posted was a toyota, or are we calling every toyota a lexus now to make poorfags feel better?

I honestly think that looks better than the retarded lexus honeycomb grills, although I see from that other pic they’re copy pasting them onto the toyotas now

>find a single flaw

whenever I see this texture thrown on top of things, all I think about is fingerprints. It is never as straight as the photos make you believe either. Gloss is a mistake

Attached: glossblack.jpg (499x231, 11K)

wagecucks gonna be jelly

Attached: 1920x1080_08_FeatureGalleryFullWidth_Infotainment_AirQuality.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

>no shifter
>four rings
>shiny everything
>no leg room
>no handbrake
>too many buttons
>screens everywhere