What should I do to add a little more excitement to my car?
Spice this up
buy a different car.
You bought a fit, it's far to late to start thinking about excitement.
Cut the brake lines
It was gifted to me
Take her to get a very nice professional detailing then go out and show her off.
If you add rice, I will kill you.
What kind of excitement? Visual? Performance?
Neons and good tires
needs more weeb slaps and waifu stickers
Thinking about tires+suspension first
Get some coilovers
enjoy your Fat/Jizz it's a very good and practical car
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Seriously, worse than the tripfags.
Racing stripes.
k20 swap
Looking at the D2s
Sell it and get an E90 330i.
jump it
You know you want to
Performance tyres. I think there was a bolt on turbo that works on the first gen also.
off a pier
Serious answer, put low rolling resistance economy tires on it.
Putting sticky performance tires on a slow car it changes nothing, but if you put hard economy tires on it you can check it into corners at regular speeds and have a good laugh.
That's why old 80s/90s shitboxes were so fun to drive, light weight and low grip so hitting a corner at 40mph felt like hitting a corner at 70mph.
You're gonna piss away a lot of money for very little improvement.
is right, put some cheap economy rubber on it and have a giggle instead.
If you want to make it go a little faster reduce the weight and delete anything sapping power off the engine, but don't waste your money on anything else.
Putting rollerskates on a donkey doesn't make it a race horse.
Buy one of these.
rear seat delete, tires, and sway bars to stiffen it up and your gravy