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Recall & destroy

one of the reasons that the battery packs weigh so much is because they are fucking armor plated and that was clearly a very serious crash as half the front end was torn off

also it was on fire, it didn't explode, as opposed to when a gas tank is punctured and exposed to fire...

just another man bites dog story

Yeah I don't get it, any other car would be absolutely fucked in this crash. I don't think a little bit of fire zooting out of an extremely powerful battery is a big deal.

that's because it has already burnt down you blind retard

Did they diedid?

ah yes that explains why the interior isn't charred and the tire isn't melted mhmm

>being this buttblasted

Yes. But not DOA.

Something on the same lines happened to a tesla on the 14 fwy in my hometown in Palmdale, CA a few years ago. It was 4th of July and someone in a tesla got distracted from all the illegal fireworks going off and rear ended a camery, causing it to ignite in a fireball

>half the front end was torn off

half the front end was melted off, it does not take very much impact to set off a cascade reaction with a lithium battery

why i delid my processor desu

the fire happened many minutes after the accident. The death of the driver was independent of the fact that it is an EV, hitting a barrier at 85mph would kill you either way

News says he was actually in the carpool lane when he first collided with the barrier. How do you fuck up so badly?

it was a divider

Attached: HUpoCKW.png (654x369, 418K)

>Butbutbutbut muh perfect plastic bodied self driving electric car progressss

>hitting a barrier at 85mph would kill you either way
I have done exactly this. And walked away. I also hit it sideways on the passenger side, which probably helped.

No you didn't. Pics or it didn't happen

So did he drive into it or did the automatic driving think it was a lane and didn't move?

I follow a lot of tesla forums and such; multiple tesla owners drove on the same stretch of road after the accident with AP on, at the similar speed, to test if the system tried to drive into it. None of them did- both pre- 10.4 and with 10.4 (AP version). Just seems like she drove into it herself by accident. The lines converge further back so it doesn’t make sense that AP would be between it in the first place