What do you think of Honda bringing back 70s car design? I think it's a step in the right direction
What do you think of Honda bringing back 70s car design? I think it's a step in the right direction
Im for it
>massive wheels and tiny peepholes for windows
no thanks
it seems every year cars get chunkier, this sleek retro minimalism is refreshing
it's just a concept, I'm sure the production models will look more grounded
if their next EV looks like the car on the right, I'll all for it but I'm guessing it's going to look like an updated Clarity or Insight
They already said the sports car version isn't being made
They also said they werent making the NSX anymore
Legitimately interested.
But the visibility has to be fucking A++ Ultra SSSmoking Sick Style
breddy hyped to sit in it for the first time desu
The sport is a bit silly though
senna niggers can dream
I think they said the one on the right is going into production in 2019
idk I think both look amazing
>he still thinks Honda will deliver and not absolutely BUTCHER it for production
I think the biggest sin of them all would be for them not to bring it to the US market
>massive wheels
They are too big, but that being said they do fill out the wheel arches nicely. id love to see that design with some aftermarket wheel options
hope they dont make it too awful
But then they did make a new NSX, so dont believe their jewy lies.
Seems like they made a new NSX to me although they could all be holograms.
honda's made a lot of noises that it's going to go into production mostly unchanged exterior wise
however i suspect they'll change their tune in crash tests
I wouldn't be surprised if it failed pedestrian safety, not crash rating
They look great, but those low rooflines mean I probably won't fit in them :(
Better than some of their current designs.
I gotta have some hope compared to what they're putting out now. look how clean and simple their cars used to be Now look at the Type R, it's disgusting. What happened to clean design
>What happened to clean design
It all took a drop in the 2010s if you ask me
most 00's cars look decent
A lot of 90's japanese cars look good
the 90s was definitely peak design for japan
>What do you think of Honda bringing back 70s car design?
I hope they don't bring back with 70s rust design along with it.
fug i want a celica even if they kinda suck. next year we can import st205s
I would put my dick in one of these so fast that superman himself would be impressed.
Desu I would also take the other concept too if I'm being honest.
what is on the right upper-mid?
I want my bench-seat /comfymachine/
>skyline/FD RX7
could the ev sport be the new s2000 we all need?