Can we please have a good ol' G/o/re thread?

can we please have a good ol' G/o/re thread?

Specifically auto accidents, the driver of this Metro did not survive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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This is what it's like driving in a Cabela's parking lot in a mr2

is that drape for what I think it is


yes, a ghost was driving that car but now is kill

Attached: chadplow.png (1000x720, 150K)

how do you fuck up THIS bad

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When the head crush reaches (Maximum) level.

Attached: 509020756.jpg (640x480, 70K)

VTEC kicked in
faggot kicked out

Wow what was this?


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Attached: Big Crash at Southern 100 2014 Isle of Man [HD, 720p].webm (1280x720, 2.43M)

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>hur fucking cruiser fags so slow
>FUcking cagers reeeee
>*pops wheelie*
>*Death wobble at 120mph*

>mfw pink helmet guy ghostriding his fuckin bike

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image related

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Here's a crash for you.

Attached: chinawebm.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

>the Chad Ram
>The Virgin 'Stang

The Chad Chariot vs. The Virgin V6

Attached: iceland.jpg (800x669, 225K)

damn, talking about (maximum) head crush

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I could tell that was in China by how fast everything burst into flames.

I remember a little about this one, it what was a subaru going 100 and slamming into a tree. Surprisingly driver was not head crush (MAXIMUM)ed, poor fucker survived but died in the hospital, or atleast declared my memory is a little hazy on that

It's actually quite comical how flammable everything is.

Life has virtually no value there.

Attached: china8webm_wemb.webm (400x224, 1.53M)

>flaming man in the street
>rolling around screaming
>truck on fire
>just keep on driving
>gotta deliver these pipes

Such is life in China.

>the absolute state of bikertards

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The absolute state of chink drivers in general.

Attached: chinadriving_webm.webm (360x640, 1.85M)

>For sale

Price reduced due to small parking lot scrape!!!

Rule #1 of driving a Metro

do NOT crash

Attached: 020111-geo-metro-1.jpg (470x264, 49K)

>$45,000 no low ballers no tirekickers I know what I got

Attached: china4webm.webm (480x480, 453K)

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stanced pickups truck should be illegal

muh autopilot

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Fuck driving these fuckers is like a life gamble every day

Rim's lookin mint tho

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Old but gold

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damn those seats are still mint

would cop/10

Wow, americans are absolute fucking mongoloids, is looking at the road optional in there? Or does everyone just make Jesus ride shotgun, aim and pray?

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worst one in the thread

Five people were convicted of a hate crime.

sweet jesus

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>that retard in the dodge charger at 56 seconds
good god how stupid is he

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there was no people in the other car i hope

This looks like something out of a horror movie.


>Can't tell the difference between a Dodge Dart and a Dodge Charger
>Calling other people a retard

>total IQ of drivers involved: 4

How dumb can you probably be.
Just put on your fucking high viz safety west and put the red warning triangle a few meters infront of the crash. Move your ass somewhere it's safe and call the cops to clear things up.
It's literally that easy.


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>pipetruck face when

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Fucking snapped by that light post holy shit

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>the weak should fear the strong

Business as usual for euro A segment tin cans. The smarts are actually the safest ones of that segment

Yup, in anything but a head-on collision.


Indian made city car sandwiched between two buses in Chile. The initial report said there was only one victim (a older male, owned of the car) but after finding female clothes among the mangled human remains they realized there was also a teenager girl on the car. Both were rendered to an unidentifiable blob of mince flesh.

This is why you guys should be thankful for import safety requirements.

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Another view

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Close up

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jesus fucking christ
>americans in charge of driving

>empty road
>not a single car driving on the right lane
>a bunch of people on the leftmost lane while driving all alone


>white dart that rams the parked car
>everyone inside is a nigger
Imagine my shock


Holy shit.
Also checked


Why the fuck am i laughing so hard at all the murcanzz driving like shit???

I don’t have pics but I have a story.
>my grandad in the 80s
>finished restoring a tank for a museum.
>loaded on to the truck for the long haul to the museum
>on a motorway headed down south
>guy in an MG B over takes and cuts off my grandad to get to the exit lane
>brakes to take the exit
>far too close and goes under the front left wheel
>made into jam.

Basically he overtook to get into the exit lane too late and cut him off when trying to slip past. Got pancakes for his efforts.

Fucking fox drivers are the worst. I guarantee it was some old boomer faggot who spun out and didn't know how to correct it.
>t. Fox Driver.

Soms fresh OC

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What the fuck?

The car at the end looked like it was stopping to actually help.

No way that's China.

>stanced pickups truck should be illegal
In most first world countries lifted trucks are illegal for that very reason.

>Rockstar in charge of AI programming.

Are you trying to tell me a bus rammed this guy straight into another bus? Was the driver blind?

>just turn your headlights on
>I dont know how
And the retards thought it was perfectly safe to let her drive? And didnt tell her to slow down?

Maybe the bus driver did it intentionally.

sport Bike riders are probably the most retarded of all types of bikers

there is no defence against the Chinese firebike

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Sadly this guy survived...

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Yup. That's not dialy commute

>tfw been browsing Veeky Forums for years
>seen all the shitposting when it comes to this one image
>still dont know what happened

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friend of mine

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This is a joke, right?

So what is the safest car to drive, unironically?

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>that guy getting Final Destinationed by the post
Should've worn a helmet.

>pink helmet guy
the absolute madman