Why would you build a car when you could build a cool PC?
>mfw people are talking about their car radiator not their watercooled pc radiator
Why would you build a car when you could build a cool PC?
>mfw people are talking about their car radiator not their watercooled pc radiator
it was the opposite for me, I built a cool PC then moved onto cars because PCs weren't as interesting or complex. Several car friends went through the same thing.
The sad part is this thread WILL get serious replies
ps4 and limited internet
>using cable combs instead of wire lacing every 1/2 inch
How fucking plebian can you get
Opposite really, PC is easy and cheap to build, or was before crypto, building a car is the next step
Because, in general, a car will remain relevant/usable much longer than a PC.
PC gaming is for manchildren
because i work inna gaming industry and i want my hobby to get me away from the damn pc
Pc gaming was fun until I turned 15 then ps4 is just superior
because car is more useful
car is more fun
pc is more useful
but i dont live in a 3rd world stoneage shithole like us
>build cool car
>useful for decades if properly taken care of
>build cool PC
>inevitably obsolete after a couple of years because the chipset's several generations out of date, games have become more demanding to take advantage of newer hardware, and programmers in general are caring even less about optimization because computers keep getting faster
>having a window in your tower
>tucking away all the wiring to the back of the mobo and calling it clean
>water cooling instead of noctuas
>bought into the SSD meme instead of the hybrid sshdd meme
this is the equivalent of ricing in terms of building a pc
>bought into the SSD meme instead of the hybrid sshdd meme
What a moron
What the fuck
>water cooling
Enjoy your exploding computer.
Fuck off faggot gamer
Nice memes
Veeky Forums is a buncha fossil fooled console fags.
So what do you do?
>having a window in your tower
It's good to have pride in your build, and be able to monitor Q-code and dust build up.
>tucking away all the wiring to the back of the mobo and calling it clean
My cable management tray is cleaner than most motherboard areas
>water cooling instead of noctuas
Done the Noctua thing, but wanted to advance. EK-WB>Noctua
>bought into the SSD meme instead of the hybrid sshdd meme
Why would anyone want a higher failure rate? Why not just have superior native flash storage?
Those Fractal/Noctua guys crack me up.
>"I don't care about what it looks like"
>spends $200 on Noctua case fans to show off with the side panel off
actually i've been thinking of this.
Building a watercooled pc with an old car radiator as a side panel. Wire the fan (outward obviously) to the a temp sensor. Under normal use you hardly need a fan because heating up a whole radiator of coolant takes quite some time.
And under load you have epic cooling capabilities.
Why build pure unfiltered rice when everything should be thrown into an over engineered and understated monolith of a tower box that doesn't let light or sound out of it rendering fancy light up RAM and meticulous cable organizing pointless. Graphics cards are also pants on head retarded expensive because of coin miners convinced they'll see a return right now. You could buy a 1k Toyota Tercel instead of a good graphics card right now.
>not both
>not also building a bangin sound system
>pc more useful than a car
Excuse me?
I do both.
>spending all that money just so a PC can look cool
what a waste, the poor children
Eh, my work friends are always tellin me to build a PC. They say I can build a decent pc for about $600. But....why waste 600 on a pc when I could put it to a badass exhaust for my car.
>Wire the fan (outward obviously) to the a temp sensor
So just plug it into the CPU PWM socket on your motherboard?
>massive external dimensions
>can't even fit an eATX motherboard
The R5 really is an appalling design made to accommodate redundant HDDs... and that's it. At least the R6 allows a few more options.
That's not accurate anymore anyways because of certain vidya making PC building popular in China and cryptocurrency eating up the market. 1k investment is more sensible for a decent system tbqh, even without the price increase. Better to put that to maintaining your car until you have the money set aside for a good pc.
I like both.
When car Chuck's a shit PC nice and dependable
When bored of PC go for a drive
T. Neet
Horse shit i had a i7 920 rig for 5 years and a i5 4690 for four years after that.
Before cryptocunts and ram hoarding phone fuckers ruined the market upgrading your PC everything 1-3 years was as easy as dropping in a new GPU
Now it's fucked and cars are cheaper
The funny thing that platform your 920 was on is still something that's more than relevant today. I upgraded from my old X58/920 system a lot earlier than I needed to, simply because I had cash to burn. While I don't regret it now, especially because I have a top end X79 with 12 threads of processing power, the truth is I could still be gaming and computing on that old P6T Deluxe with a $70 Xeon x5660 from ebay (recently dusted off my old board with some salvaged ram and it posted like a champ). I definitely agree with you for the last 10 years PCs haven't advanced that much.
Also, didn't realise it's been 5 years since you got BTFO on /g/.
>not having both
faget, too bad ram prices are sky-high, otherwise I'd upgrade. Back to spending money on carbs I guess
Beat the ram price and build an ebin X58/X79 Xeon build with registered ECC memory! No reason to bow to the price fixing Memory Mafia, the Intel Jews or the Poozen Pajeets.
Wow fuck it's been that long?
I'm a 1600x GTX 1080 fag now mate
Ram issues still suck probably gonna sidegrade to the new zen 2 7nm when it drops in 2020
What gpu you running?
Fucking ram prices
Paid 200 odd for 3200 16gb and now it's at 300-400+
PC gaming is gonna stagnate out the ass ampere is another stop gap because amd raedon done fukt
Maybe once ddr5 takes off but even then retarded chinkphones will probably go stuff 8-16gb+ of ram on smartphones so normies don't complain about slow down
At least AMD has confirmed continual AM4 support. They just need to sort their bios with each CPU generation update. A B350/2400G system would be a formidable console competitor if it weren't for the hit and miss bios bugs.
I'd wager it'll be a year or two before memory prices stabilise. Samsung has just started building a new factory that'll effectively double their output of flash memory. And secondhand GPUs are starting to stabilise again with Etherium and Zcash becoming unprofitable to mine, we'll see what retail prices do in the next twelve months.
>PC gaming is gonna stagnate out the ass
Already has...
>Ampere is another stop gap
It's a shame
>because amd raedon done fukt
Navi sounds promising... Like actually promising. If their GPU is going to be structured as their Ryzen CPUs like the rumours are saying, it'll be interesting.
Until then I think folks just have to get creative with second hand parts instead of just listing after the latest "GAYMING" labelled hardware at unobtanium prices.
Infinity fabric MCM Navi+ and or some sort of ryzen/MCM hybrid could be amazing if certainly be down for that I am sick of bios fuckery and memory issues
Only reason I'm ditching 1st gen ryzen for 7nm hopefully can reuse the same ram with less issues
Also did you hear about USA Power companies in certain states imposing additional charges per kW to minerfags? Hahahahahahahahahah
Why not both?
I always had an autistic idea to put a gaming PC into a car
Those pimp my ride faggits ruined it tho
Just buy a nice laptop.
>Limited to shit intel house fire thermal limited 4core trash
Fuck no
Someone watched Linus lately.
Nah I stopped watching him months ago PC hardware got boring once amd shat over Intel and NVIDIA crapped over amd poo gpus pajeet drivers
You come off as a faggot and thus this is the last (You) you get from me.
Says the flaming faggot telling a Chad desktop neet to get a virgin gaming laptop
Fuck off ya poofta
Yeah, the same guy at work just bout a new graphics card....it was like $1200
Suddenly that 1080 g1 I got for 730aud shipped last year sounds cheap by comparison
Almost get 70-100fps+ at 4k downsampled in pubg with effects and post on very low shadows on high
Shit seems like a big chunk of the car guy community are also PC guys. In those car groups/forums on social media you'll see threads about "other hobbies" and they're usually filled with PC guys.
I'm not as big as most but I enjoy it. I play a good amount of games through winter when I spend more time inside. Small chunk of car guys here local we all play vidya gaymes through winter and our non-car friends who play with us get salty when spring comes because for us video gaming season ends and we're barely on anymore.
Sounds based.its the opposite here all carfags are neets or normies and drop cars/PC's at random
Had some comfy games with autists from here tho
How do you 4k Project Cars2 on that at 60fps?
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Depends a lot for me sometimes what games are out or fun too. Last winter I didn't play with many of my friends who play games because they were all playing World of Warcraft and Rainbow Six Siege. Neither games I enjoyed. I played a lot of Planetside 2 and Far Cry.
This winter we all have been pretty sucked into PUBG though it has been dying off and I've still just been playing Planetside on my own as well.
I see the joke but I actually don't really play any aut/o/ related games. I lost interest in the Forza series after 4 and haven't touched any really since.
go away
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
shit cracks me up, every time i come back there's some new cringe outlet like this on here.
regardless just report and move on
rearrange the following and follow it.
off Fuck.
Siege turned toxic and the community sucks
Pubg is great but that's mainly because anyone that doesn't work together in Aussie servers gets tkd (usually a gook)
Never played wow can't stand grind
Why not both you uselknow ss fucking fag
knowledge of working on guns, conputers, and cars is the ultimate redpill
Come back when your rig is submerged in mineral oil, you weenie.
>not Noiseblocker or be quiet!
>SSHD hybrid
>not using an SSD as boot drive with a separate mass storage HDD
Building a PC is fun but once it's built it's pretty much good forever. It's sort of the same, a bunch of parts you assemble that somehow becomes something amazing. But obviously very different, because a car is a car and a computer is a computer.
>best thread on Veeky Forums is about PC gaymen
>I have a personally built PC and modified cars
What now nigger
I went through this, too. I built my first computer at age 11, fucked around and played video games until I turned 14, then realized that in that time, I had become a sedentary skinny fat loser with nothing outside school and computers. I then picked up lifting and cars.
Best decision of my life.
the 3 common interests of all disaffected males,,,, a trifecta of great POWER
My dad was and still is in webdev, and so computers never held a lot for me. They're so mundane.
I'd rather work with my hands. Any idiot can put square pegs in round holes; from what I've seen, it takes a fucking madman to so much as splice some cables, let alone build a case. Even though a piece of plywood and some 1/8th wood screws work just fine