[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/

Phone posting edition.

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remember to vote

so if the vote shows a demographic for dbt then what does that mean for you?

Phonebosting worst bosting

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>posts the link to the results
dumb homo


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What the fuck? Why are you calling me a homo? I'm not a homo. You know how many girls I've brought back to my place? I'm obviously not a homo so I don't know where you got that impression.

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you sound like a insecure closet homosexual

I always have to edit my pics and its difficult

>tfw no bike with engine sticking out from both sides

Dude stop calling me that, I'm not a homo it actually triggers me. I've punched the wall and broke my hand before when someone called me a homo. Just back off.

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Thanks for fixing the op user


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Old bike vs nu bike

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Post some craigslist finds

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Nice KLR. They look way better when you take off the cow ear hand guards and put some bark busters though

Those things hauled ass for having 80s brakes and suspension. Uncle got arrested for riding my dad's v65 magna through a school zone at >130mph.

He was racing his school buds.

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im about to move to australia, from canada, to work in the NT. And I would like to buy a bike that is able to do good offroad, while being legal on the street. Any recommendation? And what is the legality situation with riding in the desert? Because, here, doing offroad with a motocross is illegal

Somebody should tell him

DRZ 400
KLR 650
DR 200
DR 650
Any Honda XL

>reading comprehension
My bad, I meant to say you can ride in the outback no problem as long as you take a giant boxing rat with you.

>DRZ 400
Pigfat shit
>KLR 650
>DR 200
Pigfat shit
>DR 650
Pigfat shit
>Any Honda XL
This one
Or yamaha XT
Also look into betas, huskies and ktm. They are quite popular down there


>from Canada
Adonde Canada, a Australia

TTR 250 is road legal and a beast

Attached: tt250_04-01.jpg (800x625, 54K)

>old hotness
>newbutlooksold & busted

What happened to the guy with the new bmw? How's it working out?

WR250R and that's the only choice

>just dumped gf
>finally picking up my bike tomorrow

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>not knowing about the God machine
Educate yourself

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Ye old codger bike

what about adding a new level of difficulty? Must be around 3k


Pretty much and dual sport will be fine

Pigfat shit
Pigfat shit

Fort Amargosa, comfy. Has only been 3 months for me and I'm already heading back in a couple of weeks for the NHRA drags.

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If Honda knew how much you shilled this bike they probably would just give you one for free

Sounds like something a very in the closet homo would do desu

What bike??

>DR 200
Pigfat shit

>Dry Weight 105 kg / 232 lbs

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TT600s (best shitbike)

Its 250lbs dry.
The XR200 with all steel and dual shocks weighs less and makes more power

Just stop suzuki fag

Oh fuck boiiiis just took the hornet out for the first ride of the year, roads are still frozen at some points and it's below freezing but GOD DAMN did I miss popping dank woolies. I need to move the fuck away from this freezing shithole, too much blueballs for me to handle.

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kys drobe

>yamaha dt175
>#2 plate (privately owned)
>one owner since new
>new one from the official yamaha dealership costs ~$4562.5
>dealership where it's sitting is asking for ~$3102.5
>owner is asking for ~$2555
>i'm willing to pay ~$2190
>owner bought it new from the african union
>has minor chips and scrapes but it's both aesthetically and engine wise ok...

a little background story, yamaha dt175s are the most expensive motorcycle that you can buy in ethiopia. recent birr devaluation has hiked their prices. you can no longer buy a NEW (one that isn't registered) motorcycle for private ownership here in ethiopia, nor can you purchase a second-hand non-privately owned one and register it for personal use. justfuckmyshitup.jpeg
what should i do, /dbt/, should i get it or nah?
would greatly appreciate if one of you fags can tell me what year it is.

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>Be Kawa
>Give 44 hp limit by software to get at the top of A2 sales
>Literraly just ecu flash and get a yoshimura exhaust
>Now 55hp for 155kg
>Yamafags shitsters on suicide watch

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First bike, any things I should do before the riding season starts?

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So if I'm getting a drz but I also plan on having dirt and street tires, do I get the s or sm? I'm an idiot and don't understand the difference in the forks.

>extra displacement makes more power
Ya dont say?

Brand new or new to you?

your hiviz is showing, fag

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>im an idiot
>buys suzuki
All adds up

>riding season

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How are all those starving children?
Are they getting my $0.03 per day?


So no?

Its used but it has low kms and is in new condition

Old pic but this bike

Anyone remember me? I'm that dumb guy who bought a broken piece of shit
Had to pay $2000 to get it fixed
Well guess what

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my part to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Unironically, there's a few people who do 1k+ miles on this thing.

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We still are, because you paid like $4k for a massive shitheap when you could have had something really nice for that much. Enjoy going slow and breaking down, I guess?

I actually just got a ninjette as well for my first bike. Bought it with a plugged rear tire that the owner swore was still good, but alas after I got it home and took it around the block a few times I discovered it was completely flat. Rigged a stand out of two car jacks, a skateboard deck and a couple of cement blocks and started taking the back wheel off when this older dude who happened to be walking around stopped and asked wtf I was doing. He ended up helping me out a bunch and later showed me his mv 919 brutale. Was pretty cool. Later I adjusted the throttle slack, lubed the chain and did other various small things. This post has absolutely no point other than saying that I’m a total nub and that bikes are pretty cool

Nice user. Post pics

thoughts on (you)

That's in the outback*

YOU ARE!!!!!

please stop...

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Should I sell my truck and DD my baiku only? It would save me like $600/month

Keep truck, just don't use it unless you need to. It's good to have a truck around for hauling bikes

You want my thoughts? I'm the dumbest person in this thread

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I just don't really want to pay a note anymore.

You have it on loan? Sell it and buy a beater truck instead


That's who i bought the bike from

Yeah im gonna sell it now, DD my bike and then buy something decent for 4-6k

sure, why not?
'mirin btw

Nice user. I DD my bike as well, especially with the warm weather coming on, you should be fine. What bike?

Cringy. Stop. Also that bike is terribly ugly, don't eg him on

chacun ses gouts, le 56% cabot

This is an English website Pierre

From certain angles yeah my bike isn't that pretty, but i didn't buy it to look cool
I actually wanted a bike exactly like the one you're looking at

I would haggle, or if you think a deal like that will pop up again, wait. Don't be like me

Just ignore that guy that keeps baiting you my man

I would do and oil and filter change then before you start riding, check the coolant level, and lube the chain

post ur bike

I have already

ok nobike

Here’s my scooter on the osha approved lift

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Is that a laffy taffy on the back seat?

Why is bmw riding gear so fuckin expensive? It surely cant be THAT nice...

>buy Chinese leather jacket for $15
>poorly stich BMW logo on
>sell for $535
Easy money

>Nobike insulting other people

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Post urs then?

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>camping all alone

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How is a cb750 slow? You stupid fuck, post bike.

Camping alone is the best though, just building a fire, having a drink and watching the sky is incredibly relaxing
Get that pigfat full tent shit out of here though, basha, bag and bivvy is where its at

It's slow. And his doesn't even fucking run so I can't even call it slow

2009 R6. I dailyd it for a few years until I wrecked it about a year ago. It's almost road worthy again. I was in the process of converting it to track but I just miss street riding so much

Post pics

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