Ghostcrawler hates Nidalee edition
Ghostcrawler hates Nidalee edition
first for Jewish Joe
How hot is it inside shyvanas vagina?
Can someone explain how to "freeze" a lane? Particularly for Bot and Mid lane.
Is the client dead for anyone else?
nth for Irelia getting her VGU first than Morde.
Xth for buff cancer cat.
Both of them.
Cold because she's not real you turbo virgin
cheesing is legitimately the best advice to quickly climb in bronze/silver/gold. your enemies are in bronze/silver/gold because they don't play often so they haven't encountered the cheese so they'll probably lose to it.
you cheese, snowball, win.
next game you are against a completely new opponent, so it doesn't make a shit's worth of difference that your last opponent now knows about the cheese, you'll never see that moron again.
Don't be so hasty in killing ranged minions.
Even if they're low health they probably wont aggro any of your minions so theyll start pushing the enemy's lane.
Irelia is severely underrated. I hope they do her amazing body justice in her VGU
wtf i love illaoi now
Make sure there are at least 4 extra enemy minions left alive so the lane will always push to your side. Try to hold the wave just outside tower range. If you try to freeze with 3 or less the lane will slow push back to enemy side.
if enemy minions outnumber allied by 4 or more (sometimes it works on 3, but only sometimes) then reduce the number to exactly 4 and only last hit. if the enemy minions start to outnumber by more than 4 again, then kill minions until it drops to exactly 4.
I thought the ghost clone couldn't kill the original completely?
Yep, that's Illaoi.
it can if the original champ takes more damage than just the clone alone
Imagination can make anything real
I hope one of you finds a way to make league waifus real
>this image of pukinganime.png from mid 2000s
>poster of yummy nike on the wall, a game released in 2012
>figurine of sailor moon on the table
>leave me alone
The irony of an arist drawing fanart of a character that just wants people to forget about her is staggering
Go back to being a pickle.
I don't need to make them real if I can become 2D
Wish me luck
Jinx is cuddly and cute
jinx is very fun
shes doesnt just want to be forgotten, its more that she doesnt want to exist.
DO IT GL user
Alright thanks anons. Ive only recently heard about this tactic and I want to see if it will help improve my game.
Don't forget tight
Cuddly, cute, and tight.
What more could be asked for?
But of course!
If you're against a mid laner with teleport should you go teleport yourself?
Hey, you there.
Feelin lucky today?
Tell me your opinions.
Quick, list all renekton mechanics. I get his general drill but I don't know how to optimise stuff. Anything cancels anything? Btw, where should I generally fit tiamat active?
it starts with the exact health of the champion
the damage conversion rate will realistically never hit 100%
in that sense it shouldn't be able to kill a champion on its own IN MOST SITUATIONS.
Two major factors that can make it feel like you died to your ghost:
1) you can take damage directly from Illaoi or other champions. If Illaoi hits you directly with something (often she'll hit you and your spirit at the same time with a tentacle slam, effectively dealing like 150% damage) then it can reduce your health below the threshold of how much damage the spirit could deal, and thus make the spirit's damage capable of killing you.
2) overkill damage to the spirit is still applied to you. If the spirit is at 20 health, but a gp barrel crits the spirit for 784 damage, all 784 of that damage gets converted and passed on to you even though only 20 was needed to kill your spirit.
Illaoi's massive 4 level lead (and undoubtedly a huge gold lead) contributed to both of these factors to kill this Janna.
Who else /StarGuardian/ here?
>acquire slight lead top
>opposing laner can't even soak experience
It's a little trickier in mid due to length of lane. I don't know how bot works.
Depends, on a lot of things. Probably not as a general rule, though.
Riot doesn't open the custom/my shop often enough.
It will, your jungler will actually feel inclined to gank more.
Also you should really worry about freezing the lane too much in Mid. Tbh you should be clearing the wave and then ganking. At top, freezing is way more beneficial
why don't people buy ravenous hydra on renek anymore?
I need a picture of Ahri eating a burger.
i still cant believe peple actually bought the mf one, its so bad and just reused assets
What if it's against an anivia for example, probably couldn't kill her with an aggressive one
Riot shouldn't have removed TF's "The house always win" taunt.
because they aren't idiots
It's a full house baby. Gotta make room for that 4 of a kind
It's basically like two separate healthbars, if your main one gets reduced to 1 then any damage to the clone will kill you. Clone hp isn't dynamically adjusted, it's set at the moment it appears.
How do even you stop yourself cumming instantly in such an incredibly snug and powerfully tight pussy?
ingame playermoderators that can send reports which are manually checked would increase the quality of the game by a lot
you dont
i want to fugg her
It's a nice skin, in my opinion
And yet the trend of you being a neet virgin continues. Astonishing.
I don't particularly fancy any of them. Maybe Janna, but seems like it makes her Q more easily visible.
actually not even if they were free (hextech), think I'd prefer the essence
might be exposing myself as a massive contrarian here
unless you're smurfing and/or snowballing just seems like titanic would be better
I'm a failure as a human being
There's a severe lack of fanart of her.
That sounds like a fact not an opinion
Ravenous is just worse titanic. Damage scaling off hp is a very useful thing to have when you generally want to build hp unless snowballing out of control. Also active is better since aa reset, and cone is generally more useful.
>reddit cant even beat a regular onslaught game
>literally complaining about the difficulty of the game itself not even the premade missions
You see, this is why we cant have nice things. Retarded people struggle and because a large part of the playerbase is casual they dont bother with anything else. I bet you if we ever get anything like this again its going to be cookie cutter easy so everyone can "win" and feel like they accomplished something.
Really throws cold water into my hot oiled frying pans right here
This was my hourly rant post. you can subscribe for more great content.
just fap to that hirame doujin with the piltover robo-strap-ons
How do you think he is in real life?
>all that work for a jax champ shard
>can't r-flash with Braum
Defend this lolbaboons
how to play AP Shaco top without feeding?
Can't be worse than half the assholes in here
That's what Vi is for.
You can't. And she would probably make you cum inside of her again and again until you can't anymore.
Jinx deserves mobilty
>cumming instantly
And then she calls you pathetic and bullies you for it and forces you to try again until she's satisfied
>the overwhelming lack of good league fapfics of any champion
>tfw Hirame didn't make another one featuring SG Jinx fugging her entire team and probably won't make one with her fugging Ahri's team
Stop fucking picking Ahri on Onslaught you literal wastes of space
stfu ur not my dad
*locks in ezreal*
>you literal wastes of space
Well he sounds like mine
just as important to knowing how to freeze is when to freeze (as opposed to pushing) and this takes a lot of practice and can be aided by watching your own games and considering how your lane would have gone differently if you had chosen to freeze or push when you pushed or froze.
Pushing can be good because it gets damage on the enemy turret and sets the wave up to push back towards you, so you have the option to either stay and deal a shitload of turret damage, or back and return to lane while missing very little cs.
Pushing can be bad because it can put you in a position where you're more vulnerable to ganks, and if the enemy was away from lane and returns in time to catch the wave you've built up, then they would lose less gold and xp from being gone than if you had instead frozen the lane.
The big question is usually, "the enemy has either backed or roamed to another lane. If I push will I have enough time to get the minions to crash into turret? If yes, I should push; If no, I should freeze."
Breasts too big
>trying to throw games to reach bronze
>allied adc picks tris, mf or twitch
>quadra or penta every time
>allied adc locks ezreal
>does literally nothing
>easy loss
>enemy support dissrespects you in lane
>shit talking in all chat
>some third world language
>have no idea what it means
>every time he dies repeat what he says in chat
>Braum : "alright, muted"
>he loses the game
>tell him to not be disrespectful towards people during laning phase when you're playing mediocre at best
>he blows up in post game chat
>report him
>get instant feedback
God damn it felt good. People who flash their masteries after performing nothing special are the worst
Also what does "Bok" mean, aparently its german but google gives me nothing.
>That's what Vi is for.
Alright so ill save that more for bottom lane then. I guess the most difficult part is resisting the urge to clear wave to get the experience right there.
I don't believe you can sink below b2 without a duo to crash games with
I already ruined two accounts trying
you're in loading screen and see an enemy player with a certain skin which makes you think your team is about to get dumpstered
which skin is it, /lolg/?
>Jinx bullying you with her sexual skill while she squeezes you dry, forcing god knows how many loads out
>she just giggles and urges you to shoot faster
I'm gonna throw myself downstairs soon.
most elderwood hecarims take five people to kill, but i never see heca anymore
festival kassadin
my midlaner will die before he hits level 3, somehow
The Azir miniwork looks promising
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
ye actually stuck at b1 right now
just can't even show on the map, push lanes or anything
>show on the map for 3 seconds
>their whole team burns summoners and ults
like shit nigga don't wanna kill my kda too damn
they decided to go with low range playmaker
I was hoping for longrange controller
whats the good news on it so far?
is jinx a slut?
>urges you to shoot faster
how quickly is she expecting you to fire?
does she even have to verbally urge you? She can probably make you cum whenever she wants
Urgot rework is really good
Did the EUW servers shit themselves again?
Morellos should be nerfed and another mana ap item should be added.
Vi has plenty of tit to make up for Jinx's flat chest.
She'd probably have you dump load after load inside of her completely raw, leaving her completely full and dripping by the time she's satisfied.
jinx is most definitely a size queen