>stop deleting thread edition
also which face should my dorf get
Wowg (world of warcraft general)
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Why did they delete the last thread?
unsure tbqh
Mac'Aree is best zone! BEST!
buff mw
Monks dont get buffs cause they're too powerful (in theory)
Am I the only one who doesn't use addons?
nice mog
thank you so much!
how is that a good mog? wearing retard skimpy armour and using ILLIDAN WARGLAIVES!!! you people have the worst fucking taste in mogs
Why is pesado so based bros?
Looks like the yanks are waking up.
It's literally almost 8 pm.
>Do 3 invasion points.
>Get loot on only one of them cause dying at boss and it gets killed before i return.
Maybe i should just stop playing.
And what the hell does this game want me to do with the boss attack that just bounces you in the air till your dead?
Yeah im mad cause i wasted an hour today on this shit cause of poorly times releasing.
way to cover your face with your glaive, you dickhead
that could've been a great shot
reminder that RiPiP is back and raiding again!
whisper anyone online for an invite and make sure you ask about raids if interested
i use postal, which everyone should use, it automatically opens your mail, so you dont have to click each one, then click on whatever is in it. and a addon that shows coordinates. but thats ti
Really makes me think
You don't need an addon for this, there's an "open all" button now.
how to glyphs work now? am i a dumbie?
Rate mog
>fantasy game where you can pick from a wide assortment of races
>willingly choosing to play a niggress
Q1: right click glyph, it opens spellbook. click on ability
Q2: yes
lads you better do the class mount chain on your classes because its so easy and yo u can purchase extra pets sometimes
Im still building a fire /wowg/
what are you doing?
w/e dude.. even the tits are different
>the monk mount quest is bugged
There's just about zero black paladins, so it makes it stand out. But I'm thinking of race-changing her to a dwarf or something. She is ten gallons of boring in a one gallon bottle.
I'm one of those people who has to have one of every race in the game. Exclusions are worgen (because their models are hilariously awful) and blood elves (because they are a plague).
playable vrykul fucking when
Is Shadow worth playing anymore? I have a priest with the 2 BIS leggos and I haven't' touched it since before NH
lore babbies would cry that it would make no sense for a vrykul to be adventuring through the world let alone as part of the alliance/horde
>his spectral tiger isn't swift
how long will i wait for the gm to help me with the bugged quest at 4 am european
>use 6 bonus rolls in tos this week
>all AP
why did dh need a buff wtf
>no ret buff
>bm getting a 6% buff
Why they do so much fucking damage right now, literally every single pull in a mythic i go to 2-3mil and on bosses its 2mil down to 1.2mil and now were getting a 6% buff? Blizzard is fucking dumb
really makes you think
I'm a lore babby myself. Or was.
We have playable Illidari, ex(?)-minions of the Scourge, retconned utopian holy-space-demons, and interdimensional demonic battle ships.
Considering the Valarjar exist and play nice with both the Alliance and Horde at Odyn's will, that's reason enough.
Helya's Horn gets stolen by Sylvanas and now the Kvaldir are part of the Forsaken and she gets to snag whatever Dark Val'kyr are still around.
Odyn gets rustled by this afront and commits the mortal Valarjar to the Alliance while the Stormforged ones focus on fighting void whatsits.
why is some faggot harassing a GM who has nothing to do with policy making and just trying to do his job? thats like being a dick to the dude at the gas station for when gas is 4 bucks a gallon. you just come off as a stupid faggot
whats there to think about? seems valid to me
did u even read the blue post
because people are stupid faggots, that's why
>doing rare
>some full mythic geared with elite set transmoged guy trespasses
day ruined
Is there literally any reason to do invasion points now?
Is World of Warcraft really a game for 12 year olds like that GM said?
you dont even need the argus waystones in order to do the worldboss
redpill me on italian trannys
I started playing it at 16 during TBC. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I wasn't 12.
Huh, so do I need to finish this invasion questline to access Mac'donalds WQs?
>STILL stuck at 1/3 Argussian Reach world quests and haven't gotten any more all day
bet you wish you had this
Another good snipe.
>log on
>3 AR quests up in Mac'aree
>do them all
>log off and laugh at the people who still aren't finished
daily reminder to avoid south american realm players
someone posted this for 125g?
Don't pick stupid edgy names and there wont be a problem. Just edit a name from the random name generator like everyone else.
whats that actress's name?
you fuckin ah bot
Bros...I did it. I did it bros.
Honestly they should ban everyone who doesn;'t have a fantasy name. Ruins the immersion.
did what idiot
>decide to try out PvP
>other team has a healer
>they keep running around pillars
>caster so I get cucked everytime
How do I git gud at PvP /wowg/?
How do I fucking deal the dps per second as a fury warrior?
I don't want to only play arms, they have similar stat weights after all.
>want to play outlaw rogue and work towards thunderfury mog
>literally the worst in every aspect of the game
Why even bother..
>healer line of sighting you
Then hit someone you can. No point in doing 0 dmg as apposed to some on someone else
Dont play pvp in a dragonslaying game. Go play something else like pubg, l4d2, or even ass faggots or something.
What class/spec do you play user?
wait for people to outplay themselves
cc thing, hit other thing
keep healer out of cc
this, though, unless you actually enjoy wow pvp or want the rewards (elite set, titles, tabard, mounts, whatever)
Arms, enhance, or unholy for alt? Mostly looking for something that's fun to do world content with. Already have a character to raid with and not interested in another
They fucking suck.
Is elemental ascendance the gayest 3 minute dps CD in the game?
arms warrior
>hit the dps
>healer stands behind pillar and heal him up to 100%
>run towards healer to kill him
>he runs around pillars x 100
>get fucked by dps
Frost mage
Ok what is dampening. Healer cant do that the entire arena. There are comps focused around killer someone instantly. Theres comps that stall the match until dampening is so high they just pop burst and kill all 3. You cant be serious when you just started pvping and someone gives you legit advice and all you do is greentext a shitty response. Enjoy 1200rating i guess
I just posted what happens when I do as he said, I didn't claim to be a pro, just asking for general advice. I didn't know dampening was a thing but now I do so thank you.
Ex-server developer/admin looking for programmer to help create dream custom server.
I had a good run at wow private servers between Sunwell and Ulduar, experimented with a lot of things and I've reflected on my experiences for the entirety of my life afterwards. My dream is to use the ideas I've developed to create a dream custom pve and pvp progression server on the wotlk end patch. What I need is someone who can help me with the technical side of hosting a server, compiling and setting up a world of warcraft server side client and database. I will also give you a lot of developer freedom and you will be my priority go to for any opinion I need. I also will pay a month income should the opportunity arrive, even out of my own private work life. If you have any interest email me at [email protected] I could pretty much talk about wow private server ideas endlessly.
Just did a Naigtal invasion on my awful geared shaman alt.
There was a huge group of dead or afk people at the beginning.
Like every one of those 100 mil + big lanky mobs were pulled, aoeing everyone to death.
There were like 4 of us running around the sides trying to complete objectives, but we kept dying due to damage.
In the end, it was me, a rogue, a warrior and a DK against the last boss...finally killed. Died 13 times.
Is this what they had in mind with invasions? Group us so we can kick afkers or make this shit easy. It literally punishes players for trying.
Is this game still worth playing? Vanilla-Draenor fag here. Also is the monk good at tanking and healing or is there better for raids.
>WoW has 30 minutes of content each day doing the same shit
>Still alive
i love afking these and watching retards with 3m hp die to mobs
Monk is good at everything but DPS right now. It's DPS is still pretty fun, and decent in M+.
There's two widely generalized camps - WQ LFR heroes and people beating themselves to death on Mistress or Fallen Avatar mythic.
Me? Personally, I'm just working on getting the Challenge appearances I like by being a faggot on alts and using 910 tokens to get decent gear. So far I've gotten Ret, Windwalker, and Blood challenge weapons.
Leave Aggramar to me.
>at keyboard viewing people dying
People like you should step on a thumb tack.
>people dying to the fel boulders
this fuckin shield gotta be the best designed think in whole wow
What class do you play? Nearly any class can survive falling.
Same, I just flame shock the last boss and watch other do the job, if shit hits the fan I just heal myself.
At 900 ilvl what M+ should I be doing?