/fg/ - Falcom General #78

Previous thread: >Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII PC beta testing is ongoing: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1471969431583803926/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Class VII's back: imgur.com/a/Pw4Cp

- Ys Seven coming to PC, trailer/info: gematsu.com/2017/07/ys-seven-pc-first-details-trailer-screenshots

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana brought by NISA. Please complain to Falcom, not XSEED (they're upset about it too). Good Japanese grammar is extremely recommended.

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

I want to fuck Remiferia nurses. I bet the sex would be very healing to my soul.

Finally justice for them

Is Akatsuki canon? Has anytng major happened there?

rean pls


>Rean has 5k health

>Has to fight him and machias.

>Now has 10k health

>regains control.

>back to 5k.

Stop fucking holding out on me REEE.

It is apparently, but so far the story has not had anything super major, aside from introducing stuff from Remiferia, and some other Jaeger corp names, plus some extra interactions between the cast in Crossbell.

And another way too easy boss of just spamming crafts.
Also was it actually true what someone said in 3rd that the events broke some barrier of reality and now the peoples dreams and nightmares seep into reality?
Way too many fiends in coldsteel to be a coincidence.

No? The stuff in phantasma is really self contained, and they avoided it from seeping into reality. What you're seeing is the local Erobonia weirdness.