/DG/ - Destiny General
First for you got conned into buying a $20 DLC for $60 as a new game
How do you get an aura
>only one per week
Fucking hell, trying to get the crucible set really is pure suffering
Post Guardians and rate those before you
Just beat the main story this morning. Are public events the best way to grind for exotics right now?
Trying to get ready for the raid.
Heroic public events or strikes with a fire team medallion active
You also get one for every Shax level up. Just play Cru Cru
fuck man I'm weak, I want to wait for PC but I want to consume Destiny content to pass the time.
Is buying Destiny 2 on PS4 worth it for JUST the campaign.
rundown on clan reward system
>~20 matches of crucible per engram
its still suffering
Praxic Fire is back? What's it do now?
I did them a while ago and now Ikora isn't in the tower anymore.
thats starfire. praxic is a chain looking chestpiece
2 and a half hours of crucible per engram is fucking terrible, though
you'll also probably get a drop or two at the end of a match
>Prestige Nightfall
Hey fellas anyone wanna join Don and I for strikes? I ain't puttin my headset on tho
My B. Not a Warlock main. That's the double fusion right? Does it still do that?
Titan is the best place to grind public events right?
>Second PS4 clan hit exp cap so I can't finish the milestone quest to get clan exp
what are Milestones? quests you get when you reach lvl 20?
They are milestones
Yes you can.
holy fucking cringe
I have a co-worker who has that as his message tone and keeps spouting it off. Great kid but I want to throttle him by 10AM
>Fallen tank event
>First knock down all arc charges get placed properly
>Second knockdown some autist warlock comes to the one im already putting in
>Drops his charge for a fucking scortch cannon
>Pick up and try to put in the final arc charge to make it heroic
>The tank dies before it goes in
Whats the best way to grind level 210~240 gear?
I'm about 210 now and planned to do Strike missions but you need to be 240 for that.
So classes hold swords differently? Or is it just different types of sword are held differently regardless of class?
consul was merely pretending
He seemed pretty dead in the cutscene.
Yeah you can, you need personal XP
Decent muted colours. Nice simple aesthetic - 9/10
ok /dg/ time to decide:
Better Devils or The Old Fashioned?
10/10 great color and armor matching (which is hard to do with that exotic)
So I never played Destiny 1. Which Warlock subclass should I go for if I want to fling balls of magic exploding bullshit a lot?
1/10 needs celestial nighthawk
Vamplock is so much fun
I reached level 273 and now my vanguards are giving me 267 legendaries and blues are dropping at level 267, what's up with that????
1/10 ugly warframe shoes and no nighthawk
Raid time I guess.
Open the map nitwit
>Provides ability energy for each enemy tethered by shadowshot anchors
neat i guess
in the basement next to amanda
0/10 kys
>not old enough to remember the oppression of the iron lords
Wait, what's this about Iron Lords? Weren't they just Guardians?
Anyone for Rat King from step 1?
Is there a reason why male Warlocks only start looking like males after level 20? Seriously I couldn't tell whether or not I was on my femlock half the time
How is the dawnblade in crucible? Kind of feels like a shitty hammerbro
A little plain, the boots look weird. Nighthawk tho.
Forgot image
>ttk is so low in crucible that someone can get the drop on you and you can still double tap them with a sniper before they can kill you
>destiny 1
Big Titans are good but those shoulders look like you could slap Guac and Salsa in them and use them for nachos.
finish story, do public events and adventures, get engrams from vendors
post full view?
I swear to God, this meme never fails to deliver.
2/10 for using a literally useless free exotic that you didn't earn
The super is meh and we've see the aesthetic before, but the rest of the class is lowkey really good. Especially so when you spec mobility. The ability to shoot while burst gliding is great.
That exotic + path of hunger is amazing though.
Speaking of prestige nightfall has anyone done it yet? I know gigz and his crew are trying.
In what universe? It doesn't synergize at all? All it does is give fancy colors to things you already know. KYS
I miss Saint-14's helmet.
It isnt great, the warlock appeals are the passives
Guide to maximizing 1 character.
Step 1. Hit 266 light. This can easily be accomplished with rep grinding and feeding your exotics to get them to 270.
Step 2. Do the Strum and multi tool exotic quests.They should give you such a massive boost that it increases you to 270.
Step 3. Grind some more legendaries. By this point they should be past the 265 threshold and get you to 271 or 272 light.
Step 4. Feed any exotics you don't plan on using to legendary gear to get the most value.
Step 5. Now do all the weekly content and hope for the best.
I got to 281 power on 1 character so far I could go to 282 if I bothered to put legendary mods in my pieces
What are you talking about? Universally sped up ability cooldowns doesn't synergize with an ability?
It gives ability cooldown retard
Still looking?
I think you get the most value by using legendary gear on exotics since they all have +5 mods. I got a 290 sturm even though I only have 275 power level.
It almost makes me want to try nightstalker
What is the recommended level/power for Maevic Square? I walked i there and got bitchslapped by a Dreg.
Ghaul and the Red Legion are such lame ass bad guys.
What basement???
He;s not on the map you ignoramous
>Arrows in a hip mounted quiver
nigger that is cool as fuck
is this game good enough to warrant buying on PS4 & PC?
I got two of them in the EDZ
fair warning, it's a slow gun, but fuck me, it looks good, it sounds good, it hits hard, and I even like reload (aside from how desperately slow it is)
So do we have any idea what the faction armor might look like other than this one?
Are the Vex future humanity?
Hahah not even close
Watching AngryJoeShow's stream right now. Holy shit, he and his chat are such cancerous, ignorant fuckers.
Which sith lord skill group is the best? What the fuck is an "arc soul"? can I make a boss weapon out of it?
an arc soul is something you get from a warlock skill
is there going to be another xbox clan? I cant join the first one because its full
Still an ugly ass Guardian and an exotic he didnt earn, unlike my nighthawk
Anyone know the easiest way to get the fur armor for the titan?Been grinding nonstop and don't know the best method
>on the left side
It would explain why the Vex never colonized Earth.
Hey thanks for explaining that
Easiest way is to play the game.
it's just random drop from Patrol engrams (packages). "Devastation Complex" or something
Crucible one has white phoenix decals though if you want to zzz though Crucible
There is a line about Eva Levante surviving in the tower. So my question is what will her capacity be when she inevitably pops back up?
Do you think she might be a shader duplicator? It seems an easy solution to the shader problem and a nice cash sink for our capped glimmer.
>rolling anything but Titan
>reading this thread when ur a pc player
>shader duplicator