What car is this ?

what car is this ?

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probably tylo be chillin


Idk but I wanna ride it

A nicely shaped body is like a piece of art but that silly ass shaking shit always makes me cringe and I kinda find it disgusting also

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5th gen camaro


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>lard asses


Now leave and never come back

She's twerking on a red 5th generation Camaro.

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its a camaro! alright now who's that girl?

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I'm surprised that nobody noticed the clean 3k Civic sitting in the background.

>*jiggle jiggle jiggle*

I have a strange craving for some jelly

Glad to see this WHOLE thread isnt calling her a "nigger". That being said there's still work to do

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looks like a Honda Civic
thank goodness the thot isnt ruining that car with her presence

>t. nigger

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If your looking at the car its time to move to San Francisco.

>tfw europoor
>negresses are a a rarity, moreso thicc ones

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Get this degenerate fucking monkey nigger shit out of here

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lost and its not even that kinda thread

I think you missed your left turn at Albuquerque. /Pol/ is that way -->.

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Here's the (You) you were looking for.
t. (You)

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Should have left her face in the car.

nigger faggot

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Camaro, I can tell by the Guage cluster and the rear glass panel.

Camaro. I can tell because the woman likes it more than the Civic

RX7. The only car with that much

your pathetic

That's a Camaro and I would frick a nigress.

Obviously a 5th gen camaro, probably a 2010 or 2011 based on the steering wheel

twerking is the most unsexy thing

Hey that's a 7th gen civic behind her.