Do you wear auto merchandise regardless if it matches your current carornot?
Do you wear auto merchandise regardless if it matches your current carornot?
*car or not
>wearing merch that matches your car
I think this is still better than having adidas or nike all over your shit
I don't wear auto merch at all. Or really even that much branded stuff.
>wearing bmw merch
asking for it
the only Veeky Forums merchandise I'd consider, and I don't even have an Audi.
its okay to have like a t-shirt if you like it (unless it's tesla)
I got a shirt like this and I drive an Infiniti G35.
However, the VW Lupo GTI is one of my dream cars so whatevz.
Yeah i wear sponsor shirts because free shirts for work.
The gf got a bunch of bmw hoodies from the dealership she worked at. Wear them almost every day because warm. Just a little logo on the corner.
>I drive a miata. Shes the one who owns two BMW's
I used to have a pretty cool AMC Gremlin shirt, but I stopped being a fatty and it was too big on me and looked silly.
I tried shrinking it, but it didn't work
I wear a Mustang shirt with a white pony on it that says ride the pony and I dont even like Mustangs
I have a pair of Speedhunters hoodies
they are comfy
I have a pair of Ferrari puma shoes.
Wearing anything with a brand on it(and paying for it) is fucking retarded. You're basically paying a company to advertise for them.
That's shit tier as well. Any watch that is too ashamed to wear the brand of the company that created it is absolutely not worth wearing.
I have an M hat but that's as far as I'll go. Most auto merch is pushing the autism boundaries.
I honestly think that it’s higher tier fashion to do so.
Wearing branded clothing is just an invitation to uninteresting small talk and nothing more.
>So you like ________, huh? That's cool, I like *other thing*.
I wear shirts from rallys that I went to, managed to get a cap autographed Giles Panizzi back when peugeot raced in wrc
Is rally merch acceptable?
>I have an M hat
>t. Muharem