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first for sharting out in 12th place

Can someone explain how Kuro won a TI when he is apparently a team destroying cancer according to Artour (a statement which zai and puppey backed up)?

>believing the words of kids

Incase you dont see it
use frost armor on creeps to fuck up the enemy safe lane carries last hits. Use it on your carry for saving fucking retards. You only need a single point in your first skill for the slow.

lich player here, yeah, I do actually. Schadenfreude is a hell of a drug. I also allchat ? after every other missed last hit or last second sacrifice deny.

6th for Gochiusa

remember to buy bloodrush to git gud at dota

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

today I will remind them

is it possible to complete battlepass quests in lobby games?

how come people don't buy diffusal more often on arc warden?

does the blight stone armor reduction apply to the right clicks after the initial right click? or does it need a second right click to apply the minus armor to it

>tfw no cute vampire hero

applies just before first hit damage calculation.

feed me dotards


Arteezy is legit a little baby who can't take someone telling him what to do. It's why he liked that beta faggot Cr1t as his captain because it meant he didn't have to follow orders.

of course not user. :^)

ded game.

does armlet io restore health to tethered heroes when toggled on?

dueling fates when?

it shouldn't since it's not a heal but a strength increase

Why is this queer motherfucker not dominating offlane every game?


>putting mid heroes into the offlane
love this meme

how the fuck do I win games as dragon cunt

>play Pubg
>be even way worse than at dota

*tortured ghost wailing*

rtz has mechanical skills but no brains

>those kdas
>dying with dragon knight

He is one of the most straight-forward heroes in the game. If you have to ask how to play dk, you are probably better off asking "how do I play dota".

Fuck man even in low priority there's forced 50, guess i'm happy about it there.

The people in LP are far far worse than the people in 4k.

>picking farm vacuum heroes in lpq

why are first world countries so awful at dota?

because they mostly play lol except sweden
next question

does liking gorillaz make me a fag

how hard is invoker really

invoker being difficult is a meme to keep the appearance of balance

why first world countries mostly play lol?

because valve doesn't do advertising

>demon kicked from the team he formed (DC)
>demon convinced ohaiyo to let him and EE join fnatic
>demon immediately kicked

demon is a complete shitter, so this is unsurprising

when is PPD's shitstack playing next?

>tfw dropped back to 3,3k

in years i have not progressed one bit

You get an armlet+MoM+Blink and kill someone

what's up you fucking retards

It's SD so you're always picking the least shitty opiton

nice dead thread, this is what happens when your game doesn't have a flat-chested fairy hero

sauce on demon wanting to join fnatic again

me on the left

Why aren't you spamming CK to get out of 1k user?

I could have two days off and still not be able to stomach one fucking match of Dota. God damn what happened to me, I used to pound out 8 match on a school day like it was nothing. These days I just play my 3DS or emulators.

Because I calibrated asap at 3.3k playing mostly support with this being my first assfaggot and have never dropped below that

Dunno how anyone can be stuck in 1k-2k for hundreds or even thousands of games, especially since they're presumably spamming cores in an effort to climb out, but I see them all the time

man I know you're really happy playing CK and think you've found the secret to mmr but I'd say 75% of actual dota is completely lost on you.

>Dunno how anyone can be stuck in 1k-2k for hundreds or even thousands of games, especially since they're presumably spamming cores in an effort to climb out

1. They never, ever, ever buy detection even though this is the only bracket where invis is not only viable but strong and always present in every game

2. Extremely poor last-hitting ability, give them a totally free lane they will only manage 4 lh/min

3. Because of poor farm every game, they over-value trying to get kills and the game turns into a crapshoot of who happened to have the better comp for getting kills from going all-in during lane. Tying in with this, they have extremely weak and vague ideas about what a given hero's purpose really is and how they fit into a lineup. These are the people who think you pick Enigma for epic black holez and not because he can farm a lightning-fast mek and collect a free tower with his niglets.

4. Poor objective sense, you think teamwiping and somehow not taking a tower happens a lot at 3k and 4k you ain't seen nothing if you've never been lower


SingSing is streaming dotards


ur getting old user...


d2g why is this game trying so hard to break my all time lose streak of 14 ranked games in a row. I've nearly fell 500 mmr this month, and everytime i play with 3ks or low 4ks i want to kill myself.

What should you max first as Shadow Shaman?

I've been told to max the nuke, since it's pretty strong and scales well. And it's not wrong. But I always felt my main purpose early game was to go around and memegank faggots by disabling them forever, so I preferred maxing Shackles.

>aghs blademail qop
>no linkens on pa or qop
>no abyssal on pa
you guys deserved to lose.

how do i get a job

>tfw been playing dota for 10 hours straight today
>tfw feel like I can go for 10 hours more
i'm feeling the grind boys

fast food will hire anyone with a pulse

go work there for 6 months without being a pain in the ass

then apply for a better job in an office, probably data entry or support desk

Do they know that Blade Mail for QoP was nerfed?


It is good to get out of the house user. Working fast food and talking to QTs because you have to will do wonders for you my man.

i hope
sometimes i feel confident and able to talk to anybody other days i act like a stone cold autist

*pats head*

>then apply for a better job in an office, probably data entry or support desk
Would such jobs even care that you've worked at a fast food place?

>Working fast food and talking to QTs
In my experience, you don't really "talk to QTs" when you're wearing a stupid uniform and selling them shitty food. Especially if you're already an introvert / nerd.

nice try but it wasn't the item build that lost the game. It was lion, cent, bounty hunter getting smoke gank caught 3 v 5 at 45min into game with no buy back. So i just afk'd in base and didn't defend.

you deserve to lose

>Would such jobs even care that you've worked at a fast food place?
Places that can afford to be picky don't take people without a recent job history. Its easier to get a job if you already have one, and every week you've been out of work makes it more likely a potential employer will wonder why you haven't been working. That's just how it is.

Are you ready to watch a chad dominate peruvians?

I have a good smile and can be "charismatic" at times. Sometimes you talk to someone and you can feel a vibe, somtimes you get a number. Life opens up when you do

How do i into Sven?
I see people play him and they 1 shot others yet when i play him i do a solid 5 damage

Yeah, I just don't think an office would pick a fast food worker over someone else who has had a "real job"

Why is singsing playing solo queue dotards?

This is actually painful to watch

>singsing and iceiceice on the same team

i don't know why stream snipers think they're hilarious

idk that
>just here for my boy artour
was moderately funny
but what's ruining this stream is how thin this midget's skin is.

>this icesing synergy

Any job is a massive increase in your employability, even if all it proves is that you are capable of actually turning up to work and not raping/murdering/selling drugs/whatever. When an employer looks at a resume and sees someone has been unemployed for years they assume you are a fucking junkie or some shit, trust me, I've been through it.

>sub 100 MMR dota
oh my fuck i wasnt prepared for this level of bad

All-Pick is shit, Single Draft is the best game mode

Are we currently on yuro hours or thirdie hours

Why is lich strong in this meta? Explain to a dotard



ice armour fucks with the 'fight' meta, sacrifice destroys lanes and jungling is kinda shit

Why is there so little silencer/OD stealing int porn?

>icefrog was at puppeys wedding

somebody get the attendees list

Cos all dota porn is either featured lina\cm its fucking stale, fuck you off already or gay slark with donut asshole.

that that back you shithead

Tyler mmr?

what the fuck is the point of drums?

Lich was always strong, so has Earthshaker and Venomancer, it is just that in a meta where nothing is obviously OP FOTM (like Monkey King, QOP, Lina a few patches ago), pros go back to the tried and tested cancer heroes like the ones I initially mentioned. Though I wouldn't call Void cancer, the reason why he is "viable" now is precisely the same reason, namely that Void is a reliable hero that will always be relevant.