/owg/ - Overwatch General

[Embed] Edition

>Season 6 is live
>The new competitive season is bringing some changes: youtube.com/watch?v=Jqf0e8zzyCw

>here's what's live right now:
Orisa - shield is bigger, plasma bolts fly faster
Roadhog - damage reduction while self-healing to help survivability, able to move while healing
Junkrat - can carry two concussion mines at once, tire is way faster
Widowmaker - venom mine reveals poisoned enemies (just like Infrasight), grappling hook recharges faster
(also, you can adjust crosshair outline opacity now)
>here's what isn't live yet:
RIP-Tire momentum nerf
D.Va changes
Mercy rework (see below)


>New escort map JUNKERTOWN is now on the PTR!

>Deathmatch is now LIVE, accessible in the arcade

>What did the devs say they're working on?
- Lots of secret back-end changes for Season 6
- SR calculation changes, eventually (no more gaming the system with off-meta one-tricks)
- Maybe map voting / rotation someday, after more maps are released
- See-through objective markers "soon"
- No solo-only queues or search preferences are coming (at least for now)

>Latest cinematic, "Rise and Shine"

>NEW comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

Other urls found in this thread:


>playing comp
>all my binds get fucked up for literally no reason
>in spawn as Lucio
>try to ride out
>my ult was rebound to E and my E was rebound to LSHIFT so I ult in spawn
>switch heroes
>it's like this on all heroes
Ah yes

just let us die

>Sombra winning DM through pure opportunist


Best way to react to a Genji ult?

I mostly play Reaper and Dva, and my instincts is to hide behind a corner til he's done. Should I try to fight him? I'm only effective close quarters with these two and he's got his ult and dash up.

It exists, it's a secret game mode called call of duty

Shoot him and force out the deflect or kill him. Genji doesn't gain any extra health or movement abilities when he's ulting. He can't two shot either of those heroes so basically grow a pair.

>Tracer dominating DM because she just steals everyone kills.
They really need to change it do the person who gets the most damage done on the target gets credit for the elim

Are these fellatio lips? Y/N

which one of you faggots started a new thread

we were 800 posts into page 10 and ready to die with what little dignity we had left

skip a few

No, these are

I'm pretty sure that's Link, not Mercy



They should do something about opportunists in Deathmatch

As dead as your sex-life.

>join FFA
>shit map
>already 10 kills behind
>spawn-camped immediately
How do you fuck up something so simple this bad

what's the quickest way to level up 1-25? for a second account

sick burn dude


I've gone from 3700 SR down to 3300 in the span of a day. and all i do is fill. is there any escape from this ride?


uninstall and play lawbreakers

I've tried. and im a sick gunslinger but the AUS/NZ region is dead. and that game is dead from what i hear

pls respons it's a time sensitve issue


and casual games

anyone wanna play on PC EU .. 1900-ish mercy main here :)


>Lost a game on ilios because our d.va kept demanding Lucio and Ana heal him
>literally did nothing but just keep taking damage
>healers start to prioritize reaper and mcree, so starts running in front of Ana when some health was lost
>cost us 2-3 really clutch teamfights
>the 1 time dva ults, throws ult into the well and then gets gibbed by hog

It takes a special kinda asshole

>winning Deathmatch with Lucio
Wow he's pretty fun

you a slutty boy?

how is smurfing ever a time sensitive issue just play ur main u fuk

i am not switching


anyone know of any free vpn?

or other way to connect to other region for free

why is the sky limit so inconsistent in overwatch?

did blizzard just forget that pharah exists when making some of these maps or is there a genuine balance reason for why you hit the boundary whenever you boost on maps like numbami?

free vpns are only free because they sell your info, spend $5 and use mudfish its the cheapest option out there

>losing a match in lijiang
>tell them i shouldn't be gold elims as Ana
>"nuh uh, im gold"
>tell him how many kills he has
>"gold is at 6 right now"
>calls me a faggot and leaves
good times

>tfw best ship is mercy x roadhog
>tfw people hate best ship

also holy fuck, I just google image searched this pic and there's no matches but google's best guess for the image is "manlet with girl"

when will they ever learn

>women who like short men

>join vs. AI game because I don't want to play but I want that sweet +1500 first win of the day EXP
>end up in a game in-progress where the team is losing against the hard AI
>they all have played this game hundreds of hours more than me


generally the maps made earlier in development have lower ceilings
no theres no reason for it, they just dont ever make a point of giving the maps a balance pass, changes only get made if theres a huge fucking glaring issue with a map and even then its not gonna be timely and its usually not the right change
also pharah didnt used to be capable of ceiling clinging like she currently does because her boosters couldnt keep her in the air for the duration of her jetpack cd so it really wasnt something that ever made a difference

inting to protest mercy changes

>being a crippled woman

>Get these two tards
>Someone on the enemy abandoned anyways
Thank you God

>Enemy Winston leaps over to the perch and team kills with DF
I've never been more satisfied at my own death

>the only viable hero in DM is McCree
holy fucking shit hahahahahahahahahahhaha blizzard is fucking garbage at balance

Does Sombra suck?

One can only hope.

are you suggesting they should alter the heroes to balance them specifically for DM?

yes but also super no
shes a bad design with an extremely exploitable gimmick and zero counterplay
kinda like mei when she could fully charge her ult with 6 headshots

She sucks on Tracers cute clit.

What do you think holding Mercy would feel like?

Just like holding any other women. You DO know how that feels, right user?

Doomfist is so terrible, holy shit. You have to be a god to actually be able to do anything with him

need a link to the full image please, google isn't helping.

They could do DM only buffs/nerfs you know.

Junkrat is absurd now. The double mines + riptire speed is just too much. Especially aids in any arcade deathmatch mode.

He's extremely strong if you're good with him and extremely shit if you aren't.

he's great fun, maybe you're just bad

Sure I do, user. Of course. For sure.

Somewhere in there:

there's a reason they're playing AI user

I've grinded loads of XP against bots, and I've seen people with silver borders who still play by holding W and steering with the mouse

he's amazing. He is played in the korean competitive scene a lot. Never seen a new character make it's way into a comp team so quickly.

How do we improve this game?

or they could just design characters so they dont instawin all 1v1s since its bad design regardless of game mode


thanks user

Remove 97% of the players. Done.

Post your hours on each hero in "All Modes" and get judged.

Which overwatch girl has the cutest feet?

of course doomfist would have a fucking foot fetish

fucks sake

how do people enjoy playing against mercy with current ultimate
you can 1v6 as genji with ultimate but when you killed more that one person mercy will just press q and become immune to damage for 5 seconds and the whole tema will kill you
just played a game as reaper and whenever i would flank and try to kill mercy she would res sometimes for no one and then she is immune to damage and i have to shift walk away
it's just not fun to play against

Mercy. Is that even a question?

how's her tail connect, user?

I'm cool

>Win a game with Grandmasters
>Next game have literally a plat on my team

I think I'm not gonna play comp until the mercy nerf is live.
She's just anti fun all around

Does Ana now need a buff in the current "meta"

Whenever i pick her i receive alot of hate and constantly told to go mercy even though i believe she is a good character as her sleep dart is great at denying ults and her nade is great for pushes denying health recovery

Her ult did take a hit and does not gain nowhere as fast as other healers let alone mercy spam

It's glued on.

You seem like a cool guy.

retards want mercy so they can justify dying, also most anas are below 80% accuracy both zoom and unzoomed, wich is useless essentially.

mercy is best girl, yes?

More like Mercy needs a nerf, but that's already going to happen.

if the enemy team has a winston who knows what he's doing you may as well be throwing if you pick ana

even if he never dives you, his infinite bubbles will fuck you up and make you beyond useless, even the best anas cant shoot through barriers

Yeah, glued to the walls of her rectum.

don't be lewd user
Mercy can only be lewd with roadhog

Huh? No, you're clearly seeing things that aren't there.

>her sleep dart is great at denying ults

Mercy does it better by pressing Q.
If you sleep dart someone there's still a chance that a retard from your team will wake them up.

I think so. I can't wait for her rework to go live. Knowing she is going to be changed makes me not want to play her the way she is now. I'd rather wait til the changes go live.

He's probably right.
Even if I'd love to feel the Widow's cold, sadistic feet pressing against my face.

video games


Compared to other healers she cannot passively heal herself
Is punished heavily with long cooldowns on abilities
Needs actual line of sight to heal and can miss completely
Long ult charge time

Surely she could receive a tweak or two

Yep, though most games you dont ho solo hral let alone solo ana

Mercy cannot rez people who have been knocked off by roadhog or winston ult

>2 Sombras in DM
>literally every health pack is taken away
>to no surprise both of them are in the top spot
Holy shit, do something about this. Her opportunist bullshit is too good

>getting knocked off by Roadhog or Winston ult

Also I'm pretty sure you can still rez them, the soul drops from the location where you got hit when get thrown off a ledge.

Go soldier or tracer

desu ana's decline has nothing to do with mercy

dive meta was created specifically to take out the ana so she couldn't sustain tank meta

mercy just profited from dive meta because she has a higher mobility, it wasn't long ago when we were bitching about people picking mercy like they were automatically throwing because we thought she was so useless

McCree, Roadhog, possibly Pharah depending on the map.