>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
I like this OP better desu.
iceberg or moonbow on fae
Ok, this way:
How does this look, lads? I don't have Cancel Affinity fodder desu and this seems pretty decent. Her default B skill should prevent OHKOs if she gets smacked.
Iceberg if running TA.
Maker of the other OP here. My condolences for beating you by a few seconds. I like Micaiah as well and want her in Heroes.
No problem. I like the OC of your OP anyway
Guard 2 can work too to block off Memebow charges and such
cute snack
Will they add my wife in the next banner?
Snacki licking my balls, Miccy swallowing my shaft
Question, and probably a retarded one at that, but does the Phantom Spd seal only grant the +5 Spd when Wind/Watersweep's secondary effect is triggered? Or is it a permanent +5 as long as the unit has the skill? Because even if you're running Watersweep for instance you'll still only attack once even if fighting against an Axe user and not a mage
Distant Def 3 and the Distant Def 1 Seal, do they stack?
Let's say I want to merge my MRobin+3 to my MRobin+0. What would happen? +1? +4?
Phantom Speed only gives you +5 speed for the calculation of Water/Windspeed's effect, as it states. That's all it does.
>all of the options for rooting my phone are shit and come with a 50/50 shot at bricking
well it was nice coming back for just a few short weeks while it lasted, see you /feg/
Sub-human when?
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
Does anyone have a link to the fire emblem 7 premium soundtrack?
I had the disk but apparently CDs rust from the inside
Please link me to the download im low on data and the hurricane could get worse ;_;
I no longer even feel regret staying up this late. At least it's satuday
If I can't enjoy a non-screwed Lyn, then I'll just be a big jerk about it in the Arena.
Post cute maid in a wedding dress please.
>another thread bumped for hours because it failed to be the thread last time around, thus not linking the correct previous thread
Literally no other general has this problem.
i do this everyday. at least im not awake during super shitposting hours
Even 10% is risky. Take that bullet user!
you can check the resulting outcome before you click confirm
See you, summoning cowboy
how do you come to terms with rolling for a shared color focus unit
I'd rather pray for emulators to work again, but not like that'll happen before Eirika's banner dies.
Never do it.
Learn to love the other unit as well that way the cuckening doesn't hurt as much
The game just knows which one you're going for, you can't trick the desire sensor. Only do it if you're fine with getting either of them
>ruby sword+
>lote's shield
>wings of meme
>goad fliers
is this a good idea?
I'm taking this one. Thanks my man!
And a little sprite one!
Bought a gift for my wife.
I am enjoying the 24 SP per kill that Maskecina gets.
Post cute lolis
DD Xander is overrated TA3 is better
who the fuck cares about tanking red mages you have Camus and Rein to take out reds and TA3 is better vs greens
Palla desperately needs an offensive A slot to actually do things
keep it on Miccher
i need something to kill hector tho
Marry a cute maid
Have a lovely pink haired daughter
Get a diligent and hard working sister-in-law
I want to marry her right now!
Hey guys. How about Clarisse's Bow on Brave Lyn?
raviolli raviolli let that loli show me her canelloni
I love my cute family!
so you guys merged your Masked Marth right?
>mfw she'll be first ever merged 5* unit
wonder if I should run her in arena for that merge unit point boost, or is +1 too insignificant
I pulled two Spring Camillas consecutively instead of Chrom, and since that day I've never known peace in my life.
>Rolled for Luke and Athena
>got Katarina
Honestly I should have expected it. At least Athena dropped to 4* and Katarina is pretty good anyways.
nigga you already have attack smoke
I think Distant Def 3 and the Distant Def 1 Seal stack.
I tested it on Xander and so that means he can get +6 Def/Res from Fortify, and then +8 Def/Res from the two Distant Defs.
That ain't bad.
i pulled a +atk -res chrom trying to pull camilla wanna trade
Are there any slutty pre-awakening characters?
Pallacia is cuter
what A skill does she need?
Pulled two Xander instead of Lucina. Both are DEF-
what's the ideal Tana build?
i was thinking about fury + desperation
Is Desperation Fury still Anna's best set?
I got spooked by a -atk hector trying to snipe for Bike and I was wondering if DC was any good on her
No shit? It also works with Breath Of Life + Seal, add Linde's tome for +15 AoE heal everytime you attack.
Use darting blow instead of Iote's, you should be trying to avoid taking a hit from archers either way
Yeah but then you can run memebuffs.
sylvia literally flashes her tits to sigurd
If you give Lyn Clarisse's Bow do you unlock anal with Lyn?
Literally any dancer
Yes, you do. Now bend over, user.
My only blue horse memer is +spd -res Peri.
How do I build her?
DC is okay since she's got a decent res stat but there's a lot of units who can use it better. WoM RA is a really good alternative set that works well with her prf.
She's probably not the best candidate for DC. Her res is pretty good and she can tank the Thundercock, but realistically she's not bulky enough to keep taking hits. Maybe you could add the Distant Def seal to improve that though.
Fury/Desperation is still great. You can also do some fun stuff with Noatun+Defiant skills.
You don't, you pass her shit to whoever's actually useful.
Titania and Camilla work better with DC since they can pair it with Emerald Axe. Not to mention they get meme buffs. If you still want something dumb for Anna you could try Wings of Mercy.
Post them
If Inigo, Owain, Severa, Tharja, Gaius and Cordelia are all so popular they deserved to be in TWO different games, why is only Cordelia in FEWarriors?
Firesweep and LnD.
She reaches 53/41 without horsebuffs. Great IV's for this.
Anna wants emerald axe. Why didn't you listen to her.
only ever regret getting Lucius instead of Jaffar
don't mind my Athena.
don't mind my Mathilda.
but I do seem to be getting off-focused units more though.
I've made due with Spring tits+1. I don't really have many good fliers because I'm a fujo and don't enjoy pulling for female characters in general.
not enough room for all of them, and cordelia is the most unique fighter of them all
Function related reasons
There will be DLC. You can count on it.
Technically Gaius would be the most unique because there are zero (0) thieves.
>More memewakering as DLC while ignoring other games
That would be suicide.
i hate fire emblem
what am I supposed to be posting?
my 5* units?
>not giving an Emerald Axe to Hawkeye
>not hearing him scream anytime he activates a special
what support skill do i put on sophia? shes tanky so not sure if she wants draw back
Me too
Go away /fgoalter/.
>Eldest sibling with superior Thighs
>Probably the Ara ~Ara~ type
>Cares deeply about her sisters even though one of them cucked her outta her love
> Cares about her work just as much
>Now in a maid outfit
Fuck don't do this to me tonight my dick can barely handle the thought as it is
I'll never understand why Cordelia is so popular in the first place.
How do you resist personal biases in regards to FEH?
I want to run nothing but horse emblem, but part of me would feel disgusted leaving Nephenee to gather dust once I get her.
What do I do?