League of Legends General - /lolg/


Sex this fish edition

literal perfection.

second for soraka is cute. CUTE.

xth for Syndra

What's wrong with building warmogs on tanks?

Remember to post yordles.


that's not MF though


if ur a fucking DUMBASS


For my fodder, ducking.
How should I build this dunkmaster?

The OOC regen is nice

But its giving straight health and is needlessly expensive so its usually never worth it. I've only ever considered it maybe once or twice on Darius but only against REALLY poke heavy comps.



Can we post lewd ones?

full tank

Tanks don't want to be in a pokefest so you're investing gold in suboptimal play


Im a gold V toplane fag
Will taking ignite instead of teleport be detrimental in the long run? I'm confident I can kill my laner 1-3 times with ignite.
The "tp bot" meme doesnt work in latin america, and I feel like i'd do better just stomping lane and attempting to carry.
Am I wrong? Should I just follow the tp meta?
I play pretty much only rumble so yes I understand the importance of tp but honestly most of my games end in "which team had a fed dude"
Also what junglers can solo carry? Ive had moderate success with vi so far but I'm open to suggestions.
I started fapping to tristana to become a better rumble. Honestly haven't stopped.

what's wrong with building warmogs on mundo?

holy shit honor capsules actually exist

cutest SG

>I started fapping to tristana to become a better rumble. Honestly haven't stopped.
So by this logic:

Fapping to Sena makes you good at Lucian
Fapping to Valor makes you good at Quinn
Fapping to Gangplank makes you good at Illaoi
Fapping to Braum makes you good at Illaoi
Fapping to Jhin makes you good at Jhin
Fapping to Shurima makes you good at Azir
Fapping to Aurelion Sol makes you good at Aurelion Sol

She wishes

I dunno but I miss s3 warmogs giving 1000 health
Going mundo top ghost ignite and somehow always stomping was pure bliss

Yes, you should learn how to use teleport and not rely on ignite..

Swinging objectives and other lanes goes further than just killing your own laner.

>what junglers can solo carry
Anyone that brings a lot of CC that doesn't need a lot of items to do damage. Vi and Jarvan are good

If you're confident you can kill your laner then take it. If you know to properly extend your lead and carry it over to other lanes then by all means take ignite.

Ahri may "objectively" be the hottest but Jinx is the cutest

Time to fap to Zac to get good at Riven

Both wrong.

You already have a FREE warmogs you should build combat stats that will help you survive in a fight while your ult ticks.

Thanks for the lock screen, my dude

Delet it.

i wish i was a girl and not just the cutest boy ever

Other than the crackwhore, Which league girls are crazy/sadists?
Id guess Diana and Evelynn but who else?

But there is no nudity in that picture


Just got banned because people cant take the toxicity lol. If they didnt want to be yelled at why would they do bad?

hey guys let's do some onslaught missions!!

this graphic file make one of my lower body parts feel funny.

have fun being honor 1 faggot
but really why do people get banned for being toxic
just mute them they're obviously not helping the team via chat so mute them and stop being a bitch

add me gumi cat

Then cover it with a burka or take it to /trash/.

Singed and Mundo for sure. Jhin but muh art
Thresh,Tahm, Urgot

do you have 4 people?

Lux used to be crazy but she's much less so after her VA rework.

I am actually retarded disregard

> Be me, playing Tahm Support in ranked
> Do my job of saving people.
> Game finishes
> ADC user has requested to be your friend.
> Decline because of my self-made support policy of only going solo in Solo Queue
> ADC user has requested to be your friend.
> Decline again.
> ADC user has requested to be your friend.
What's some things that piss you off /lolg/.

You mean she went from crazy annoying bitch to little whiny bitch?


Kys fag

>dont post this
>dont even get any requests
kys gurofreak
make your dreams come true LOL

Yeah and it's shittier

at least they kept her laugh.

I kind of want to buy elementalist lux because it's really cool but i'll be damned if there's like any sense of a soul in that shit. It's so uninspired and doesn't retain any of her old character while also not bringing anything new. It's just "grr i'm fire me angry!!" "ooh, me butterfly girl tee hee!~"

Fuck you riot



>I'm worried I won't do as well next game and would rather he believe i'm an absolute infallible god than risk disappointing him.

I feel you bruh.

Getting honored.


Still debating whether or not 425 rp is worth wasting for a border.
Yes I'm cheap.

4 bucks is kinda expensive for just a border
That's like, 4 dollar menu items

Anons I have had it. I had two free wins in my promos to gold with gold 2 MMR and have fallen to Silver 2 60lp Silver 4 MMR. I cant seem to carry from support, even when I play Soraka or Janna. I am going to try midlane. Any tips on how not to further tank my MMR and my spirit because I am already a broken player

It's pointless honestly. If it even came with the emote permanently or something then maybe, just for the dumbass border though it's a waste.

there's nothing wrong with wanting to fugg a qt fox girl sir.

How are you building ez in invasion? I figured I wouldn't have time to stack a tear so I instead went Essence Reaver and Statikk to cap my cdr.

Who else /kaynmayn/ here?

You have time to stack a tear if you're not with randoms and they wait like 30 seconds or so between rounds.

Ahri might be hottest, and maybe Jinx is cutest, but Soraka is the tightest

Soraka is also least likely to have an STD
After Ori

>Rhaast goes through walls too
>SA hair is long and glossy, not unkempt
>he's athletic mode
>gay for Zed
>implying that makes you gay what are you a fag?

I know these are just for fun, but apply yourself next time. Or is it supposed to be ironically retarded?

Yea if it were border + permanent mastery skin I would definitely buy.
Not sure why they make all this temporary shit and then remove it. Even the void reskins could get them easy money as chromas but NOOOO lets make the border cost money

Kitsunes are succubus.

>Tfw no Star Guardian Ori


>my actual face when someone skin boosts in aram

That's because she uses her powerful healing magic to restore her virginity after u fug her

>so tight she can only fit tiny dicklets

So I haven't played the game in years. What is this crafting system? Can I just straight-up randomly obtain a high IP cost champ by rerolling these shitty 450IP champ shards?

Please help I am desperate.

I demand a Star Guardian Nasus skin. He's clearly the best candidate with his original lore.

>Dark Star Mordekaiser isn't a thing

yes, rerolling only gives you champions you don't own as well so if you have all

>not star guardian taric

>tfw they retconned Taric into one of the Spartan expys of all things

Just because she's unimaginably tight doesn't mean she can only take small dicks. It just takes a lot of foreplay and slowly working in there.

Play malz and faceroll across the keyboard until you get to gold

How often does Ahri's familiar get to fuck her?

Results from 14 Hextech Mystery chests I did right now:
x3 Gemstones
Santa Braum(Epic Legacy)
Project Ashe(Legend)
Program Soraka(Epic)
Super Galaxy Rumble(Legend)
Iron Inquisitor Kayle
Justicar Aatrox
Cutpurse Twisted Fate
Bittersweet Lulu
Little Devil Teemo(Epic Legacy)
A handful of champion shards

play sona
build tear and ardent
proceed to get gold for free

>wanting to spend 45 minutes warming up a goat just so you can go super slowly missionary
>when ahri is constantly wet and ready, and you can jam it in as hard as you can without a care

sorry user, sluts win every time.

She don't deserve the dick.

Gifting a guardian skin to the first reply that gets a 2. I have to add you and you have to wait 24h before it can be gifted. In game name must be in the post with the 2 or its disregarded

Silent Pace

I don't know why you replied to me but yolo
Very Scary Dario

Also that was not meant to be a reply.


>not wanting a long, sensual, emotional experience with a passionate and intimate partner
>implying she can't get wet enough to go at a reasonable pace
not to mention after you cum she can just heal you and you're ready to go again

That was quick. Added you. Name starts with ka.

A slut is just a girl that has taken more dick man, it has nothing to do with their ability to twist into a pretzel. Though I guess it does come with a side of infidelity.

Apparently, lmao.

I went that and a bork skipping t2 boots

Shyvana is cute!