So I’m looking to buy my first car and I’m torn between a 2018 Honda Civic or a 2017 Mazda 3. Please help.
So I’m looking to buy my first car and I’m torn between a 2018 Honda Civic or a 2017 Mazda 3. Please help
I mean its your preference at that point dude
also why buy new? its your first car. Save your money and buy a used mazda 3 or civic
Don't buy a car that new for your first.
Trust me.
get a civic for 3k or buy something actually good/interesting with your $20k+
5k is what you spend on your 1st car MAXIMUM.
Fuck off, I'm not poor like you I have more than enough money to afford a new car and I don't need neckbeards like you living on section 8 to afford a real car that won't shit the bed. No one wants a 2008 honda civic with 120k miles on it.
Are you buying it or your parents? Personally I don't think anyone's first car should be less than 10-15 years old.
What about the minimum
>No one wants a 2008 honda civic with 120k miles on it.
with this attitude, my bed is that OP crashes and is left with no car and a loan to pay off.
this depends on what kind of car you want but minimum is accepted to be 3k.
if your handy with a wrench and get a good PPI then maybe 1k
>I'm looking for a new car
>NEW??? Why would you want new? Take a look at this PREMIUM rust colored piece of shit from literally 10 years ago
>No guys its ok I want new
>EUGH!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE how dare you insult my taste and culture.
They are both shitty econoboxes. Flip a coin and get back to the crippling depression that lead you to these two terrible life choices.
>a car from 2008 must be a rustbucket with too many miles on it
jesus christ you naive fuck
You're going to crash it and be left with a loan to pay off. Buy them both, just to be safe.
One time I ate a bean casserole which lead me to have the worst farts ever for about 2 days. I basically gassed my civic's car seats so bad the stank lingered thereafter and it was unenjoyable for passengers to ride in. My smell had become accustomed to the smell and I couldn't figure out what they were bitching about. My incessant reliance on a mcdonalds diet prompted me to choose a healthier lifestyle in the form of beans. Beans are just naturally delicious but I also suffer immense intestinal discomfort due to the flatulence. I've come to appreciate it because I don't have constipation anymore but my car still wreaks like mcdonalds frenchfries and bean farts.
Based. Poorfags utterly anniahlated how will they ever recover
>how will they ever recover
I dunno, but Ill think it over by counting all the money i saved by not buying a new shitbox that runs just the same as an old shitbox, and get back to you, k?
I said fuckoff, shitlord. No one wants to constantly replace the tons of shit that old cars go through. It'll cost me a lot of money to replace (most certainly more than a simple 5 year lease would). I can barely afford my 1200 dollar rent for a single bedroom flat so I need to buy a new car, I don't have the space or area to fix anything let alone do I know how to fix anything about my car. I can totally see it now I'll go on craigslist, find some crappy civic with a ludicrous amount of miles because apparently I simply cannot spend more than 5k. First thing that will probably go is a water pump or some shit and a dealership (the only place you should take your car so you don't get screwed by some private mechanic making up shit you have to replace) and they'll want 600 dollars which is a lot of money out of my pay. Next I can see something stupid like the motor for the windshield wipers getting fucked. Further down the line I'll have to change brake lines and fix burned out light bulbs and other junk. Its just not economically feasible to buy such a stupidly old car with so many problems. You're literally paying less money so you can pay more money later on. Its literally the only reason why poorfags stay poor.
Test drive both and pick the one you like most faggot
>I'm not poor like you
>I can barely afford my 1200 dollar rent for a single bedroom flat
I see.
Theres a difference between being so poor that you're on section 8 and being so rich you want to have nice things like a new car and nice apartment.
I bet you got C's in highschool, your dad said "no its ok you can become a cop or something" but you didn't become a cop, you did some VOTEC Botard trade school bullshit now you're an amateur faglord sucking dick so you can fix someones pipes I mean getting your asshole pipes cleaned because you have no money to pay to get new windshield wiper blades on your shitty 5k, now a 6k civic with 140k miles on it.
So yea I'll take my brand new civic than some 5k shit civic so I don't have to get my asshole enlarged to pay for repairs on a car.
Whose buying these 6k 140k mile civics?
apparently you are because you need an excuse to stay poor
HAHAHAHAHA, not the guy that you decided to pick a fight with but he's winning. Just buy a cheap well maintained used car, don't get add another bill fucknut.
>so I don't have to get my asshole enlarged to pay for repairs on a car.
>actually does not consider the fact that he can repair the car himself
>actually thinks that a new car is not going to be a piece of shit right off the lot
I'm more of a Lexus guy.
Nice old fuck priorities
>>actually does not consider the fact that he can repair the car himself
Stupid fuck no wonder you got C's in highschool you can't fucking read where I said theres no way I can fix the shit in my apartment parking lot nor do I even know how to fix any shit on a fucking car, not that I want to getting dirty and shit thats not for me. I'll let some poor fag like you do it for me because I hire you to do stupid shit like that. Fucking miss me with that nonsense like "just fix it yourself" as if its a magic button that'll do it for me.
I really hope this is bad trolling. If not then the mods need to get in her and ban your underage, trustfund ass.
Damm, this nigga mad as hell
>yea homie I got this nice 1998 lexus ES for only 4000 dollars, its got about 180k miles but what ever.
The anal devestation ITT from OP is some of the funniest shit I’ve seen on here in a while. gg
I don't blame him for not wanting to read this drivel. Get off it OP or tldr
>trust fund
oh man look whos too poor to have a trust fund in his name.
How many times do you jackoff in a week?
I don't like the ES, keep trying.
>He thinks buying a new car is cheaper.
What is depreciation? Each year that costs you more money than the running costs of its older sibling.
>I don't like it but I couldn't afford anything else so I bought it, I'm classy I buy "luxury cars" from yestercentury
Why would I buy something I don't like? You're not very smart.
>where I said theres no way I can fix the shit in my apartment parking lo
I do it all the time. or you can go to some abandoned parking lot
>nor do I even know how to fix any shit on a fucking car,
youtube it or hit some forums. for someone who insinuate that others are not smart, your pretty retarded.
>not that I want to getting dirty and shit thats not for me
the soy is strong with this one
>I'll let some poor fag like you do it for me because I hire you to do stupid shit like that
with your attitude your going to be paying to leave with more broken on your car than you came in with
>oh man look whos too poor to have a trust fund in his name.
called it
>How many times do you jackoff in a week?
have you ever met your real dad?
So I won't keep it for a year???? I'll sell it to one of you stupid poor faggots and buy a new one.
It is cheaper, its way cheaper to buy new, my monthly car bill will only be 640 dollars a month for 84 months. Meanwhile you'll take that 5k civic and blow quadruple digit numbers trying to fix it up to be this ultimate fag m/o/bile. You'll claim "its easy" or "just a few simple mods" then list ten million things to make your car literally function. Not everyone is so fucking inclined as you to think you can get a 5k civic like they're a diamond dozen. No one wants some poor ass car with some poor ass paintjob chipping and peeling away so you can get from A-B while complaining about some shitty laptime about a car you've never seen let alone never driven.
Found a pic of OP
>I do it all the time. or you can go to some abandoned parking lot
Holy shit I'm not so fucking poor I have to go scrounging the back alleyway so I can find an excuse to fix my car. Seriously get a fucking life not everything is cars and shit. Literally no one but your poor ass wants a shitty 5k civic and literally no one but some stupid fuck wants to blow thousands just to get it fixed.
So im looking to see the pusy of OPs cartoon girl. See her panties first. Rub her slit.
>I'll sell it to one of you stupid poor faggots and buy a new one.
I thought it was clear that we don't buy new garbage, we buy the cheaper cars and fix them ourselves. so unless your selling your 1 year old car for 3k, no one wants it.
I agree with the latter part, but cars don't fall apart nearly as quick as you'd like to believe OP, but you're young, I'll excuse the ignorance.
Come on man how many times do you jack off? 3? 4 times a week maybe? You need to pump those numbers because thats rookie shit. When you don't have to waste so much time fixing a car you can jack off when ever you want.
>Quadruple digit numbers trying to fix it up
$9999 is still less than the first year of depreciation.
9999 dollars is still way more than you make in a year.
>tfw some dickhead hijacks your thread
I just like those models, guys. I just wanted your opinions.
>Literally no one but your poor ass wants a shitty 5k civic
I think you have this backwards. No one but you wants to pay 20k for a civic that runs the same as a 5k civic lol
>Literally no one but your poor ass wants a shitty 5k civic
also, I have no idea where your getting this idea. my car has cost me nothing but oil changes ($20 cause I do them myself) and I bought a used 2011 for 7k.
Mazda 3.
>Come on man how many times do you jack off? 3? 4 times a week maybe? You need to pump those numbers because thats rookie shit
Jacking off more in 1 day is not something to be proud of. Knowing how to fix your own car is.
Both are fine, Mazda is probably more fun
Holy shit you are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. Lemme spell it out for you
stop recommending things a poor fucker like you would do because I ain't you
how has this thread gone on this long without mentioning the one real reason to buy a newer car, a goddamn warranty
>having a casual conversation with a grill you like
>what do you do
>oh I'm proud that I can fix my shit heap of a car
Don't worry, you're about to be poor.
Then get a BMW, Elliot
Wow you sure got me there.
Sounds like you're just trying to compensate for poor financial decisions.
but you are, trust fund baby. when daddy dies and the money dries up then you will have nothing (but a broken car cause you cant fix it lol)
women think its a plus that a man is handy with tools, not that you would know anything about women lol
warranties these days are not what they once were. many dealerships will barely try to fix anything, or will try to blame it on you
>you're making a poor financial decision
says the poor fag who buys a 5k car then blows 5k making it work normal because he's got a double digit iq
You do know much about cars do you? Just because a car isnt brand new doesnt mean its not reliable. You could just buy a model thats just a few years old and save a good chunk of change. Probably even get a 100k mile warranty on it. But if wanna show of in your brand new economy car go ahead
And just fyi a $5k honda can for years with minimal maintenance
Zero for two on that one my friend. A 2012 works just as well as a 2019 and it costs significantly less because some other idiot already took the hit for depreciation.
>84 easy payments of $640
>but oh no muh quadruple digits to fix a 5k shitbox
This is bait right?
84x640 is $53,760.
Even if the shitbox costs the max possible quad digits - $9999 - over it's 5k initial cost to fix, that's still only roughly 1/5 the cost of your "84 easy payments"
>says the poor fag who buys a 5k car then blows 5k making it work normal
a 5k car will not have any problems unless you (this means you apparently) don't get a proper inspection. your so stupid it hurts.
Show me the cartoon pusy you fuck. I know you weebs have porno of your cartoons. Fucking show me. My dick is out. Im gonna milk this bitch clean on my toes
>tfw haven't been able to find an honest mechanic in the past 5 years, spending 5k+ in bullshit repairs on a car that is barely worth that, to the point where I gave up and bought a new econobox with a warranty due to deep-seated mistrust of all auto mechanics
life is suffering
Guarantee OP has never visited this board before.
I'm typing this out on my huge ipad with my dickhead. I know you read my comments, fucker.
how is this board this weak to bait? this is worse than sperging out over s/o/viet shitposting
>a warranty due to deep-seated mistrust of all auto mechanics
dealership warranty work is worse than regular mechanic work since the mechanic doing it barely gets paid for it.
regular mechanic work hasnt gotten me anywhere either. At least I'll maybe get the satisfaction of them barely getting paid for it
It's full of boomers and busriders what do you expect
im pretty sure were just bored
I suppose, at least they use OEM parts
you know how long 84 months is? stop being a bitch and trying to show off to everyone how you got a car of the year, buy a regular looking cheap reliable car and be happy with, i'm not gonna pay a premium for some useless bells and whistles, stop being a naive little bitch and picking fights with everyone on the streets. You got something to prove? If you don't shut the fuck up, they merely pointed out a flaw in what you said and you went AWOL. Take their advice, if you dont like it leave.
to add to that, how is all that sheisty spiteful horseshit sustainable when dealerships depend on referrals, repeat customers, online reviews, etc. Shit is infuriating
Bad news senpai.
Dealers are the MOST dishonest mechanics, and when you're on warranty they have you by the ball because warranties usually stipulate the work has to be done at a dealer AND they have no incentive to do a good job because you're not paying money. Better lube your asshole.
Well, guess I'll have to spend another $6k over the next few years not finding a decent mechanic in my area because they probably don't exist
I finally get this's spring break and the high schoolers have no homework and are board, so they're fighting with each other here..
quality thread about cars
Buy a buss pass, kid. You’ll need it.
>having a casual conversation with a grill you like
>what do you do?
>oh, I'm proud that I beat my meat multiple times every day
>640 dollars a month for 84 months
holy shit lmao this is a troll thread
People like this think cars just rapidly fall apart after 5 years or 100k miles non-stop and that it's actually better to go into massive debt to get the first 100k at 5x cost
to be fair, BMW does this, but not a civic like that user was screeching about
Mazda3 is objectively better out of the two but why would you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a FWD cuckbox in the first place? getting it brand new invalidates the potential economic benefits. buy an old Corolla if you are dead-set on being a cuck or look for a car that isn't shit
Can confirm, 99 HRV (easily the worst designed Honda) and it’s still kicking hard despite shitton of abuse and sitting at 330k
You'll look like a faggot if you buy a honda. Up to you if that's a good or bad thing.
Chill out, Elliot.
Look for a 3 stick of 15' or 16' for the manual parking brake.
The 2.5l is faster but less fun to beat on around plebs.