/dg/ - Destiny General
First for cayde is a faggot.
Second for Cayde is an alright guy who relies on his humour to deal with stress
Third for Cayde is literally redd.it
Fourth for Cayde and the Failsafe had sex
I enjoy this video game!
What I mean is every gun has set perks no matter what? Can I roll the same named handcannon with different shit on it than my others?
>THE PRIMUS mentioned in Destiny 2
all is good
No, every gun only rolls with one set of perks, ever.
What shit to do for best chances at exotics?
Did caydes gay patrol shit and got some gay pants instead of the helmet I'm after.
Also, are his treasure maps worth pursuing?
no matter what
goddamn shame with all the good they did with perks in RoI
and Mods for Kinetic is just +5 to light. nothing actually changing
double shame
>you will never be able to fuck Failsafe because she's just an AI with no body
It's not fair, she's the perfect girl
My light level is 34 but the next story mission is recommended for 50. Do they expect me to run some of the other activity types to get to 50 before continuing the story?
yes. you will be forced to eventually anyway if you don't meet the story mission required level
>Captain Jacobson.... is dead?
wtf is this Bungie? Why you gotta make a AI so likable? that quest fucking hurt man
You'd better get used to it lol
When i was lower level I would do all the adventures in each planet and a couple public events before moving on to the next planet and its campaign missions.
I was always above the light level for the next mission and had decent gear.
Thanks destibros
>Failsafe voiced by Ashley Burch
Failsafe is best girl!
>tfw no bipolar clingy AI gf
I kinda miss the moon (Earths moon) in D2, had the best atmosphere, perfect mix between beautiful and spooky
>Failsafe will never watch you masturbate then comment on your penis with her happy voice then bully your penis with her rude voice
Women are annoying at the best of times, you don't actually want a bipolar clingy GF, son. You really don't.
I know, I'm just shitposting
The woman who actually voices failsafe is a twitter warrior who spends most of her time complaining about Trump.
>Why you gotta make a AI so likable?
I assume you're not referencing memesafe?
t. ghost
So what are the best pvp weapons so far?
>He IS referencing redditsafe.
Sweet Business has the lowest ttk by nearly half a second
Whats wrong with Failsafe?
How do i get over 265
How is the game content wise?
Will you play through the basic content in like 1-2 days and have to grind ad infinitum until the expansion?
Her voice actress is some Twitter SJW, and autists on Veeky Forums can't separate a character from their voice actor.
What light is the nightfall? I don't yet have it on my director.
yes, it's not a massive RPG or MMO, it's a grinding game equivalent to Diablo
Thats about right. Im not sure what you're supposed to do after finishing all the adventures except crucible.
240 i think and 270 for hard mode
>Still no multi-man vehicles so I can patrol with my bros in a partybus
Bright engrams through eververse
Thanks friendo
240 normal, 300 prestige
>not patrolling in a Bangbus
it's grind for all the shit you want then stop
where the fuck is kendriks-7 in the exodus crash strike? just did it and didn't see him.
went back to solo it and go slow, just cleared the arc pylon part with the overcharged shanks.
>Mida Multi Tool lore mentions Shaxx refusing to ban Read Death from crucible
Please Bungo, bring back my baby.
right before the boss dude
he is just before the boss, in the dark part with all the jumping.
>Start of the game
>In a half destroyed Last City
>No light, limping about totally fucked
>Get Ghost
>"Can't revive you gaurdian"
>Oh boy, time for some ODST style city creepin
>Nope, just walk out of the city then get your light back 5 minutes later
>Entire game getting cutscenes of Ghaul
>He's an asshole, but he could be a hundred times worse
>Consul keeps telling him to be a bigger dick, but Ghaul is determined not to be
>"Oh, they are totally setting it up for Ghaul to get betrayed and get redeemed"
>Nope, he just goes full retard at the very end because why not
Bravo bungo, bravo.
>Cool oil rig things
>Then that fucking massive Arcology
>Go explore it, its neat as fuck
>Never actually used apart from maybe 2 missions
GG's. Thanks Doz for help with my first nightfall of D2.
The trek through the mountains should have been as long as a full mission. Should have ended with you getting fucked up by a Cabal and having Saraya and co. You literally never got to feel like a Guardian that actually lost your light
Ghaul was never meant to be redeemed. He wanted to prove the light was wrong in choosing us and not him and when he realized that would never happen he tried to do what he always did. Fuck up some systems and then become Emperor
cool, yeah, thanks, he just didn't spawn the last time through I guess.
Oh well, at least Nezarec's Sin is overpowered as fuck. Nerfs imminent.
How's the loot-grind gonna fare in the long run considering there's no more random perk rolls? As a newcomer I was honestly sort of hoping they'd just tweak/tune the RNG and leave it at that, as there IS a certain satisfaction from working for your perfect drop.
Also for those two upcoming "expansions", I'm assuming they're more akin to The Dark Below & House of Wolves in terms of relative scope as opposed to TTK/RoI?
Savathun's Song is also set there.
It's a sad strike. Teiko-3, I bet you were a cute exo.
nobody cares fagtron
where the fuck did you get your info because ive found something completely different online
having a good 1/4 - 1/3 of the campaign be a Lightless ODST-style romp would have made D2 my GOAT, honestly
>make a second character to run nightfall
>you can only infuse armor with the matching class
It's like they want me to have 3 Warlocks.
Get good
t. someone who just hit 266
or make 3 of the same class and go full autism
ah fuck
i have to go through this levelling process again for the other 2 classes instead of just bamfing them up :'(
DLC#1: Curse of Osiris, comes with a new patrol space (Infinite Forests - Mercury) as well as a new PvE gametype, four strikes and however many missions/quests/adventures, too
they seem like they're going to be inbetween TDB/HoW and TTK/RoI in terms of content amount
>as well as a new PvE gametype
>Oh my, I've never seen a penis so, so
>small, I think a keyhold would be too much room for you. The Cayde-unit was far more impressive and he doesn't even have one
waht the fuck
proper firefight you faggot bungie
Who's paying for the wall now?
we'll make the Reef pay for it
the cabal
Trying to turn the crucible into some slow methodical team game was fucking retarded. 99% of the playerbase is never going to play the way it's intended that's why after 25 games of capture i've never seen a single person other than me try to defend the points
Is there a way to cheese the nightfall?
stop going in solo queue, random people have always been retarded in Destiny and gone for 3 caps instead of capping 2 and defending them
git gud
>I am
>just no bros to play with
At least in the first game one really good player could carry shitters. In 2 you can't carry because tiny maps mean enemies are never going to be alone and grenades can't do anything to deal with the enemy team grouped together.
>crucible is slow
>gear is all fixed
>the 1 good thing coming out of this is that you never have to touch it again after you get your shit (till an expac)
thanks bungie
LFG then
>in the tower
>handing in tokens to shaxx
>arcite says "that smell when you crack heavy ammo open... sublime"
My fucking sides.
why do you fucks keep leaving the 2nd clan?
there were like 50 members yesterday now it's down 5 members
Returning D1 player here. Does True 'if his ass is loose, bring out the noose' Jiro still around?
>they seem like they're going to be inbetween TDB/HoW and TTK/RoI in terms of content amount
Seems like a decent sweet spot
>muh circlejerk
Fuckin thing is broken. Your clan's fine
Whether we wanted it or not, crucibabies have begun to whine in our thread. So let's get to ignoring them and putting them on the blacklist, one by one. Sub 1.0 kdr. From what I can gather these shitters complain about the state of the crucible at all times. They complained about the crucible in the first game and continue in the sequel, it's time take this trash out, and break their grip on the thread.
I stopped playing destiny before iron fist dlc came out and now i wonder what so different in destiny 2 it's seem you still have to buy expansion ???
Zavala's character is so generic, complete stereotype of every action movie/army general ever. All his lines are predictable and boring as fuck.
She incites positive emotions in people.
Can't be having that here.
Whats the glimmer cap
>Can't toggle Lore on and off. Have to hold down button to read
Fucks sake Bungo, let me be a pure lazy cunt.
It says 99999+ in your inventory as if it goes higher, but its just 100k
You can once you gather all the lore in the game
When is the best girl coming back?