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first for echo is daddy
second for Lesion traps are NOT FUCKING INVISIBLE you sightlets
i want to wear IQ's sock as a balaclava!
n-no, but some youtuber said they were LITERALLY invisible!
I haven't had a chance to play yet. Got an image of one deployed?
Echo is not a daddy, he's SAT.
that's a dude
I wish some of this community put half as much effort into thought and practice as they did complaining. Stop romanticizing being good at the game, and get good at it.
OP update that first post you faggot
> Stat Checking
keep the arguing in the other thread, faggot.
stop avatar fagging
just report him lmao
gweilo go home
When are they nerfing reinforced walls, they're too strong and have no counter play
If you're going to post stupid shit at least try to respond to this instead
It's dark maps that are the problem. Dark corners. Areas with low light. No one ever said they were invisible (or at least I hope no one thought that) The new map is particularly bad about it
Agreed. I shouldn't be forced to play Thermite. Just like those pesky Gu mines. Damn things are invisible. I don't understand what is happening. I keep running in to die, but now it forces me to stop sprinting to do so.
Thats straight up invisible, at least in that light.
I don't make the pastebin, user, I just copy and paste that shit when I see that the thread's 15 over the limit.
Do it yourself next time if you want to be autistic about what links are in the OP instead of expecting someone else to do your bidding.
go look at other videos. I've seen literally one and it was directly below a light. still largely cloaked. then you can go argue with the other faggots and the koreaboo
honestly this, who the fuck wants to work as a team and check every corner, just let me sprint through all the reinforced walls and traps as a 3 speed
Fucking Juggernaut op when?
nah, what we need is a electric op that destroys all traps within 30 meters so I can just sprint through the map without slowing down
How about like, four shield montagne on a segway covered in bandit trapped razor wire?
nice, and above that is a turret that automatically aims at enemies head so I don't even need to play the game now
get Epi on the line. We should be designers for Siege 2.
Did they add Temporal Filtering back? What about the resolution scaler?
Frost looks so damn good with the black uniform
honestly this
The Proleague uniform is better
And I hate the white part on her shins area
citation needed
no citation needed, if you liked it you gay now
niggah you gay, it's ok, don't be ashamed.
is super gay now
Who the fuck cares about this toaster PC meme?
I want my fucking FXAA back that I used on top of my 4x MSAA. Never had a more crisp, yet smooth and unblurry AA.
>those jagged power lines
>moire effect on construction site
>broken shadows on cinderblocks and ladder
MSAA will always be the best of all
prove me wrong
asian boys are not males so its ok
Is it an actual uniform or another glitch? I remember this happening when they were tweaking textures.
Thanks for these, I will use these pics later tonight. What a cutie.
I care, I can't play otherwise ;___; pls no bully
In the faint possibility that people don't get used to Lesions traps in the next few weeks, and they continue to be "bullshit" I propose this simple change is made so that you can at least notice a single part of them more easily, since the canister itself being any more visible would make them instantly shit.
>muh grafix shitter with added input lag
some people use 1440p 144hz monitors and understand frames and resolution > everything.
enjoy your excess input lag with all that shit AA and 1080p 60hz fag.
Do people just not know what gaiters are?
they don't
also cleaned up this picture while I was at it.
Regardless of whether or not he knows what they're called, the point is that them staying white while the rest of the uniform turns dark looks pretty shit desu
>tfw future ops wont have blood orchid uniforms
tacticiol immersion ruined
on the bright side, they might get something even better
they might change that habit of their's (at least with the seasonal uniforms) since people have been begging for black uniforms for months and months now.
It's just that no one gives enough of a shit about the seasonal headgears to bitch about those not carrying through the seasons for newer ops.
frost confirmed the cutest operator
Kind of glad they cleaned up her face for the vacation headgear, because really, they didn't need to do that. At all.
Hopefully it means they put that facial work to use and give her some sort of non-jokey maskless headgear in the future.
no lag here, I'm not on AMD
frost is the ugliest ops
FXAA adds slight input lag on all cards, both with Nvidia and AMD, it's just more noticeable when you're getting lower frames.
you are ugly
Lower than 90fps on ultra? Not getting that.
i want shad to draw siege stuff again
The absolute madmen, they actually went and used it
Post poputepipikku
>tfw you finally grasp the valley that is attacker guns vs defender guns and realize how rigged the game actually is
Give defenders assault rifles too.
I don't care about your fucking shit "balance", SMGs and shotguns suck ass
I don't even think the visibility is the biggest issue. I think it's the number and the marker which allows him to wallbang/peak which really over does it.
Thanks for your moronic opinion
t. bronze
also only gun better than the skorpion is the F2
I like it. Mostly because it helps with being able to see them when they're in either direct sunlight or severely unlit areas, since they really are completely invisible in those sorts of spots.
It's real stupid that new operators are available in Ranked mode during the season pass exclusitivity period
your opinion is noted and promptly thrown into the trash, thanks for your contribution.
It is neither the amount nor visibility. The problem is that he can throw them.
If they would be deployed with an animation like a claymore they would cause less grief.
>higher fire rate and lower recoil isn't preferable in a game where one headshot will kill you instantly
If you say so dumbass.
Its everything, honestly. Its the perfect storm of bullshit.
defense guns are fine but I still want more ass rifles
aim for the head retard
How does them being throwable make them any more unfair than any of their other traits? It's just deployment flexibility that keeps him from having to roam to be useful, which is a good thing.
Which female operator is the most ara~ara?
Not that user but you can throw mines mid-fight and on the run.
Ever try deploying a Frost mat like that? Its just yet another bonus he has
If I need to explain a person that is hopefully adult WHY throwable mines that force you into an animation when you remove the needle are a bad thing, you should sit down and think for a moment about your life. Even Ela's shit is less annoying.
>The problem is that he can throw them
Ok retard
All these junkies blaming others for their addiction yet they can't bring themselves to avoid needles in the first place...
thanks for the inspiration user
Ela's shit is way more annoying, what the fuck are you on about.
great counter arguments, asswipe
Mira is the oldest of them. And a spanish mommy is the best.
>has only 3
>huge gadget
>can still fire and not forced into animation
lmao end your useless life if you think ela's shit is hard to counter
>"dont look away"
>"maybe ill just look away fo-"
>"no no dont stop watching"
>give in and change angle
>ash peeks
*slams table*
>has only 3
You obviously haven't played the game any time recently, so your opinions can be discarded entirely.
But I'll humor you,
You should actually try shooting someone with the cap on your sensitivity it applies. It's a fucking nightmare. Not to mention you actually move slower AND you can't sprint, so you're a fucking sitting duck.
And try telling me you can see the trap that goes off behind and above your head instantly as you walk through a doorway. If you do you're lying.
I'll take 10 damage, no sprinting, plus a weak-ass DoT and a forced animation that i can choose when to start over any of that, any day.
>You obviously haven't played the game any time recently
I have the ops already
>But I'll humor you,
save your time, not reading autistic posts
Lesion's gadgets forces you into an animation to cancel the effect, leaving you exposed. Ela's doesn't you still can react, sucks you cannot change DPI on your mouse with a button push.
Thus Lesion is the greater threat, your arguments frankly interest me a flying fuck.
do you know what forced means?
you can choose when to pull it out
>it's not invisble
>it's just almost invisible
nice maymay
It's a short-ass animation that you manually start, it's not like you step on it and just get forced into it. And the damage it does isn't strong enough to force you to start early on unless you panic, or you're already wounded from an actual engagement.
And really, throwing the mines in the middle of combat or even just while enemies are around isn't viable. The sound they make when you toss them is so loud it gives away their position, so you'll know where to look for them.
who said you can reply to my post Sightlet
You can not. THe longer you wait the more health you lose and the closer he comes to you.
It forces you to cancel it asap or retreat.
8hp aint real shit man
>doesn't know how a sensitivity cap works
Somehow I'm not surprised, considering you resorted to ad hominem bullshit 2 posts ago
do something about it dumbo :)
added on to the fact you can actually bait lesion by triggering it
>calls others fucking sitting ducks
>cries when same pulled on him
>muh ad hominem