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>Heroes FAQ and links
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Fresh smut for the soul, please enjoy.
>Use own team
>"user just use horses"
>Use horse team
>"lol horse fag"
little sister
Bully Hector
what yall defense teams looking like this week?
Why would you listen to horsefags?
I dare you to post the oldest pic you have in your FE folder user
99% of the time people say "just use horse teams" are for GHB and Turn limit things
Even then I judge them
>he fell for the horse memes
You're on the battlefield when suddenly someone calls out to you;
>Face me, coward!
What do?
>giant shit
>not them all getting raped by BBC's
It's almost time for my wife to arrive and have amazing art as well.
>Brave Lyn+10, ATK+, DB3, Hone Cavalry, Brave Bow+
>Boey DEF+ HP-, Raven+, TA3, Bowbreaker 3, DD seal, boost from a buffbot
>Lukas DEF+ SPD-, Brave/KillerLance+, Fortress DEF 3, Bowbreaker3, DD seal + Rally DEF
Post more anti-Lyn builds. Will try Sophia later.
I don't have any
I don't have a meme unit who can bait player controlled teams
Kidnap her sister.
Ask her to have my children
What's today's cutoff to make it to max rewards?
It's nice. Lyn and Nino on Lavamap surely caught many of those
>Selkie - Playful Kitsune
Colourless Stone Infantry Beast
40 HP/27 Atk/39 Spd/18 Def/33 Res
Special: Galeforce
Weapon: Kitsune's Gale+ - 11 Mt, allows user to counterattack regardless of distance, slows Special trigger (+1 CD).
A skill: Life and Death 3
B skill: Kitsuneboon - Halves damage from magic attacks (besides Infantry and Cavalry effective weaponry, exclusive to Infantry Beast units).
>Velouria - Eccentric Lonewolf
Colourless Stone Infantry Beast
44 HP/33 Atk/31 Spd/33 Def/16 Res
Special: Ignis
Weapon: Beaststrune+ - 14 Mt, 1 rng, grants +10 HP to this unit and other Beast ally units every third turn.
A skill: Steady Breath.
B skill: Wolfskinboon - Halves damage from physical attacks (besides Infantry and Cavalry effective weaponry, exclusive to Infantry Beast units).
Infantry Beast units deal physical damage and nullifies unit type-specific buffs of Cavalry and Fliers (Hone/Fortify/Goad/Ward Cavalry/Fliers). They are weak to Cavalry and Infantry effective weaponry. They have 2 Mov just like Infantry and Flier units. However, unlike other Infantry units, they do not have movement penalty around trees and has a -1 terrain penalty around mountains. They cannot cross rivers or gaps like Fliers.
>glance at her sideways
you meant FEH right ? well that's a reroll I gave up at launch for hector, IV unknown.
made me chuckle
Post your best two music pieces from each game you played.
I've been swapping the order around but that's it
One is all I need
>dragons don't even have hone yet
yeah I wouldn't get too hopeful about this one user.
I rolled so fucking hard for him. Pure favoritism.
I stopped keeping track when I past 20
>running both ikes
How is this working out for you? Legitimately curious
That poor soul who couldn't kill all your cavs
Ask her to give me money.
>Thundercock and two dance sluts
well deserved
I Killed the only Abel I had to give Seth Sword breaker, but it was a bad IV one anyway. Horse collection is coming along well.
Another Luciafag?
Fucking based. We've been outshrouded by Lucinafags with their damn too similar name
They cover each other pretty well so it works out
Holy fucking shit
Are the chrombros the only decent anons here?
I just want to roll Ephraim for my Magvel meme team damn it
Introduce her to my wife so we can have a threesome
Myrrh will come with Hone Dragons soon, r-right?
I'm gonna give her firesweep sword to Hana.
I wanna say it was a pity win but considering the guy was running +Spd QR 2 Ryoma, I think he was just kinda bad. Whenever I'm actually worried though, I lower my team average by placing ranged BST in the lineup and removing my hella merged Cecilia, so my merged Eliwood and Merric spook some mid-680 scrub.
I currently have Bike and Hector.
My Problem is those are my two favorite characters in the series, but I'm not sure about running two axe users. I've been thinking about getting regular ike instead but sadly pulled a young roy and lost my pity rate.
Also having both my sword and axe user with distance counter would be nice
You will get Idunn and enjoy it.
Is Ryoma as good as tier lists make him out to be?
>I wanna say it was a pity win but considering the guy was running +Spd QR 2 Ryoma
He might've just fucked up something and lost a unit while going for a deathless run. It's really not that uncommon, especially if you're running dancers, WoMs or copious amounts of movement skills.
Eirika, Ephriam, Seth, and Lyon?
>a team where all three males want ton fuck Eirika
Wonderful, get me Nagi too. I hunger for more cake dragons
I'll be happy with anyone that has Hone dragons
or a new breath type
I didn't even know you can pull neutral units from the gacha.
Eirika, Eph, Lyon, and my currently undecided fourth member yeah. Currently might go with Tana, since she's the only other SS character I have.... for now.
this is his 4th banner, better get him now before hes gone for a long time. good luck!
Tier lists are a meme. From what I've been building and testing, Flying Teams>Horse Teams>>>>Infantry teams but that isn't reflected there.
Since using horse emblem is apparently not allowed, what are some ways I can improve this TT team?
>inb4 no bonus unit
I don't have Lyn Hector or Ninian and both my Weeds are at 4* as well as -spd and -atk
Massaging Sharena's feet after a long day while we gossip about who the cutest boys in the army are
He's good. I have a +3 of him I got off banner from various different banners. I don't like him though so I don't use him. He's just a filler for Arena Assault.
how should i build minerva?
is she alright on a flyer emblem team?
Lucina and Innes are a damn potent combo.
He's a big guy
She's my wife. Bakc off.
Just use a Horse team if you want user, who the fuck cares? Some randos on an imageboard?
What color hair does Basilio pass on???
Does it just net a bald Morgan?
Yeah running both Brave Ike and Hector is probably a bit much since they both do similar thing I would just wait for a different Ike banner and then run Hector and normal Ike together instead.
I'm sure glad I finally found a way to make Summer Leo viable.
He was +spd -res.
Is it super necessary to have a swordsman? My instincts are telling me that I should run one of each weapon triangle and Brave lyn on bow, but I have Ike/Hector with opposite IVs (health for hector, speed for ike) and I can't decide between the two
Short hair Lucia or Long hair Lucia? I know you posted the longhair pic, but it might've just been a random one of Lucia
I've rolled for him just about every time he's been on-banner.
Thanks, I pray for good fortune soon....
I'm a sucker for approval. I'm f2p mostly because randos here despise whales
Thank god for seals and skills
I want to support her and fix up her Atk even more and give her 45 speed, but I don't want to un-support Brave Ike since he's my MVP
Over 200 orbs for this shit
>just pulled a perfect IV 4* Caeda
>i run fliers
>have a 5* that i can merge onto her
>don't have DC or slaying edge/wo dao
why is life so cruel
Honestly TT is great for grinding SP on units you want to.
If you don't have to grind any units just use Horse teams.
But if you want to use that team Azura +Mascina/Red book instead of Tana and lyn would be best.
>Before Heores is launched I planned to run Ike, Hector, and Ephraim
>Game comes out
>I hate the art for all three
Fucking kusoge
He becomes bald.
not really, look at his beard
Dude, bonus units are 1.4x. Even if you have to wipe once because your woodie isn't carrying his weight, it's still worth it.
there's literally nothing wrong with Ephraim's art. his voice is another story
>randos despise whales
Who the fuck cares?
Also it's more that they can't imagine having enough spare cash to throw on gacha games.
Personally it's my poison of choice, I don't spend a shit ton on alcohol, smoking, or other shit and I enjoy this game and put in as much hours as an MMO so fuck it.
>Hating Ephraim and Bike's art
The only thing that's super cool about the two of them is Hector being the ungodly tank he is, and having reciprocal aid + aether means he can pretty much keep hector alive all the time while consistently putting out damage with him, and with Lyn raining arrows and Lancina buffing everyone has been pretty good until someone gets one rounded.
Fuck man I get so anxious about what to spend my orbs on. This game isn't healthy for me
I dropped 200+ orbs for him and will never part with him because I fucking like Leo that much, but... man, is he not good. Mine is +DEF -SPD and he can't even kill greens half the time. You'd think that high RES would be good for something but it's really not.
Tharja x Basilio now canon and Robin x Say'ri confimred
>giving up LnD fodder
>killing her def and res
>all for +1 atk and spd
Is there something i'm missing here?
His voice, I feel, is fitting. It sounds smug and pretentious, which is exactly how I imagine Ephraim to sound like.
I'm considering doing the same mainly because I keep confusing his icon with Clive's.
I always have 1 red. Not always a sword but I like having 1 red even if I'm not using any blue.
>not liking Ephraim's art
Hector and Ike are an acquired taste but you have no excuse for not liking Ephraim
So you'd run say 2 greens a red and an uncolored over 2 greens a blue and an uncolored?
Damn, I should've taken Broy instead of Lancina, but I was a newfag to heroes and chose the character who's art I liked.
I'm pretty sure these are pity defenses for using a meme team but it still feels good to get so many.
Would +spd Brave Lance+ Darting Blow 3 Peri buffed with cav buffs be able to quad units?
Is the 10% difference from QR2 to QR3 worth the 20k feathers? I'm thinking of which I should give to me Michaelis for my flying team
Got one and that's all I need
Looking at 50 Atk instead of 45 satisfies my autism more even if it is essentially the same as Swift Sparrow
It's time! Time for Severa! In all of her cute glory!
Kozaki needs to stop drawing FE.
Brave Lucina looks like she's just... dead inside.
>Tiny anime head on gargantuan quasi-realistic body
It's shit!
>Lucina team
You're right. If I see your team, I would give you a (you)
>5.75% pity rate
>Don't want to use orbs from lunatic maps
I regret going after B Lucina
Ignis or Bonfire on Hector?