>tfw want itasha baiku and everyone i know would praise me, but some hick with a realtree camo jacket and decorative compound bows and mossberg shotguns stuck onto his truck would kick it over at some point
>taking my bike into the dealer to get my secondary intake blocked off, and ecu parameters reset I'm hype. Been needing to get it done since I put on the new exhaust and fuel module and then all the emissions BS will be gone
Yep. Kind of jealous as to how easy it is to fuck with the Jap ones Got a GS911 coming in May though just for servicing
Cameron Young
Why are you not doing this yourself?
I hate working on cars but no one else touches my bikes.
Brandon Harris
Is bakuon still getting translated? I havent checked in a while.
Ryan Carter
been here since boxy
Brayden Moore
>Be Kawa >Give 44 hp limit by software to get at the top of A2 sales >Literraly just ecu flash and get a yoshimura exhaust >Now 55hp for 155kg >Yamafags shitsters on suicide watch
>>Give 44 hp limit by software to get at the top of A2 sales
>still sell it limited in the US
Fuck euro spec shit. I'm sick of bikes being sold here being choked and uglified to satisfy rules that don't apply.
I'm probably more pissed at the tail pieces. Bikes used to have simplistic rear ends but now they have plastic shit sticking out 2 feet that require immediate removal. That's just shipping around trash and creating more junk for the landfill.
How fucked am I guys? This is my right fork on my vfr 400 that I'm looking to sell, the thread has snapped off and it stuck in the cap, is there an easy fix for this? Or a fix at all? I don't want to screw someone over by selling them a dud bike but i can't exactly afford to buy new forks
We've got some cruiser and scoot bros too! Now post boipucci
Mason Morris
What part of nc?
Gabriel Ramirez
how good is the ninja250r for a noobie who only tried a scooter once or twice?
Adam Davis
Save a lil more and get a scout60
Adam Jackson
easy peasy
its when you take it to the canyon where it gets harder
Elijah Richardson
Joshua Turner
The tail pieces and horsepower restrictions aren't for emissions. A bike like the ninja 400 exists entirely because of graded licensing, which doesn't exist here. It's under 400cc so it's not large displacement for asian markets, and the engine is detuned to make it an A2 bike in europe. The ugly tail pieces bikes pretty much all have now is because the EU mandates their huge ugly license plate be entirely behind the rear wheel.
None of this matters in the US. You need the same license to ride a 125 scooter as you need to ride a hayabusa and some bikes have side mounted plates as stock.
A bike like the ninja 400 is only bought in America because it''s cheaper than something that's actually fast, not because you haven't done the half dozen tests required to qualify for the correct license.
Daniel Johnson
I want you to get a matching backseat
Hunter Stewart
>decide to impress /dbt/ by leaning super hard in a curve >oh fuck theres some loose gravel and I can't slow down quick enough >slide a few inches in the turn >poop my pants and crush my handlebars like a popcan Fuck you guys i'm gonna go slow and enjoy the view
Joshua Russell
I'd say that it's extremely good for noobs.
Some might consider it the quintessential beginner bike. You'd be hard pressed to find a lot of riders that didn't start out on the Ninja 250 or something equivalent to it like the Honda VTR250 or the like. It's very forgiving in terms of handling, extremely light weight, and short enough to where you can feel easily confident on it. Mind you though a lot of people will try to put you down off of it or disparage it by referring to it as a "glorified scooter."
I started out on much larger bikes and somehow worked my way down to the Ninja 250... Surprisingly I've had more fun on such a little bike than I did with all the past ones I've owned.
Alexander Evans
*merges 2 miles in front of you*
Charles Gonzalez
*Filters to the side* This ain't Reddit boyo
Jacob Hughes
>see you merge two miles away >
William Thompson
Thaaaats... The Scrader valve? You (or the buyer) just need a new/old cap from Ebay or the junkyard. OR it will come out with an "easy out"
That shouldn't be too bad to deal with, or you can let the buyer deal with it. Just be up front, like user said.
Who doesn't like ICE? I can't wait to tell my grandkids that I used to be propelled around on a two wheeled vehicle powered by hundreds of explosions a minute.