Star Guardian Ahri edition
Star Guardian Ahri edition
post them
>yas main on my team
>intentionally ban it from him
>relatiates by picking teemo and telling us to bet how much he can feed by 5 mins
>ends up dodging
why are yasuo players such pussies
glad i banned yas though because i would be playing with this guy if not
When did UOL get so clean?
>>yas main on my team
>>intentionally ban it from him
I know its Yasuo but people who ban champions from other people are retarded.
Unless its Yasuo, then its okay.
Post arts
xth for Syndra
>surrendering right as soon as the team fighting stage starts
>surrendering right as soon as one of the lanes is breached
>surrendering right before a game's about to be won fair and square at the nexus
will you guys stop doing this shit, it's sucking the fun right out of me
The game was over level one, any half decent team should win with that lead so early
How do you be oppressive with her? There's barely anyone who one tricks her and streams that I can watch
I wanna cuddle Jinx
h2k outplayed themselves
Just use youtube man, shiphtur plays alot of taliyah too.
All Vaynes need to be gassed
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He gets it
man i wish jax would get a good skin
pax jax is like the only skin worth using right now
>literally every vayne is fucking worthless
>unless theyre against a literal retard
>or everyone pours their kills into her
>rendering everything better useless if she dies
>egotistical shitheads
>if they die they afk or just feed more
i once got 100 rp for 2 vayne bans in a 3 hour span. was a small gift from riot
Damn I want this Garen skin. Shame Riot will never make it because it would offend the mudslimes.
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password is vidya
The thing is that she pushes pretty hard early and that gives her a lot of free time to ward the enemy jungle and roam.
Star Guardians Power Rankings:
1. Lux
Protag of the Star Guardian AU so by anime logic has the most innate potential of all the Star Guardians. However her self confidence is her weakness and she usually hovers around the bottom of the list. If one of her friends gets hurt she will unleash her true power.
2. Ahri
Veteran Star Guardian leader. The most powerful of all the Star Guardians with the most combat experience. Losing her former team has made her cynical and she fights less for duty but for survival.
3. Syndra
The dark Star Guardian with a checkered past. She is quite powerful, but keeps it on the down low to avoid suspicion. Probably almost equal with Ahri.
4. Jinx
Jinx is a hothead, but has a ton of firepower. Can get herself into sticky situations because of her rashness, but there's no doubt she has a talent for making things explode.
5. Ezreal
Less interested in the whole Star Guardian business than the rest, Ezreal uses his new powers with finesse and flair. Specialty is firing blasts of energy.
6. Miss Fortune
Self assured and maybe a bit cocky, Miss Fortune wields her dual pistols like a master and makes mincemeat of most things that cross her path. Rival of Jinx.
7. Janna
Quiet but very intelligent, Janna is the brains of team Lux. She follows orders and does her best to support her team, though Jinx's brashness wears on her from time to time.
8. Soraka
A master of restorative magic, Soraka is one of the weaker Star Guardians in combat potential, but her ability to keep her team healed and fighting ready is invaluable. Shy and almost never uses her own intitative, instead following the orders of Ahri to the letter.
9. Poppy
Poppy is the tough girl of team Lux. If there's a problem she can usually hammer it til it's not a problem anymore. Weaker than most of the other Star Guardians in magic, but her physical strength and the skill she wields her hammer with allows her to keep up all the same.
10, Lulu
Lulu sucks
>enemy has a teitch jungle
>tell mid to care for level 2 redbuff gank
>dies anyway
>place a ward down in river for future ganks
>doing scuttle
>spot teitch on ward
>ping danger as I make my way over
>mid goes agro
>goes back to lane, now 2 levels down
>all ins enemy mid
>roams bot
>somehow manage to get fed by camping lane anyway after giving up mid and top tower because my laners lack the knowledge to buy defensive items
>relatively even, we have better teamfighting
>about to make my way to drake after shop
>vayne decides to start dragon with the entire enemy team at their blue buff
>they die before I even arive
>we stall more
>we win a teamfight because I manage to bodyslam 4 people and ult their backline+twitch into our fiora
>we take an inhib
>ping yi and fiora to back off
>they sit in a brush
>tell them "you cant 2v5
>they do it anyway
>they die
>vayne runs in after them and dies too
>say "what a way to lose the game"
>vayne: "what a way to get reported"
Im not even enjoying this
why would I want to deal with people like this
Its the most braindead simplle shit ever
you back after taking objectives while low on health, you dont go looking for another fight
fucking mongoloids
Stop doing this
"just avoid the lvl 2 gank"
and just invade him at red
>".. but there's no doubt she has a talent for making things explode."
if you know what i mean
stop being a retarded ape and going aggressivei n midlane vs a twitch
you fucking know hes there for the free kill
>be adc in bronze
>90% chance my support is an autofill and will sperg the fuck out and shitpick teemo support with tp/exaust instead of picking Janna or Soraka or Rakan (they are literally never banned down here) because they can't handle not being a damage dealer for once
holy shit let me out
i cant handle this
i dont deserve this
Ahri is the senpai that graduated
>vayne rushes bork instead of statil
What are some signs that your team is going to get shat on?
Ye and you instantly just win the game if you invade him at red.
Telling your laners to play like pussies for first few minutes already loses you the game even if he doesn't even gank
>What are some signs that your team is going to get shat on?
Having a vayne in your team
having an assassin mid
i love support, what region are you? im lvl 29 on euw i will be your heal slut and enjoy it :3
This is very on point. The thing is that when you do
> or everyone pours their kills into her
and they don't play like 100% complete retards they can get quadras.
You don't need a support to win lane in bronze
Just win it 1v3
>be welfare silver
>main late game hyper carries
>would literally have no problem with Sona, Janna, Soraka
>support proceeds to pick Braum, Thresh, Bard and be the most useless bastards
In champ select, when people say the team needs more AP or more CC or whatever. People end playing things they don't know how to play and everyone gets shat on.
>not going agro for an early level automatically loses you the game
what is better, not going agro or giving up a kill and handing over FB + missing an entire wave
its so fucking simple
I dont understand how people still die to jungle twitch
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Bets I'm terrible at zed
I want to molest Lulu and vent my frustrations on her
Is there more art of this?
>Enemy has twitch/ez jungle
>Tell them mid or top will get ganked level 1 and to play safe
>You fucking know they always die regardless
Good Braums are my favorite supports desu.
I wish I had friends or at least someone who cared about me
i appreciate the offer but im a burger
what adc can reliably 1v3 the lane
im fine with those because at LEAST they can do some kind of supporty stuff like cc and soak damage
but THIS is something else
post snek
Or just like invade him on red
why are Surprise Party Fiddlesticks such cunts compared to the others, even if you're winning they're spamming you relentlessly and getting away with it half the time
invading brings a risk element. not being a brainlet that gives twitch free kills does not.
>tfw i pick bard as support more often then not
>theres always a preconception of bard players being bad
>team mates doubt my ablities
That is the worst, when you land double Q's and your ADC just stands there like a melon instead of trading.
All of them including not ADC's
So long as your support isn't literally just running it down mid you can easily win 1v3
Who will be the most broken champ come season 8 with the rune changes?
My bets are on kassadin. Having that ult reduction which can be stacked and finished extremely early sounds like cancer. 3.6s at 6, 2.4s at 11 and 1.2s cooldown come level 16
Ye dude real risk killing a lvl 1 twitch fighting a redbuff
And yes avoiding his gank is guaranteed damage to your lane even if he doesn't die
That's why you always simply go fight him at red
avoiding a gank doesnt lose you anything but early agression
fucking killyourself
you let the wave push and take the farm when it crashes with the second wave
twitch wated his time and is now useless
invading is always a risk especially with various teamcomps
kill yourself
do it
how do i do that?
how bad?
Vayne is UGLY
Their botlane will be there and their midlane will collapse, meanwhile your laners will be afk under tower. Stop acting like a retard please.
I'm an idiot his cooldowns are actually
>6 - 2.1
>11 - 1.4
>16 - 0.7
0.7 sounds ridiculous how on earth is that balanced
>it's a "panth abuser faces the smallest of challenges and he's now useless because he can't do anything but abuse panth laning to diamond" episode
there is a girl playing RIGHT NOW in an EU team
Any global ulti champion who rushes early cdr. Like say, Tear into Morrel Karthus. No good RoA timing, so he'll have to sub it for GLP if going full mana build for maximum Seraph's AP. He'll have to ulti asap though to get them stacks.
If enemy is and LCS team and your team is bronze then you just lose regardless
If you invade it 4v4 then you just win because they have a fucking lvl 1 twitch there
I wish I could go to korea just to experience their solo q. It seems asian autism causes them to actually care about winning the game. I'm jealous...
Karthus would never take that shit.
You might not even get 10 ults during a game as Karthus
Anyone have that one support darius picture the "I've made a mistake" one?
Karma will either be playable again or fucking god tier
>Soraka just keeps ulting
>No one on her team ever dies
I can't wait.
and you fags said grils can't play competitively
You do realise ranged ads are quite powerful level, compared to mages and most tank junglers. Your plan is entirely dependent on teamcomp so to suggest that its a fail-safe way of always beating twitch is beyond retarded. Please and i mean this with all my heart, stop making yourself look like an utter mongoloid.
>tfw no friends to make a cute Star Guardian team to play normals and have fun
what are you buying senpai?
Best couple!
ITT: community concepts that ended up becoming actual skins
Ye Twitch is really famous of his healthy clear of the redbuff, especially if you as a meta jungle contest it
it'd be super toxic
but it doesnt matter because you're not korean
If there's a Jinx icon/firecracker I'm totally in, after that though I don't know.
The Popstar Ahri one was a fan conception
Karthus would probably take gathering storm for the free ap
Still a 45s cooldown
>16 - 0.7
"What the fuck is a cooldown?"
Post best yordle.
officer vi
popstar ahri
arcade riven i think
>Want to collect all the chibi icons
>Won't have enough ip to
Really hope the store comes back again in future or stays
Battlebunny Riven was a community idea
sunbath leona
baker panth
They should start doing more Popstar skins though
>Blitzcrank: 7
>Karma: 12.6
>Yasuo: 10.5
>Zilean: 21
I see it now. I see it all.
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
and relentlessly slaughter anyone who tries to hurt her
i wish i was a girl