What annoys you the most about shit drivers? I can't stand when someone passes me on the highway, merges into my lane, then slows down to the speed limit. Why the fuck would you pass someone only to slow down? How unaware are you?
What annoys you the most about shit drivers? I can't stand when someone passes me on the highway, merges into my lane...
Acceptable to me if they had to get into the passing lane to let someone in, then had no choice but to accelerate ahead of you.
Biggest peeve is no lights on in fog/rain/poor light/etc. I'm glad the canucks are mandating constantly lit tails as well as DRLs. Common sense just isn't enough anymore.
>go to pass someone
>they speed up to try to prevent you from passing
I just call the florida highway patrol when I see bullshit. Three times now I've seen people that have shot pass me pulled over miles down the road after I called.
This is an order following problem.
The order follower feels bad when breaking (commercial) limits, and therefor is doing you a favor in denying your self determination to travel how you may, without violating NAP.
The order follower is so proud that they feel trangressed against, in having to witness your not violating their property in a style of which they dissapprove.
A slave only wishes that others may be enslaved as they, for the better good, for the children, for their pride, for the state.
Order followers idolize the law of man because they are too proud to follow the law of GOD.
Fucking brainlets, all they do is creep me out. Staring at you at lights, staring at you in their rearview when they should be driving. Otherwise why would they speed up when you're overtaking? It's like prison where you're watched because people don't want shake downs to occur if you fuck up. Except brainlets are always watching because theyre such illiterate retards that dont know how to do anything properly without seeing someone else do it first.
Roasties and guys wearing bluetooths who tailgate you because they’ve zoned out and aren’t paying attention to what they’re doing
They do that just because they want to be in front. Literally all it is
>driving casually, slightly above the speed limit in the slow lane on a 4 lane freeway at night
>cruise control on
>keep getting passed by and passing the same car in the center lane
You nailed it OP, every fucking day
Yeah we know, and it’s completely retarded
>doing 5-10 over the speed limit
>still get tailgated
Its mainly basketball americans that do this on the east coast, then you have the taco americans that do this on the west coast. God damn I can't stand it.
Follow the speed limit asshat.
Seriously, FUCK OFF
Especially when it’s a semi
>living inna socal
>interstate traffic @ 4pm is absolutely disgusting
>that one retard you get stuck behind who is either VOLLGAS or flooring the brake in rolling traffic
I wish I could fucking murder these people.
I have a small car so all the dicklets MUST overtake me regardless of speed limit and all that.
oh great here comes the speed limit vigilante
no turn signals
mexican road blocks
people who pull up to lights so close together I can't lane split
slow drivers especially when they shit up the carpool or left lanes
What's the point? Like here's an example, I'm sitting at a light, behind me is some basketball american. Light turns green and I'm in a manuel so it's pretty spirited acceleration. There's another light and turns yellow when I go through. A minute later same basketball is now overtaking on the right at 80 on a 45 road. Not even a highway.
Did I trigger them somehow by making it through the light? Was it the spirited acceleration?
See it's brainlet shit like do the speed limit, or not thinking that people drive cars besides autotragic shit that makes brainlets triggered soo easily. What's the point of traffic rules when so many brainlets are behind the wheel?
Where do I begin....
>Mother fuckers that slow down to 5 below the speed limit, and making all five people behind them miss the light. Unable to pass due to hills and curves.
>Mother fuckers that don't turn right on red
>Mother fuckers that slow down at a green light
>Fucking retards that slam their brakes when a squirrel is crossing the road
>Stupid fucks that drive in the middle of country roads and don't give you enough room to stay on the road
>Idiotic motherfuckers that slam the brakes at a yellow light when they're like three feet from the line
>Stupid faggots that park their cars on a one way, 2 lane street to drop someone off at the fucking drug addict recovery emporium and spend 15 minutes saying goodbye, when they could go 8 feet to the corner and stay off the fucking road
>Niggers that have zero attention to those around them and just don't give a shit. Too busy leaning way the fuck back listening to shitty fucking music and riding high in their shitty rims.
I fucking hate people. I don't even live in a big city - my commute is 13 miles and it takes me 16 minutes to get to work. Only 2 miles of my commute is in the city and every fucking morning and every evening I hate all of them.
That's our risk to take, not yours to take vengeance on.
Idiots that have their high beams on at night.
Or no headlights on at night or in the rain.
There is a time to follow the law and a time to break the law.
It's not so much brainlets, but I think there is something psychologically going on in society that is making people drive with no restraint and ig bring the traffic laws. MKultra?
I overheard a coworker say she ALWAYS gets in the far left lane (USA) because she is scared of driving near semi-trucks (which are always in the 2 right lanes)
A whole lot of new headlights on cars are brighter than older highbeams it seems. its so fucked
Yeah or I just prefer other peoples cars to be visible and them to actually be able to see reflective road features, thanks for the highly autistic dissertation though.
>t. order follower slave
people who dont indicate and you must assume they are coming your direction so you wait only for them to go somewhere else leaving you to have to wait for another plab to do the same thing, and its unironically always a bmw
britbong here, we have tight as fuck country lanes only wide enough for one car and most of the people you encounter coming the other way will have no idea how to reverse so youl be stuck there for 10 fucking minutes while they zigzag backwards to the nearest passing point 10 fucking feet away, either that or they will just straight up refuse and force you to reverse for miles
The biggest issue I encounter is people going significantly under the speed limit everywhere for no good reason. And people slamming on their brakes before they get into the center turn lane
>daily a BMW
>Always indicate
>flash highbeams at everyone because literally 3 out of 5 cars here don't indicate
Am I in a bizarro dimension
In Dallas it's always a beater sedan full of Mexicans going 50mph in the middle lane on the freeway.
Then in the left lane you have Mexicans in work trucks blasting through at 90mph
>Single lane roads everywhere
>People either drive way too slow or don't understand the difference between being able to make it around a corner and making it around a corner with sufficient time to stop unexpectedly
>Roads full of old women doing 25mph and old men in jaguars and mercs taking blind corners at 60 then beeping like mad at oncoming traffic like its their fault they didn't feel out the corner
i hate when someone merges right in front of me then uses their signal halfway through the move.. thanks for using your signal fucktard.. not like i already seen u be a total jackass and make me slam on my brakes
That's sort of what the left lane is for but the ones in the middle lane have to go back
>People tailgating
>Go full wiperfluid mode, know half sprays over the car
>noone tailgating anymore suddenly, big surprise
>traffic lights follow R-RY-G-G blink-Y-R pattern
>everyone drives manual so its expected you spool up and slowly clutch out in first during RY, allowing all following traffic to "simultaneously" get rolling
>always one fucktard on their phone or only spooling up at green, leaving the signal block by the time a third of the green cycle has passed.
>signal block meant to process 10 cars only manages 4 thanks to tard
>traffic lights have an explicit turning lane (going across intersection) and one to go straight or turn in the other direction
>on different cycles. Neither is green simultaneously
>signs showing lane exclusivity back 400 meters and people should appropriately merge on time.
>fucktard up front who sits in intersection turnoff lane and goes straight when other correct lane is green almost causing crash since outgoing lane is only 1 wide.
>city avenue is usually 2 lane wide for any direction
>except after 6pm when curbside lane becomes a parking lane, and all day on WE's
>people are supposed to merge civilly waaaay earlier, but do not
>people realize they cannot continue while still going a fast clip and forces non-curbside lane to allow them in
>without blinker
>country with "blink/indicate when LEAVING ROUNDABOUT" rule
>lets ingoing traffic keep relative momentum so people behind aren't held up since "if you are leaving before I enter no-one should crash, right?"
>rule is intermittently ignored
>noone trusts this rule now
>roundabout is essentially now a 4 way stop-sign intersection
>leave for work half hour before shift
>can get there in 9 min with an angel-run and green and light agreeable traffic
>mexican-roadblocks forcing me to miss traffic light cycles
>any of the above mentioned situations
>bus/truck or construction vehicle enters traffic ahead of me
>"user why were you late to work again?"
c'est la vie, lads
The ones doing 50 are illegal and are trying to keep attention away from them.
The ones doing 90 are the hardworking mexicans that will build a fence for $20 and some tacos.
I do this all the time. 17 year olds driving riced out shitboxes driving like absolute asshats on the road. If you actually got a nice ride, we cool.
No same here, it’s literally retards in their fuckhueg suvs and shitboxes who can’t drive at all blaming everything on a scapegoat. It’s amazing how every time some retard almost sideswipes me or cuts me off or turns suddenly without signaling it’s never a bmw, seriously I’m waiting to see this reckless bmw driver I keep hearing about.
>confirmed autistic lolbertarian
>left lane closed 1 mile
>stays in left lane
>brings right lane traffic to a stop to merge last minute
Even worse when they think that they move out of the open lane to pass halted traffic and slide back in a few cars ahead
>white women in SUVs with handicapped placards who tailgate, cut off, and make unsignaled lane changes without looking
I hate them even more when they have "dog mom" stickers
>5 lane road
>2 for either direction
>1 middle for left turns for both sides
>People pull out of parking lots and enter the left turn lane
>Then proceed to drive with their right turn signal on until they find a chance to force themselves into traffic
Every fucking day in my city.
In case this isnt a joke, how do I religion?
The moving roadblock angers me. You have a car going slow in the right lane, and a car in the left lane that won’t pass them.
God I can't stand that. Almost all my driving is at night and it seems every night there's at least several cars that blind the shit out of you because they are too fucking lazy to change a bulb in their headlights or are just straight up retarded and drive with them on regardless.
I can confirm this Dallas bro, 75 and 635 are the worst. You'll never see it on the tollways
>People who don't leave e good stopping distance
>People who cut you off if you leave adequate stopping distance
>People who floor it when the light turns green, then mash the brakes at the next red light, then repeat, thus being retardedly inefficient. Like, you just sped up so you could stop and have to wait sooner, moron.
Which bible?
>autocucks stop 20ft early and then creep for the next minute at the light creating a huge slinky effect
Women who can't grasp the concept of gradual acceleration. Always slam on the gas or brake
Women who creep, then stop, then creep some more even when the car in front isn't moving
Dicklets in trucks hogging the left lane
Dicklets in trucks that always go 1 mph faster than you are and then hog the left lane
Poorfag dicklet trucks that move into your lane when you leave decent following distance
Any Bmw that is not a 7 series
the best part is that's genuinely illegal
but those people are just control freaks who should be ran off the road into a tree
if I'm ever fed up with my life, they're definitely on the list of people I want to fuck over without caring about the consequences
because speedlimit changes while passing you
I'll do this just to play with people but I drop back as soon as they signal
>get stuck behind slow vehicle in right lane
>several cars behind me
>put on left turn signal so I can change lanes and pass
> person behind me quickly changes lanes to pass me and the car in front without a signal while flooring it
>repeat for next driver behind them
Lmao. I kind of did this the other day
>in 80km/h zone
>obeying the speed limit
>cunt behind me in the landcrusier is obviously salty as he's been tailgating me on and off for the last 10 mins of the mountain
>approaching 100km/h zone
>autist behind me attempts overtake before the 100km/l starts
>don't want to be behind shitbox fumey diesel
>accelerate to 100km/h just after he swings out
>his shitbox can overtake so he has to cuck out and get back behind me.
I change while they change. They'll have to slam the brakes and my car is faster most of the time anyway
What can you expect from people who can barely drive automatics?
Can you not tell when someone is trying to pass you out of your peripheral vision? How blind are you get off the road before you kill someone dipshit
>motherfuckers that slam on the brakes the moment a corner comes up
nondescript gray cars in fog and/or bad weather conditions and/or when it slowly turns dark that have no lights on. fuck you god damn faggots, it's hard enough to see you as is. i signal the fuck out of them when i see them and maybe 1/10 gets it. asscunts.
Like I said, I don't mind people that obey the speed limit. If I want to sit over the limit by 5-10km/h then I would have overtaken a looong time ago in the 80 zone, but not wait until the 100 like the retard you described.
Its really goddned simple. Either one gives the fewest fucks about the rules w/o breaking them blatantly and endangering lives, or one Lawful-Goods the fuck out of the rules and dares not deviate from any regulations.
Besides, no-one can overtake without going over any limit so its all a moot point.
>mad people go faster than you
fuck off
i slow down at green lights because i drive too fast for the yellow, once i'm almost to the intersection i speed up again.
>people that halve their speed when coming up to a slight bend on thebfreeway
everyone bitching about tailgating can get fucked. move over into the correct lane or else pull over and let them pass you if it's single lane
If you're being tailgated, user, it's because you're going too slow in the passing lane.
Quit being a nigger and move over.
I don't care how fast you're going, or how fast they're going.
It's called the "passing lane" because that's where people pass.
I have a 60 minute commute, one way, mostly interstate. Here is the greatest advice I've ever received.
Pass people at least 10mph faster than they're going.
People are horrible at using their cruise control. Even those that do use it will instinctively push down on the accelerator when they get passed because of the herding mentality. Ever been on a long highway and encoutnered groups of cars, in little herds of maybe 4 or 5, all next to each other? There may be several miles between these pods.
The single most dangerous place you can be on the highway is next to another few-thousand-pound vehicle doing 70-80mph, yet it's exactly where people want to be.
The only way to break others of wanting to match your speed and stick with you is to pass them at a speed fast enough that the instinct won't register.
Even if you're going, let's say, 72 and you want to pass someone going 70. Ramp it up to 80 while you pass or that person will suddenly be in your rear view mirror for the next 10 minutes until their brain tells them to pass you for some inexplicable reason, just to slow down back to 70 another couple miles up the road, initiating a leap frog.
Another piece of great advice is to never let BMW owners merge.
this roundabout. the exit straight over from this entrance is a small dual carriageway, so you can use both lanes to go straight over
as you can clearly see from the picture there is room enough for two vehicles to get around it safely with plenty of room, including artics, BUT people constantly drift across both lanes before exiting into the left lane, or they'll exit to the right from the left and vice versa, with no indicators, and when you honk at these cunts they don't understand what they've done wrong
fuck i get so triggered god damnit fuckfuck FUCK i have to drive there today SHIT FUCKIN PISS
lane splitters deserve the rope
>If you're being tailgated, user, it's because you're going too slow in the passing lane.
nah man. when i'm 10-20 over the speed limit and constantly passing cars, you don't have any right to tailgate me. just calm your tits.
you're going slower than that person
your fragile ego will be okay if you let them pass
that doesn't make tailgating acceptable, ever.
In a city it's acceptable. When there's no other cars on the road and there's more than a single lane, then fucking overtake. I don't want to be rear ended if a deer runs out into the road.
i don't think it's smart to make this about ego. when i'm 10-20 above the speed limit and passing other cars, i'm doing nothing wrong. the tailgater can wait.
You realize that if you just moved over for literally 5 seconds the tailgater would drive away?
>move over into the car i'm passing
>move over on single lane road
great tip m8
the whole situation started with the hypothetical of a 2 lane
and yeah, of course, I'm advocating you sideswipe cars! That must have been the point!
Holy shit, never thought I'd find dipshits on Veeky Forums scrambling so hard to justify not moving over for people trying to pass them.
>people are driving at speed limit, no problem all is good
>a cop car is driving down the road
>suddenly everyone starts going like 10-15 kmh under the limit for no fucking reason
this just fucking PULL OVER! your not more importand then me so get the FUCK out of my way!
but i'm doing nothing wrong. i'm passing cars at even above the speed limit. you can wait.
>defending tailgating
burgers, ladies and gentlemen.
>you can wait
exactly this. there is literally 0 reason to tailgate.
>inb4 another dumb burger tries to use broken logic
faggots like you will never move over unless you're tailgated, get fucked, idiot
Multiple. At least two. This way you can compare translations and ideas to better connect yourself with God, rather than a translator.
Or, go Catholic, find a pastor, and treat him like a guru on top of a mountain.
i don't think you should be allowed to operate vehicles
that's your uninformed opinion, user
you seem to have substantial anger and entitlement issues
>says the speed vigilante
I don't trust the average Stacey in a crossover not to rear end me
faggots in this thread really are defending not moving over when people try to pass
"I'm going 10 over!"
Who gives a shit, they want to go 15 over. You're not the fucking cops, you don't get to decide which speed everyone gets to go.
I'll shunt stuck up soyboys like you next time I encounter one.
you still haven't explained how someone is supposed to move out of the way of a tailgating homo if they're passing a fucking car
should we just start running people off the road to please tailgating inbred fat cunts like you? moronic lardass failure, kill yourself
People who think turn signals are optional. And dickbags that turn in straight only lanes.
When you're done passing the car, would you move over?
i always move over when i'm done passing a single car. but most of the time, the right lane consists of a long line of slow cars with not much space between them, so of course i keep passing them all.
we're literally the same with one exception. we use the left lane to pass slow cars, and we go over the speed limit to do so. except i respect safety distance and you don't.
No, dipshit, you created a specific hypothetical so you could feel correct. Literally no one told you to move over and cut off or sideswipe a car. Literally not a fucking person.
you were arguing with several people. i did not create that hypothetical.
regardless, i'm not moving over as long as i'm passing cars and doing so even above the speed limit. you tailgating me won't change that fact, so i'd like to ask you to respect the safety distance between our vehicles so we can have a safe trip.