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Post-silverfest regret edition

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Japan Maintenance 12 Sep 00:30 - 7:30 JST, Version Update to 7.4.0

Kanjuro, Kinenmon and Marguerite colos are live on Global with Ambush Shanks

New 5*+ Evos on global: Robin, Franky, Brook (note: Choose Brook or Robin)

New Legend Lucci and QCK Law Legend coming to Japan sugo

Log Kid coming to global

3x Super Success on JPN

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like he's doing it now

Remember when we had news and events in the OP.

yeah, the infos are updated, just waited to get enough data pool for the legends part, I'll finish that tonight

it was a waste anyway, noone read it apart from the important news, since info about colos, fortnights and raids are already in the calendar (that I AGAIN posted the old, dead link for, my bad)

I just realized how utterly broken legend Magellan is against bosses that revive. Bamco should really make more legends like this instead of just powercreeping classes/types.

Doesn't reviving remove toxic?

nope some things that revive though will remove debuffs like colo Neko

Should i into rcv candy for kinoman?


How are your Shanks invasion rates so far?

>no Carrot in the OP
Shit thread

So the limited Kidd coming to Global is the pseudo-legend one right? From the way the announcement is phrased it kinda sounds like he'll be back at some point so is it worth yolo pulling for him this time?

On JP, I made one yolopull and got him. So if you have plenty of gems it might be worth it. But I seriously don't think so.
Enjoy Non-Sugo units, this what you're gonna be dealing with everytime a new one comes out.

Horrible, but I noticed the invasion rates have slightly increased since skillup event ended.

Wait until the last possible day he's in the pull. If you yolo for him next week and then there's Neko sugo the week after you will not get him anyway

I think it's been at least 3 months since i even pulled a rate boosted unit so I don't fucking care any more


probably the worst girl in the entire One Piece character roster

You mean Rebecca

>stage 3: magellan
>stage 3: magellan
>stage 3: magellan
>stage 3: magellan
>stage 3: magellan
I'm sure there's a pattern here.

Why do you hate Tashigi?

she is boring and unattractive

I have QCK law but not enough for a multi... and I'm f2p, should I still pull singles for Log Kid?

how do i make this stronger

who do i replace Luffy with

You should quit global and reroll on jp.

A 1.75x orb booster would be nice.

>rerolling this sugo and starting with 2-3 6+ legends

marco boost orb already

Raid Kizaru

first multi is all secert characters, so to reroll you'd have to do singles and miss out on a pull

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot!

I want to ______ Carrot, and ______ her in the ______ with my ______ until she ______ my ______ and I ______ my ______ into her ______

No u

I want to marry her and marry her in the church with my friends and family until she becomes my wife and i plant my seed into her womb consensually in the eyes of god

I want to bully Carrot, and hit her in the head with my fist until she cries my name out loud and I break my will into her stupid animal head.

I want you to delete this post.

>wake up
>no Pudding

>tfw fucking up and throwing away 100 stamina
feels bad man


is there a better feeling than getting maximum comfy with the team you are farming?

You really get a lot of candy with these 50 stamina Colos don't you.

and tomes

Yeah, getting slightly comfier by figuring out how to shave off an unnecessary and semi-unsafe turn on Shanks. It feels so good.

Same expect I can't get comfier on Shanks because HE NEVER FUCKING APPEARS.

isn't that the same thing?
either way, nice

Are you doing single or double stamina? I was doing the former trying to maximize skull chances, but as soon as I switched to the latter, it feels like Shanks has around a 50/50 chance of showing up now.

unless you need the skull right now, I'd just do double stamina
you'll get those skulls eventually, but fuck farming things on single stamina

Yeah I'm doing single for that very reason. I'll switch to double then.

how the fuck do you beat croc while having enough special for kinemon after

Yeah, I guess. I'm dreading switching to Kanjuro after I get my last few Kinemon sockets though, since the team I've worked out can absolutely not handle him the same way, and I'm a little worried about dealing with Shanks using a more defensively focused Akainu team without disgusting heal with the Rocketman and AH5


What legends do you have?

Blast Croc with full power then Ikuzo Kinemon and finish off with Cabbagedish

cav, sabo, akainu
im trying to make a team that can beat him and shanks so im kinda forced to use sabo with friend luffy

Spent probably an hour theory-crafting a team for Kanjuro.
Think I have a good one:
it uses a friend Blackbeard
and I will use coated Sunny to block Morias attack upon death...
Died because I ttok full damage. No guide said this was direct damage, or is something no working properly, again?

Took me a while to see the problem. Back to the drawing board I guess.


This one works decently well for just Kinemon. You can switch out Whitebeard for any good red Beatstick as well, and it'll work about as well.

A better team, and the one I'm using for Shanks as well, is Double Akainu, Whitebeard, PSY Marco, Raid Kuma, and 3D2Y Sanji with the Rocketman. So long as your Marco and Kuma have okay skill ups and you've got decent AH, it's incredibly consistent, barring fuckups.

Haven't been playing for too long, but decided to take a crack at a Swordsman team, how's this look so far?

Yeah no damage reduction in the world can protect that fat ass


I'm dreading the exact opposite now
I have a very comfy Kanjuro+Shanks Jinbe team, not sure what to use for Kinemon now but I'll figure something out

>friend Blackbeard
>my damage reductions don't work

i dont have marco and i got barely any skillup with the 60 copy of Z i farmed
maybe i can try something with sanji and nami but i dont know if it will work


Lets look at it this way, log kid gives a 3x boost sub 30%, 2.5x otherwise, and 1.2x hp (only strikers). In comparison, Whitebeard 6+ gives a 3x boost sub 30%, 1.75x otherwise, and 1.2x hp.

Specials are different, kid gives 1.75 orb boost, wb is 30% cut + nonmatching orb shuffle.

You could argue on the specials, A lot of things these days have barriers to stop the cuts, less so now, but still a decent number so boost might get you further. Striker only is also a pretty big restriction but there are plenty of very good strikers these days. The big thing is the 1.75x vs 2.5x boost above 30%. That's a big difference in damage before you can get yourself down, and you can lose runs very easily trying to maneuver on down to sub 30. That was a large part of why wb got his 6+, so he could do something outside sub 30, the orb swap was really just icing. Both are totally viable, WB gives you more units, Kid gives you more power early.

It's definitely power creep though, and strikers are doing VERY well for themselves lately.

That's not Kid's special, at all.
Read again, he is way way more broken than that.

Got two invasion after doing three double stam runs. I still haven't seen a skull drop. From the 6 or 7 whitebeards I got a while ago, to maybe 13 Shanks this Colo, it refuses to drop.

I hate all of you guys who get 3 skulls from 4 invasions.

Same here, it looks like invasions are more likely on double stam

still no skull tho

does anyone have a non-sugo yolo happy ending story?

It is time for the Arabasta disasta, including fillers I normally skip.
Bring water.

woops 2x to strikers and 80% crew hp cut, must've forgotten after looking at WB.

Ya, he's Legend tier

how many times has this thing looped now?

ohh now I know why I got confused, I was thinking stage 1 of the new law; been playing with him in the calc too much for my JP acct.

Point is though sub 30% he's equal to WB, and over 30% he's better. Specials do different things and are each good in their own way, but you can generally get away with a self buff easier than damage to an enemy because of barriers (though this varies with content).

Back when WB was getting his 6+ buff I said they should've buffed his damage sub 30 up to 3.25x to combat all the power creep with new legends, or given him the BB treatment with a special that goes through barriers, they gave him orb manip so whatever but they did bring his over 30% up, would've preferred at least 2x but w/e it was an improvement.

Stopper counting around 28th round.
Earliest instance I recall with this image being made back in 2010.
I was not the original streamer back then. There were others before me.

One Piece will never be this good again. It'll just be poorly animated with loads of filler trying to keep up with the Manga for the rest of its life.

Yeah same, WB is still great, but he kinda feels lacking in some aspects. For example, his special also reduces all CDs of subs by 1, which is absolutely useless when his special has a 17 turn CD, which is also pretty high for someone that needs to be at low HP.
At least he didn't get completely shafted like Shanks, but I would've liked to see something that made more sense, a CD reduction to his Special down to 14, or something more niche like his special being able to reduce timing barriers by 1 hit. They did definitely fix him, but all of the things they added just feel like small extras instead of going for one big singular buff.

>30% health cut on a 14 turn CD

This Doc Q colo stage is gonna make me shoot myself, not comfortable enough to hit pefects blind on my FS team, not enough auto heal sockets to stall for specials on my powerhouse team, and no neo doffy for an inthawk friend captain team. Being on that hairy edge of being able to do chaos colos is rather frustrating.

friend Shiryu, own Shiryu/any raid Doffy captain
screw stages 1-4 really

Colo Neko gives full matching orbs and a 1.75x boost on a 9 turn CD
Why wouldn't a super evolution of a legend be better?

Just roll the dice on a shiryu team
It's 10 stam, it's only a matter of time for it to proc

>Conveniently leaving out the prerequisite.

Thanks for the (You)s, redditor.

Is there any reason to farm qck bellamy when he comes to global tomorrow or should I just wait for the neo one for chopper rewards? Don't have a fighter or driven captain above a 2.5x boost for what its worth.

I know I wouldn't be able to farm Kinemon without Pica but some people were thinking of skipping him for the neo

They need one good G9-level filler arc to get back on track, maybe tossing something in between Sanji Rescue and Wano. It is currently 1/3rd flashback.

F2P 1.75 orb booster for fighters.

I really wouldn't mind that. Filler that's had thought put into it, something that doesn't scream 'filler' and that is actually worth watching.

Why is that so hard? That way it doesn't shit up the series.

I actually have a fun idea of a sort of Dressrosa microcosm where, over the course of a good 3~6 episodes, the SH get pinned on an island by the Marines and wind up helping the people expose their despotic ruler.

Or it could be a side-story regarding the Wano group, etc.

>Filler arc?
>Here comes Foxy!

fuji+shiki+doffy + 3 health cutter
or just a friend shyriu

fox werent filler tho homie

The first foxy wasn't filler
The other two times were

don't even remember him showing up a second or third time looool

And the first time he showed up it was 80% filler too.

Second time was a rematch inside the big ship after 2 full fillers arcs after initial canon Foxy arc and just before Aokiji
3rd time was Foxy, Hamburg and Porche alone taking revenge on Strawhats on a Spa Island. Riddled with fanservice.

>Magellan's poison means a 4200 preemptive
Fuck off, Bamco

the first foxy had a lot of filler
manga has 3 games, anime stretched it out to... 7 games?

Boat race - Canon
Groggy Ring - Canon
>Dodgeball - Filler
>Rollerskate race - Filler
>Red light, Green light - Filler
Captain Combat - Canon