argent dawn EU edition
Wowg (world of warcraft general)
What's the latest fotm class/specs?
wheres the thread inf?
If everyone loved vanilla so much why do people sperg out every time a zone doesn't have flying?
who gives a shit nobody read or clicked any of that garbage anyway
>playing horde this expansion
if legacy servers ever were implimented this is what the forums would be
>just add flying blizz, you already did it before
>wtf why cant i use heirlooms on alts, it takes so long to lv
>nerf these raid boss's they are too hard if you dont have the right resitance gear
>wtf why does someone who plays more then me get the better pvp title, turn arenas on
and so on and so on
This. Reddit links are worse than reddit guilds.
@ Sargeras
@ Illidan
>not playing undead every expansion
What do you mean? I'm absolutely stoked about where they're going with Vol'jin's character arc.
>be tauren
>have your chieftan killed by an orc
>do nothing about it
>get your content cut
>literally just came back from a horde circlejerking expansion
>hordebabies are already throwing tantrums for attention
Funny enough, getting your content cut is less insulting than being a shaman and having to suffer through Magatha's recruitment scenario where they reference Cairne. That shit soured me on continuing being a shaman.
>being a shaman
>after bc
you asked for this
>tfw wowg hates undead rogues
>hey there's grimtotem lurking about, what do you want to do about them?
>just kick their ass and call it a day, they can stay around if they want to
>they orchestrated a slaughter at both thousand spires and thunder bluff, poisoned cairne, and allied with twilight's hammer, the doom cult which made a habit of enslaving elementals all day
>yeah but i forgive them, it's fine
>killing orcs that have nothing to do with Horde/aren't aligned with them is suddenly a Horde focused expansion
I need help with ret pala, something's very wrong with me. I'm 920, 2-piece and I'm simming 850k dps and only able to pull off 700k single target. What am I doing wrong? Got any tips?
It's also driving my haste down. Every time I sim myself haste is down at the bottom in priorities, I'm down to 19% which is really odd for me. It's suggesting stacking mastery.
Help pls lads I hate being terrible.
>Very well respected "theorycrafter" in the class discord
>pages and pages of charts and figures to back up what he's saying
>Repeatedly says the use of x ability at x time is the best way to use it
>I use it like that
>months down the line, current day, I look up other people of my spec and none of the ones that are performing best are using said ability in this way
>I change to the new way, notable increase in dps
Rude :(
who was it?
post character otherwise its pure guesswork, dummy
>Meet hatuun for the first time
>Go to macaree and see echos of the past
>Listening to discord
>Not discovering the secret rotation on your own
he was just salty as fuck
He was in hell for all the time Velen had time to go around and have fun, it's not like velen tryed to save his people or return. Imagen a light fuled orc horde going to fight the legion for velen. I know Illidan would just not sit on his ass and do nothing like Velen,
>>months down the line, current day, I look up other people of my spec and none of the ones that are performing best are using said ability in this way
>Google it and find an spriest
Looks like we have another legion spriest main.
You realize that spriest got changed like 3 times this expansion, right?
Don't need a thread wall-of-text. if you have a question just ask it and strike up a conversation.
You realize ToS has been open for months and there have been no significant changes to the spec, right?
Who are the KANGZ of WoW?
NPC: Wow, you're that great hero I keep hearing about! Thank you for everything you've done!
Player: Ugh, all this praise is so annoying. We don't need emotional validation every five seconds, Blizz.
Xe'ra: That one thing you did a few years ago might have been a mistake.
Humans and other human like races, we was vrykul, we was stone people, we was mech gnomes, we was frozen. WE WUZ TITANS
we wuz tho
This is bad. Really bad.
Void corruption is way worse than Fel corruption.
those two are not mutually exclusive, especially since the faggot who told us illidan need to be put down was also a fucking windchime
How important is gear in this expansion for pvp?
I'm at 880 and it feels okay, but mostly end up in the upper middle of total damage.
I also feel like shadows dominate bgs if it's not a melee zerg rolling over everything
1% more for every 10 ilvls over 800
you don't mean to tell me you seriously waste your time doing organized raiding, right user?
4.1 was the We Wuz Kangs patch.
now titanforge a tier set too and come back to us
would you want me as your raid leader?
what makes you want to shitpost like this
honest question
Best race for ally DK (female)?
you say that, but void knaifu is best waifu
>running around not paying attention
jesus christ that was a close
Coming back to Legion, should I continue playing one of my 110's or level my warrior or my paladin?
>coming back to legion
that's your first mistake
go warrior
Shadow priest for killing people, bear druid for tanking
Only reason you see more priests about is the new spell effects.
Why is the queue for rated battlegrounds so long? Why aren't you guys playing rated battlegrounds?
>Fly a warframe into Antorus
> Why aren't you guys playing rated battlegrounds?
>link 200 rating
>link hero last season
>only fotm specs
>Take town the towers!
>Destroy the legions command ship
Playing the auction house is more work than I expected
wait what how high can it go?
literally why do rbgs even exist just turn it into solo queue or something
definitely has the potential to be a pain
depends on how much you're willing to take on
got my female forsaken DK to 110. any good transmog inspiration?
I haven't played since WotLK, can someone explain how LFR loot works? Did they change it to the Diablo system where you personally always get loot or are you still fighting with 40 strangers every week over one upgrade?
have they added solo queue for arena yet?
You may or may not get an item for yourself. if you ran a heroic dungeon, it's just like that.
Yeah its called Arena Skirmish
I guess I'm choosing very competitive markets, I keep finding myself having to relist my auctions twice a day
955 until antorus, then 15 below whatever legos end up getting upgraded to
>You are on timer, kid
this is so wrong on so many levels
Hunters able to tame demonic and Fel corrupted beasts when?
How likely am I to raid anything if the character I want to play is lvl 104?
a sizable chunk of the people I've sold carries to said it was anxiety and they didn't want to deal with the stress of finding groups, wiping, disbanding, etc
what the
I think you people have yet to understand sarcasm
I never understood why you'd want top level gear if you don't want to play the game in the first place
whatre those what is that
you get gear thrown at you right after you hit level 110, i got my dh alt to 910 just by fucking around and doing invasions/rares on argus
legendaries aren't an issue desu if your choice of raiding is either clearing heroic or doing that + the first half of Mythic ToS
titanforging/warforging are your friends even though the system is flawed af
it would be satire, not sarcasm, and it's real.
how likely are you to put the effort in to learning the character and gearing it up? i came back from a break with an ungeared chracter at the very end of nighthold and am now a mystic raider. it's just a question of how dedicated you are
what's the best vindicaar matrix research in terms of damage?
Happy Birthday Ian :3 I hope you read this
Which of the DK specs is easier to level as? Frost, unholy or blood? What about after you get your artifact?
Poe's law, bitch. We're living in Poe's timeline
It's frost to legion and blood in legion
Blood, blood
just aggro everything and blood boil it down
Blood, just blaze through dungeons
And after hitting max level? Is DK generally a weak tank, or should I go unholy?
I haven't played this shit from BC, but when will Blizzard get the clue that people come back to the game for the leveling since there's a peak every expansion ?
DK is right now top tier tank
Frost is busted now aswell, might try it too, click 2 buttons and get in top 3 in dps
>top tier
>Not near the absolute bottom
>show us your current mog, g