What does Veeky Forums think of the removal of historical statues
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Horse memorial vandalized in SA because it is a symbol of colonialism
memorial in France
WW1 Memorial in Germany
British war memorial in France
Rhodes statue defaced in SA
it's pretty stupid
pic is Nelson's Pillar that used to stand in the center of Dublin, on the left
in the center is the result of an IRA bomb toppling Nelson from the pillar
and to the right is the shitty fucking modernist gigantic metal spire that replaced the pillar, an eyesore in the city now
I understand why the IRA blew it up, and the majority of people wanted it gone as well, but even the lad who blew it up hates the spire they replaced it with
All of these upset me, but this one specifically pisss me off the most. I'm the son of third world immigrants myself so it doubly pisses me off that some people would voluntarily move to a white country... and then complain about "white privilege" or "black exclusion". They come to the house of the white man to tell the white man how horrible he is. Why the fuck would you do this?
And this is against FRANCE, the country with the single most fucking lenient colonial policy. The country that fucking allowed wealthy French-Africans to come to Paris to study. Almost all presidents of former French Africa upon its independence were educated in France. Senghor even came up with his Francophonie thingamajig because he considered maintaining close ties with France that important.
This gives me a pit in my stomach. I'm mad, I'm nauseous and I'm powerless because white people have become masochists who love nothing more than hearing how evil they are and apologizing for "crimes" that were committed when even their parents weren't alive.
>come to france
Really makes me like black people more.
This is perfectly justifiable. Rhodes was just another business man and everything he did for British Africa was for his own benefit. If they don't want him to be part of their past then they have a right to pull them down.
Put up by public subscription and now that public obviously doesn't want it. Justified.
Rather sad how the legacy of WW2 erases the point of these monuments, memorials to people who lost their lives in a war that had nothing to do with them.
I doubt Immigrants had anything to do with it. More like bleeding heart French uni students.
This. If we came to their third world shitholes and blew up their monuments to Shaka Zulu, or whoever, they'd have a chimpout.
What's with the 8 ball?
Blacks are insane user they whine about oppression yet wont get the fuck out of America even if that is the most logical way to avoid oppression.
>leftists in charge of history
Germany should have won WWI desu.
you shouldn't just destroy everything even tangentially related to a 'bad' part of your history, and the majority of people who want to tear them down are sub-retard level IQ'd who just don't like the idea of da whyte man staring down at them and stupid white people who feel guilty for some reason like in the background of the OP picture
Ghandi statue South Africa
The wrongly drawn swastika really sums these people up.
Their opinions and feelings do matter. Rhodes is not someone they want to honor, and they have a right to express that by tearing down statues erected by his dead beneficiaries.
no they don't, most of them would literally be classified as mentally retarded over here, granting them sentience is probably a step too far
it's pointless destruction to historical objects in moments of triumphalist rage
It's black. Pool balls are used for natives. Asia gets yellow, America gets red, etc.
Gandhi was a pedo.
I'm okay with removal of statues through lawful processes. A statue doesn't need to exist forever. If it becomes an eyesore, and people decide they don't want to celebrate it, it's fair game to be removed. Having a statue erected doesn't mean people have to like it forever and ever.
Vandalism and iconoclast on the other hand, no. You can make political statements without vandalism. It's usually the case that the vandal has no appreciation of what they're defacing. They're just being edgy, and they don't think about what they're doing, it's just a form of self empowerment.
I mean, it might be barely justifiable if the vandal had a full appreciation of what the destruction meant as a political statement. They understand the respect a memorial commands, and they understand the meaning of it, and for that reason they destroy it.
Like if I destroy the temple on Temple mount, it's a shame if it's because some edgy emperor feels like fucking with the Jews. It's a different issue if the emperor realizing how fucking important the temple is, and it's for that reason it must be destroyed. I wish at least the destruction of monuments would be fully conscious and educated.
But you can tell a lot of times, it's just vandalism, and poorly thought out.
I think that's the best possible response to defacement of public art.
> everybody gets miffed at somebody who died centuries ago because "muh racism/colonialism/exclusion/wah, I hate whitey!"
> monument gets blowed up/set on fire/pushed over
> replace monument with the ugliest, most indestructible eyesore possible
They should have put a gigantic bronze cock up there so the mackerel-chomping potato niggers could have fucking heart attacks every morning.
I'm ok with it, fetishizing objects and collecting is a sign of decadence and an exhausted culture.
>they have a right
Human rights was a mistake.
>"muh racism/colonialism/exclusion/wah, I hate whitey!"
none of these were the reason, you thick cunt, I said I understood why they blew the statue up
doesn't suit to have a giant statue of an Englishman looking down over the city and all the other monuments to Irish heroes
would've been grand if they blew up Nelson and put an Irishman in his place
> sub Saharan Africans
> building monuments
Wew, lad.
I was generalizing because most of the incidents of monument vandalism in this thread tend to be darkies angry about having never amounted to to anything and taking it out on statues of white people.
That being said, the Irish are scum. And I say that knowing full well that most of my ancestors were actual Irish people. The English should have purged those fucking clover monkeys.
>Put antagonizing tribes in one colony
>They fight each other after independence
get fucked Sassyboi, your ancestors were probably shoneens anyhow if you're the culmination of their genetic line
Literally Barbarians
Eat a cock, you papist swine. My ancestors left your shit island because they were probably tired of fucking their cousins and getting diddled by priests. You inbred faggots deserve to get wiped out. It's a shame the Brits just got tired of shooting your dumb asses and left you be.
say that to my face not online and see what happens
That's from Cape town. Just next to the Rhodes statue.
Im not even westerner but this make me sad
Go back to leftypol, you fuckhead
>you shouldn't just destroy everything even tangentially related to a 'bad' part of your history
To be fair, to the South Africans Rhodes isn't part of "their" history and to the Irish Nelson isn't part of "their" history. These cases are somewhat understandable, unlike the others that actually deface their own history.
that statue was dedicated to Nelson because he cleared the Irish sea of pirates, and British history from the Act of Union to the Saor Stáit was Irish history to a great extent
I'm just annoyed by what they replaced it with, it made sense to blow it up since it was so huge and overshadowed monuments to Irish heroes
destroying a statue in a park is retarded though
Only acceptable if it's White people removing the statues of ruthless jewish dictators such as (((Lenin)))
You'll get hung and the next 8 generations of your inbred ginger descendants will cry into their shitty brown, room temperature beer over it.
Fuck off, potato nigger.
hardly, England will be dead by then
Hitler's birth house is being prepped for demolition this very moment.
This is what happens when intolerant liberals get into power. They think that if something is out of sight it doesn't exist. I assume they've never heard the phrase, "those who erase the past are condemned to repeat it."
I'm flying to Austria on Monday just to see a piece of history before it's gone forever. Hopefully it's still standing when I get there.
>Rhodes isn't part of their history
How isn't he? That's like claiming William the Bastard isn't part of English history.
>allow subhumans to enter country
>they begin destroying things
France kinda had it coming
the symbolism of this gif makes me hard
Who cares about some irrelevant house? Hitler probably never ever lived here most of his life.
>smiling paki mayor
his platform at least runs counter to all of the other brown dominated labour areas
still doesn't look like it will do much for Fabric
To be fair, what value does that house even have other than "Hitler lived there for a little while"? The French probably demolished Napoleon's favorite café a long time ago, because it has no intrinsic cultural value.
Netherlands: statues of Coen and Bontekoe defaced by "de Grauwe Eeuw", because they're against colonialism.
A Belgian statue of Leopold II had a hand sawed off several years back, it was never found.
>they have a right to destroy public property
>A Belgian statue of Leopold II had a hand sawed off several years back, it was never found.
At least they have bantz.
They have to make a new piece of art in its place and a large diverse board of art historians must analyze its quality to see if it's at or above the level of the thing destroyed.
>A Belgian statue of Leopold II had a hand sawed off several years back
top bantz
>Ring wingers in charge of history
>would've been grand if they blew up Nelson and put an Irishman in his place
The fucking irony here is that Nelson was born in Dublin to Irish Protestant parents.
There is one
Anglo-Irish and they tended to swing heavily to the side of conservatism and Unionism
it certainly wouldn't have gotten blown up if it was a statue of Parnell or Emmett, kek
>A Belgian statue of Leopold II had a hand sawed off several years back, it was never found.
To be fair, what has Leopold II even done that would justify the Belgians taking pride in him. If I were Belgian, I'd rather see that statue replaced by that of a king who did something worth remembering, like Albert who took his tiny country and managed to delay the German invasion in WW1 long enough for the French to get their shit together.
>admits to having irish ancestors
>has a hate boner for ireland and catholicism
Kek, if you hate your blood that much why not off yourself?
Go back to first
>Leopold II had a hand sawed off
That's actually pretty great.
That's the point. The only real ties it has to Hitler is that it's his birth location. He moved away a short time later. The big deal is that even though it's a protected house due to its age and history, liberals are going to any lengths necessary to remove any history that they don't like.
The house is extensively documented, is protected, and has a moderately high value. The government has kept control over the lease to prevent the house being sold. There was no problem with the house standing since its construction and again no problem from 1945 until 2015 but all of a sudden there is a problem. It's history. Whether you like it or not it should not be torn down, especially when it's this small of a magnitude. Massive statues of Stalin or Lenin in Poland or East Germany is a different story but a house, come on...
The point I'm trying to make is that you should never deny your history and should never ever try to erase it. It's extremely sad that some people hate themselves so much that they would destroy their own land, culture, people, and country.
Thats in SA
Don't care much for it. It's just a reflex of the political climate of the time. IE angry hohols destroying Lenin statues and pro Russian donyestk restoring them.
Well, there is difference between "erasing history" and just destroying "some old house". Second is kind of necessary to not live in a literal mud hats, because they are so vintage and ancient. Shame of course, that people are blind to historical value of Hitlers Young Years.
>every ethnicity a nation is the only way to fix Africa
>but how dare you not want to live with migrants or mexicans
w e w
Rhodes literally laid down the foundations of modern South Africa
This house is in great condition and is surrounded by other buildings of the same style and age. The government appointed commission has stated that the only reason they are interested in tearing it down is because they don't want the house to become a pilgrimage sight for neo nazis, even though it never has been.
It hasn't been a problem for the last 71 years, why is it now?
>this triggers /leftypol/
one does not have to be white to be western, nor western to be white
>Decent looking statue overlooking a shitty city where the money should've gone
This kind of thing is why africa will always be irrelevant, or a pest to the international community, and nothing else.
Not do mention that even if they tear it down; its location will still be a neo nazi pilgrimage point.
They just want to damnatio memoriae Hitler
It looks really great but they should have put it up after developing things, sort of like a reward for themselves. Some people will say money shouldn't have been spent on it at all, I disagree, but they should have put it up in a more sincere context.
Justified but rude. If you object to honoring a person you disagree with, but the status in a museum exhibit about his or her misdeeds.
>Hating Catholicism
>Hating your own blood
Do not compute
You maybe meant Irish Christianity which the Popes made sure to wipe out?
Well, I'm not sure, am I REALLY againts it?
I don't like the taking down of statues, I would prefer it to be preserved somewhere instead of just broken anyways.
This is the thing that best korea build right?
there was also the whole
>The English should have purged those fucking clover monkeys.
yoke, but you're probably some yank retard saturated by /pol/ trash
Jus like any other cultural destruction it's stupid, a defacement, comes from a unappreciation for your own or other cultures; and a loss of knowledge for current and future generations
You are probably some papist anally infringed choirboy not understanding how stupid just putting "catholic" in there makes things look.
Catholicism was one of the main things the Irish people clung to as their culture was stripped away from them
if your ancestors were """""Irish""""" they must have been orangeutans, explains the chord of niggardry in your posts
>Catholic Church support the Norman conquest of the Irish to destroy their culture
>Try to save the little that's left of it only when England goes Proddie
Thank you papa.
>Norman conquest of the Irish to destroy their culture
you have no idea what you're on about, the Normans were integrating into Irish society and some Lords even started adopting and adhering to the Brehon Laws, it wasn't until the Plantations and Penal Laws that shit started to go real bad
besides the eternal Leinsterman invited them in to begin with and the Pope who asked the Welsh-Normans to invade was an Englishman, one of the only ever English Popes
I believe it's in South Africa, which is more understandable - not that it's justified
90% of the time shit like this is just retarded middle-class students. They'll grow out of it
Some Brazilian leftists have defaced a statue for the Bandeirantes just before the municipal elections, but it backfired and the left-wing candidate lost hard.
Bandeirantes were not really good people. They were slavers and ruthless, but they also expanded Brazilian territory into the interior of South America so they are well respected. Without them, Brazil wouldn't exist as it does now.
But leftists only care about "muh oppression" so any historical legacy dealing with conquest must be erased.
Fucking noice, the world's largest monument to heroin.
I guess they're just jelly that they have no one of any great distinction to put up a statue of. And of course Gandhi looked down on blacks, who wouldn't, especially at the time? They really were smelly uneducated literal spear-chuckers.
He liked teen pussy, as any red-blooded man does. That's not the same as being a 'pedo'.
Norman names are stereotypical Irish names.
Black envy at work
they're just as common around my area as native Gaelic names
Columbus statue in Buenos Aires
You're thinking of Wellington m8
They are not. It's still uncertain what they'll do, though some town officials would like to tear it down. Hitler was born there and his family left when he was an infant. He himself would probably shrug about its demolition, as a distant faded memory.
Hitler there for less than 3 years... versus 60 years where it's been a bank, a library, a social help centre for retards, and school rooms. I'm no crypto-nazi fanboy, but destroying an old building because some tard lived there at a time when he was still shitting in a rag seems stupid. It's a shrine to neo-nazis? Rent it to some Jewish or do-gooder organization then, whatever.
Jesus it's the autist from /int/
>This is what happens when intolerant liberals get into power
Seriously, you should learn what the word actually fucking means. Throwing it around to mean anything remotely 'left' of what you believe only succeeds in making you look like a shit stain.