Oh fuck moments

>tightening bolt

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Feels bad

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>CEL with misfire

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>stop at traffic light
>suddenly rough idle
>engine stalls
>frantically turn key, manage to get engine fired up again
>need to stay on the throttle or it stalls again
>limp home

>next day
>everything's fine

Nice digits, both of you

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>grab drain plug ratchet
>already on loosen

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>loosening bolt with the strength of a retarded gorilla
>oh thank god
>look down
>bolt's fw


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>bearing whining loudly on right hand side
>stop at a shop to buy things
>come back
>bearing silent

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My old Maxima trolled me with the ol P0300 forever. Fucking thing always having some sort of ignition or cam timing issue

>power washing car
>always spray too close, never been a problem
>spray over formerly fractured but repaired front skirt
>5 inch fracture reappears with a loud SKKSKKREEENNK

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>whining stops
>ignore it and keep driving
It fixed itself

>misfires without CEL

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If this is true, its probably your fuel pump. My Intrigue and Miata both did this when the fuel pump got fucced

>Volvo 240
>Driving my friends home one night, maybe 11PM
>Check engine light comes on
>Car feels fine, keep going
>Notice battery light very very very slowly coming on
>Battery light gets brighter, interior dashboard lights getting dimmer
>Drop final friend off
>Blinkers now produce a very loud static noise through the speakers, radio not working, heat is gone
>turn off anything that sucks up electricity. Radio, A/C system, seat warmers, feels like I'm a pilot
>About 2 miles from home
>High beams are now dimmer than normal headlights
>Can't go over 20MPH, no matter what
>Interior lights are dead, CEL dead, battery light on but dim
>Have to drive in breakdown lane
>Top speed getting slower and slower
>Have to run 2 red lights to not stall out, yes I made sure the roads were clear before crossing
>Pic attached is me driving home
>Finally make it home
>Car dies in driveway

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Buddy of mine had an issue that if enough rain got in the undercarriage, it would short out the lights and literally cause the brake lights to explode

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>engine is making a new sound
>worry sets in

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>mindlessly shift from third into neutral without using the clutch
>engine immediately starts revving out of control, redlines until i put the clutch in


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always an adventure when your alternator shits out

>finished replacing brakes, forget to put parking brake back on after checking rear drum brakes.
>lowering the car, only the front left jackstand is still on
>as soon as jack takes the weight off the jackstand, the car rolls back slightly and falls off the jack and the jackstand
Thank fuck I wasn't in the way and all four wheels were already on.

>Flashing CEL and misfire codes with absolutely no signs of a legitimate misfire

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>no flashing cel
>run obd scan
>misfire count is non-zero on multiple cylinders

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>go around corner
>some faggot biker suddenly appears heading STRAIGHT to your hood
>barely makes it past you

I fucking hate bikers who cut corners and go into the opposite lane for that.
Fuck those fucking faggots, fuck them to hell.

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horrific flashbacks...

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>tightening bolt
>never tightens

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>tranny is puking fluid
>oh shit oh shit I have to work
>work parking lot now an EPA superfun site
>not enough fluid to drive home, autotragic
>mate takes me to buy more, I look at the pan expecting the worst
>forgot to tighten drain plug

Kill me

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My car has healed itself several times

Top kek

>trying to torque down bolt
>keeps on going

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>putting hundreds of pounds of torque onto unscrewing one bolt
>it finally gives
A good kind of oh fuck

>tfw i snapped a valve cover bolt off in the head of my GS550
>siliconed it back in so it wouldnt spin freely
>sold bike to a purple heart veteran buying his first bike a week later

im a terrible person

god this, my 3800 series 3 had this all the fucking time
>ignore CEL
>floor it
>CEL starts blinking telling you to stop
made me paranoid as fuck, even though the car performed fine

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exactly how happened. i was trying to torque the cover down in sequence with a new gasket so it would quit leaking. didnt leak after i broke the bolt and the guy i old it to barely knew how to ride (bought without test ride and rode it home in the rain) let alone do any work inside the engine.

that feel when the bolt gives and starts turning is like finally reaching orgasm

>driving old car
>go around corner
>fuel cuts to engine
>pull up
>take filter off carby
>carby right over extractors
>fuel runs out all over hot extractors

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>put valve cover gasket back on Miata
>Tighten down bolts
>1 more to go
>Tighten it
>Not tightening fully
>Keep tightening it
>Gets looser
>Bolt snaps
>Muh 1000 folded glorious Nippon steel
T-thanks Mazda

>put in trans cooler
>forget to tighten hose clamp
>car nearly loses all fluid
>refill trans and tighten clamp
>car won't go in 4th now

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>turn on air conditioning
>notice 50% reduction in power

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>Turn on Blinkers
>Horn Honks as the light flashes
Thanks Renault

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I had a 60s chrysler that would do this on really hot days. I think it was vapor lock, extra gas, or driving somewhere without stop and go traffic, made it go away.

>turn ignition
>starter goes CLUNK


The car in question was my dad's, not mine, but the story is real. The weirdest part is it never did anything like it again, so I'm guessing it was probably just some crud in the tank.

>refueling bike
>turn my head to mire a lady and for some reason take nozzle with me
>gas all over the engine
>anal puckering

Broke off a stud, then broke an easy-out. 3 weeks, 20+ bits, 6 punches, 4 picks later and I'm not any closer then I was.

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>Get retune
>Engine pinging at idle when hot
Nope nope nope

Got that shit back to the tuner asap it can sit there all damn Easter

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>upshift to 4th
>gas pedal does nothing
>no pressure at all
>transmission falls out the bottom of the car and gives me whiplash for a month
uncucked from a grand caravan the hard way

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>belt slipping noise only above 1500 rpms but moves to only above 2500 rpms and then stops

>mfw I drive an older 240 with no check engine light and an amp light that only lights up when I'm starting the engine or turning it off

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I have this happen a good bit. Should I be worried?

I had a series 2 3800 that did that when my cat was clogged

>Driving at night on highway, old car with 30 ah battery
>Next side road is 15 miles away
>Lol alternator light have fun
>Light mysteriously turns back off after few miles of panic

Anyone with the greentext about user and his volvo which fired his CDs at him when cornering at acceleration?

Fuck I know this feel



>understeer my FWD box over a curb on accident
>here a repeated loud clicking coming from the rear wheel well

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It depends whats causing it.

>boost kicks in
>puff of smoke out the tailpipes

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>tightening bolt
>suddenly much easier to turn

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>drop screw in engine bay
>don't hear it land

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>transmission fluid change
>realize you accidentally filled it with motor oil

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lmfao, I love this story. I had a much similar instance recently when I was driving my bf's ford five-hundred home. What's worse is I took it on a back road to get home and the triple A driver passed me and calls 20 minutes later saying he couldn't find my location (I was going N not S silly).

>mfw I open the hood and there’s oil EVERYWHERE
>there’s even oil on the inside of the hood
>oil pressure light coming on too
>go to change oil
>turn plug twice by hand and it falls into the drip pan
W-well, at least that problem is fixed...

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what the fcuk

>tfw you change your transmission fluid
>it's the same as your engine oil

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>rod knock

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>very slight rod knock thats getting very very slightly louder each day
i'm saving up for the inevitable.

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>Get a whine from my engine, its really noticeable when accelerating
>My friends think I supercharged my car, even though I didn't do shit

Sorry to hear it user.
>tfw oil starvation at Laguna Seca and engine blew less than a minute after knock started

Mine is from the fuckwit previous owner neglecting to change oil in a new motor he threw in, it has 30k miles yet its already knocking. You have no idea how livid the situation makes me feel.

Miata/MR2 drivers do this too.


>signing title of used car
>"Yeah, I'm a mechanic here in town."

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>driving 08 honda
>car reg is due and it needs a smog check
>any CEL or idiot lights = auto fail
>running some errands and decide i'll smog it the next day since its getting late
>hop in car to drive home
>check gas cap message comes up
>stop and shut off car, remove and replace gas cap
>start car and the error is still there
>get home and still there
>ffs why is this a thing, i'll deal with it tomorrow
>next day its off
thanks honda

>start car
>thick white smoke comes out the exhaust

what is wrong with this

oof, what MY?

Jesus get it bored out by a machine shop and filled.

>boost set to 19 PSI
>do track day, change oil
>suddenly peaking at 25 PSI

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In case you were wondering, it was the alternator that caused my 240 to act like that. So if that lil amp/battery light starts acting up like a cunt, better check that alternator