/dg/ - Destiny General
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L was smarter than Light
2/3 for nightfall pls respond
me and some nerd named miqqer
How do I finish await the world eater quest?
I responded to you in another thread.
>running around with crown-splitter
>meme spouting tryhard npcs
Jesus fuck.
>that guy who destroys the small taken blight before taking out the big one
>Level up the second nightstalker tree but don't take quiver
>use Orpheus rig
>I get infinite tethers, invis smoke and nades
>fire team gets infinite orbs as long as there are enemies
This is fucking insanity.
Like who?
>sometimes public events are full of people
>other times it's completely empty
what gives?
is there a quick rundown on which guns can/should be used well in hip fire? or if it's ever a good idea?
I have a hand canon that seems to be designed for it but it's still easier to kill ADS
>currently just doing heroic public events and doing the per planet questlines when i'm bored, turning in rep tokens when i can
You await the world eater
any porn of ikora getting bleached yet?
>his power level starts with a 2
Why aren't you gud at the game?
powerful engrams, brah
>Ran a few strikes, now I'm doing heroic public events
Oh boy is it slow
>don't have one other than strike
>i win
How the fuck
The "Perseverance" energy auto rifle from Veist has insanely good hipfire accuracy.
Base power too low even though they're both 254 defence?
I seriously don't get infusion.
That's some next level autism.
>Just got this from a bright engram
neat now I can piss off people in crucible even more
Do we know if there are specific weapons assigned to specific planets?
Like could I get a 'Call to Serve' on both the EDZ and Nessus, or a 'Show of Force' on Io or Titan?
Really trying to get The Old Fashioned HC
All guns can be hipfired and should be if you need to move and shoot.
Hipfire is dramatically better than in D1.
unbroken promise is the best sword
perk is basically triple tap for swords, but the uppercut can be done even with 1 ammo, triggering the perk. Unlimited ammo
for those wondering why my veins are glowing, the shaders from Planetary rep for some reason highlight certain parts of Exotic armour pieces. Only shaders from planets such as Nessus Mirage and Dead Zone Foilage produce this glow effect
But I'm at 280 :)
rat king quest cant be done solo? the part before the nightfall.
No. Wanna do it together on PSN?
It's not the only sword with that perk
Use medallion and do strikes. i've been rolling in the purples and exotics
I use my sword even if its out of ammo, I don't give a FUCK
It's so ugly though.
its a different perk, on unbroken promise its 3 consecutive hits grant ammo, not sure exactly how much, but I usually see +5
How much does your loot drop percentage go up? I'm grinding for PvP armor on my Titan and it's becoming a pain.
>got done farming gear for my hunter, and now I'm currently power levelling warlock and titan to get them raid ready
So I just got my Striker subclass back (fucking hell is the new version of the Super fun), but now I can't decide which of the 2 trees to focus on. I've heard that Pulse grenades are the hot shit for pure damage but it just doesn't sound as fun as the bottom tree.
Fun fact when Knockdown is active the veins glow blue no matter the shader you are using.
Synthoceps are such a great exotic.
>the gauntlets love their wielder
Love u 2 bby
Realistically speaking what LL do you guys think the raid will be? 270?
2nd character, be really good and carry clan through nightfall
Spits out a max of 320 gear
xbox :
What happens if the 1st raid on normal difficulty is rated for a mere 260 light, and all these people with near-300 LL will suddenly feel disappointed when they are barely challenged unlike when VoG was released?
it won't matter because the raid will have a prestige mode too.
Prestige mode is coming out in october though
Complain and then become elitist when people around the level are having difficulty
Dunemarchers give me Zhalo Superfists
Alright fuckers post your Raifus and rate other people's Raifu
Extra fun fact: Synthoceps' perk, when active, will also make your veins glow purple or orange if you're Sentinel/Sunbreaker
Are drops still tied to what you have equipped or is there another progression stat? I hate having to use shitty guns just because they have higher power.
Anyone for Nightfall?
So I did the one nightfall and got all gear to 265 or higher. What now?
They would if they fucking worked properly. It takes too long to build a charge and the chain does dick for damage.
As someone who jumped in incredibly late to the series it seems to me like people treat Destiny exactly like any other MMO, where they bumrush all the content and over-prepare like fucking crazy, finish new content in a matter of days, then spend the following months griping there's nothing to do.
Some things never change I guess.
The reload speed + lightweight make this gun absolutely ridiculous. You just shit out DPS.
>Good bone structure
Good gun. I got it earlier today and used it for a bit. 7/10 I'm not too much of a fan of shotguns.
Suros weapons are too damn sexy
Even the Suros Throwback is nice
Anyone on the Nightfall part of rat king that wants to do it?
If you're doing a nightfall on xb1 invite me, level 268. I don't have a mic but I'll listen carefully and am not a shitter.
Gamertag: Trumppppppppp (9 p's)
Forgot my party was on closed.
If anyone wants to run it just join on me.
You don't have to use any gun but the one you want. Loot drops are tied to your highest possible light not your current one equipped light level.
Do I have you on friends?
sun breakers any good again? they were kinda bad by the end of d1.
>only titan subclass with a proper ranged super
yes theyre god tier in pvp and pretty nice in a strike
7/10 get a better shader.
Post Guardians and compliment/R8 those before you.
The Leviathan is both a Ship AND a living creature in the Raid.
There is a (ship)flying portion in the Raid.
The Raid starts on Earth, and transitions to Outer Space.
It's the most technical of any Raid so far.
The music is epic.
There is a "mini horde mode" during one of the Boss fights.
There is a brand new visual effect introduced in the Raid.
The Raid weapons/armor are insane, and look to be the best set thus far.
The Nine are directly referenced multiple times in the Raid.
There is a "Labyrinth of the Consul" puzzle
Out classed by Striker and Defender utility in PvE but they do alright in PvP
Wish Bungie would introduce some type of solo queue for crucru because I'm sick of getting shit on by groups while everyone on my time runs around like headless chickens
Man warlocks look like shit.
I totally believe all of this
1 other goy for the Nightfall
Party is public so just join.
>Implying this thing doesn't look cool as fuck
>mini hoard mode
Laughs in nightstalker.
>play supremacy
>goes to time limit
>final score of 29-25
is this normal? I don't think I've had any game come close to hitting the score cap. supremacy is a grind now, everyone sticks together. no crest taken for granted
2 late, m8s
but i can run again if you want lol
Maybe on my warlock later.
>Prestige mode is 300LL
Anyone tried it yet?
Do the subclass items drop everywhere?
Yeah, I noticed. The upped mobility is nice to have back though
>enemy dares to send more than 6 cunts your way
>tether them
>get tether, melee, nade, and dodge back
>make enough orbs for each team mate to super twice back to back
>armour and recovery buffed out the ass
Hallowed be thy orpheus rig.
Reposting from old thread but has anyone else noticed shaders are glitched? I had a maroon shader on my autorifle but now it isn't there anymore, and it isn't in my inventory either.
at what light level should i do cade's stashes?
wait until 280+ or go ahead and just do them at 230
also where do i get these medallions everyone is talking about
>light 271
>still have yet to do a strike
are they worth doing?
Can you get exotics from non heroic public events?
yes. heroic you just have a better chance
if you want vanguard armor/weapons, then yes. if not, then no. they only scale 265.
>open bright engram
>get mind of its own
i dont even have a d.a.r.c.i and that skin looks horrible
Still looking to do NF. LL 265
How do you heroic the vex construction event?
I've captured each of the 3 control points just like in the VoG, and it spawns in Hydras. Then what?
Kill hydras
Is the game good? I've never played a destiny game before.
>tfw you literally just got this and was about to post it
please post the lore screen, there's something I want to check
anyone doing the rat king?
If it's 290 nobody aside from the 100 or so autistic NEETs and streamers who get to that level would be able to do it.