Losers edition
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Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com
WF news: semlar.com
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
Tierqueer Filters: git.io
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
good hema build?
No Nezha allowed
nth for simaris involved in PoE
Megan is better than Rebecca.
Rebbeca is hideous.
best DE is mynki
When did this happen? I've always thought this should have existed.
Serration, Split Chamber, Primed Cryo Rounds, Shred, 3 dual stat mods, dmg+multi+negative riven.
>best DE is mynki
>implying that fag is still apart of de
Watch your tongue. DE isn't pedo.
Maybe Sheldon is.
>Akjagara Riven
Fuck off
becca's a whore
did I trigger you
because real best de is geoff
Are Rebecca and Megan a couple?
Umbra soon
I can agree to that.
Get off your ass and do a second set of idle stances for melees by type, Geoffcalibur
>tfw you can't snuff preteen space wizards.
I just want to kill children. Is that too much to ask?
So I just got to Phobos when do I start getting this Riven shit is that like waaaaaaay at the endgame?
>Kuva flood on a corpus vs infestation crossfire
That was actually pretty fun, trying to just survive while all 3 factions were tearing each other apart.
The slaughter of Morax
Yes. Now buy my game. Don't think of those other ones where you can kill kids.
also support my good friend Steve and buy his game after buying mine
you have to complete "the war within" quest first
check your codex
pay attention to the tips and tricks on the loading screen, 10O! :^)
they have a half life of 24 hours
is there a chart somewhere for (unranked) riven endo return depending on their number of rolls?
Operator guro
you fucking disgust me
Sick fuck
>anasa sculpture
>anasa sculpture
>4000 Endo
>3 day booster
>anasa sculpture
>naramon lens
wow i sure feel lucky getting all these silver drops this week
all i want are fucking rivens ....end me
We all hate operators but this is fucking disgusting
Hey kiddo
When will we get another blue potato?
what attachment kind of looks like bird wings?
Nekros Prime
Sold a maxed primed pressure point for 330p, did i get jewed?
Hold on let me just ask my primed mod dealer
not an attachment
Yes, I bought one for less than 50plat
meh, falls a little flat.
Is it worth grinding for the Lenz if I just want an aoe primary?
hey guys, me and my friend are both mr 18 but haven't played in a while, whats the best credit farm in the game? Is it still chroma on DSD?
No that was nerfed. Now you play index for credits.
Top fucking KEK, I bought a Arca Plasmor riven for 1k, rolled that shit and sold ir for 2.2k.
I wonder how long will last this fever for the new toy. Still the Arca Plasmor is not worth paying that much to be honest, struggles against enemies above lvl 70-80 and everything that is eximus or with some resistance make the weapon almost shit.
Chroma/Rhino/Ash on Index
I think you need to sleep dude
Did i do good today?
mm There is not that much grind involved with it , other options are the Zarr ( requires Drakoon and kuvaa ) Ignis Wraith or Opticor
I was going to buy that fags riven but he tried to jew me by saying "the current offer is 1k." If that's the offer then why have you not sold it to that person? Oh, you want me to go higher, fuck off.
>selling rivens 50% off
this is why you need a riven dealer
I see that you are paying with platinum points that you have no doubt acquired through the market. You did nothing wrong by supporting this game that you LOVE, a game that constantly gives out FREE content. Don't listen to the FREELOADERS in this thread and keep buying Riven Weapon Cards from your Riven Dealer. Have fun while supporting the DEVELEOPERS that you love.
you are right, I lied a little.
I'm the samefag who posted about the PPP, I've only recently begun trying to jew.
r8 my first riven
luckily i just finished building the rubico
unfortunately i am mr 9
People is going full retard for a weapon that's not even that good LOL.
Vaykor Hek can do a much better job than the Arca Plasmor and we compare it with the Opticor or the Lenz it goes straight into the mastery fodder tier. I jewed a nigger raising the price by a lot and they offered that so I'd take it.
Just wait 2 or 3 weeks, you will get a riven for that at 300-600p easily.
Reroll it a few times.
is the game good yet
are the old frames good yet
Index if you can't get a group, raids otherwise.
>mfw actual operator guro
I'm glad this little piece of abstract space horror is still floating around
High Roller Credit Bundle
Its fixed now.
Reroll it 200 times
I don't have the resources to research it even.
I kinda like this color scheme, it's just stand out enough so you can tell where the abilities are, and just hidden to where it isn't blinding
For a frame with a really interesting feature, Octavia's really fucking boring like holy shit
Only after you show what you resold them for.
You are reselling them, right?
>have the possibility to have a nice gradient of color tints with a nice accent to top it all off
>puts pure black with yellow energy
/wfg/ everyone.
i dont have that many colors
and if you dont add that many altering colors it looks simplier which is a style in its own.
>be a poorfag
/wfg/ everyone
>just bought a veiled melee riven for 15p
wew lad
Dual skana incoming
Dual Raza incoming
cronus inc.
>hurrr, why is my gun suddenly not killing anything
>upgrade a few mods, now one shot everything again
Wow I retard
New deluxe skins when
I plan to, but the goyim part of me just wants to keep it.
What's the range I need for a Pilfering Swarm Hydroid?
Don't you think everyone here when through that?
>Announcement: The beta is now over! With testing complete all inventories will be reset and all platinum will be returned to whoever purchased it.
Would you quit?
>Finally got around to making that slide attack macro that bypasses the afk detector.
Now I can sit at my computer and watch the game play itself, what a time to be alive.
First of all, only closed beta inventories can be reset. Open beta inventory is for keeps. Thems the laws.
no, because this would clearly mean that someone had bought the game from DE and decided to start from scratch with the economy and player progression, so there might finally be hope
maybe I'm delusional
Ceramic dagger
Try going into solo, looking at a camera, and pausing.
Best 15p I ever spent
I have an atterax with maiming strike from the last acolyte event.
Everything else feels like shit. No gun comes even close to what my atterax can do. I'm literally always 50%+ on dmg done with only spin2win.
Leveling other melee weapons is dreadful and makes my hydron pubs take twice as long.
I wish they fucking nerfed this mod.
i- i dont know how to feel right now
bullshit and ruse but nice luck anyway